Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Much To Fix Gash In Bumper

counting down!

It's in the second and therefore last round of my stay, Russia!

On 29 January came from Ottmar and his colleagues against the late afternoon in Chelyabinsk. It went straight through once all the projects were then set up Four is a bit homely while I cooked (ok, I've thrown Warinikis finished in hot water).
was really planned out that we go into town but I was exhausted and it would be with the Tramwai also become relatively scarce.
The next morning it was early in the show, which took place in the same time a baptism. Then we briefly
have invited Father William for breakfast and at 11 clock, we went with two cars in a rehabilitation center for drug-and alcohol-dependent People.
were, where we once rumgeführt and had a chat afterwards for tea with the head of the institution (yes, I had all the time sat-understanding has probably worked out quite well but the translating was of German questions into Russian but really difficult).
This facility is funded solely through donations, all the rehabilitation is conducted by alumni and read the Bible and praying is more than three times a day on the plan.
The center is located just outside the city on a former farm building and the people there all in self-work.
Then we have still done on the way back just over the Chelyabinsk Arbat run.


evening, then a train to Omsk. I have met on this occasion the first time the board restaurant rather not that nice.
are morning we arrived in Omsk, after I had a fairly sleepless night because we were lucky in our just a mom of four to have with a child. The child was crying the whole time like, the.
have arrived in Omsk we drove directly to the charity and there have looked at the projects and then celebrated a mass. In the evening we have made a little stroll. The next morning we went
very early after Slawianka, a village which is a few hours from Omsk is located.
Slawianka has been the worst I have ever seen and it can be as bad in the village have not even I expected.
the resident children's club is housed in a building a block by no one else lives. A few years ago was in the winter Slawianka an accident in which all the radiators are burst, since there the heaters are warmed with water is all water withdrawn and frozen at -30 degrees. There were funds and disaster relief, but since a lot of money seems to have been also bulged to the intended purpose ...
In any case, are in the village three or four of these log cabins in a row and where vlt earlier. 30 families in einem Haus gewohnt haben, wohnen heute noch 2 Familien oder gar keine mehr.
Wir wurden von einer Frau in ihre Wohung eingeladen, welche in eben solch einem Haus liegt (eine von 2 übrigen Wohungen). In der Wohnung herrschten -10 Grad. Die Heizung funktioniert nicht, der einzige Raum über Null ist das Schlafzimmer in dem sie mit ihrem Mann und Kind zusammen lebt. Dort heizt eine Heizung die über Strom betrieben wird, den Strom hat die Frau übrigens selber illegal abgezwackt.
Ihr Mann arbeitet und verdient im Monat 5000 Rubel (ca. 120 Euro), die Kosten für Abfall, Abwasser etc. ihrer Eigentumswohung betragen momentan 6000 Rubel.
Das große Problem ist, dass über ihrer Wohung und auch über dem Kinderklub niemand lives and have gone when people were windows, floors, doors, everything ripped out and taken away, so there really looks like a shell. This can occur
water and frost, of course freely into the house and everything is still wet and moves downwards.
The village is generally impoverished, earlier there was a workshop for tractors, the only one in Russia with a few thousand jobs, when it was closed, it went downhill with the village. We were shown a photo in which a man and a woman lying on the ground, both to each other on the abdomen with the faces. What are they doing down there? They talk to each other because they are too drunk to, we are the same lying made. went

evening it on to Novosibirsk, again by train, slept badly again, why I also know non-vlt.weil it hot in the train was 27 degrees. From the station has
Lisa picked us up and brought to the charity.
We were a day in Tomsk and there have looked at the Caritas. However, see below more ...
One evening we were were in a symphony orchestra and I thought nothing at all for me and I would sleep just a little. It was awesome! So beautiful that I first got goose bumps! WOW.

then wobbled to and from the other volunteers on (sometimes after three nights on the train) and on Saturday went Ottmar colleagues and Julia came to be the last of St. Peter.
Sunday night it was for us then to the village after Motschische where Caritas has a huge house for seminars etc..
Monday began our intermediate course, and after lunch (we were just wonderful care from morning to evening, without which we had to lift a finger), we have dared to in-house cross-country skis. I would say I'm not the greatest talent but it is fun already. Incidentally, it was very cold:

result of the expedition by the way, two broken skis (mine are still intact!)

Wednesdays are We then (for me 2nd time) went to Tomsk. This was an action. Actually, the driver should go to the Caritas us the 4.5 hours walk from Tomsk but we got a call Tuesday that it will be -38 degrees and in these circumstances we can not drive a car. We then decided on the bus and the Wednesday morning to the car station. Alles gut, der Bus fuhr auch ab und die ersten 2 Stunden ging alles gut. Dann allerdings hielt der Bus kurz, um eine Frau springen zu lassen-tja, das hat gereicht um die Bremsscheiben einfrieren zu lassen-nichts ging mehr. Gut das der erfahrene russische Busfahrer immer ne Pulle hochprozentigen dabei hat, damit ließen sich die Bremsscheiben nach einiger Zeit (in der es sehr kalt im Bus wurde) wieder lockern.
Danach ging es zum Glück planmässig weiter.
Abends kam unser Bus erst gar nicht (angeblich eine Panne) und wir mussten eine Stunde warten.
Tomsk ist übrigens eine schöne Stadt, ich persönlich finde, dass es die schönste Stadt Sibiriens ist (naja, von denen die ich bisher gesehen habe zumindest).
The intermediate course was otherwise very intense, very funny and a bit like a different world. Well, now I'm back in my real world (after I again spent a night on the train and slept bad again, it was diemal I believe that the creators at every stop like crazy tap off the wagon, as indeed among all freeze. It can be seen Traderjob also funny designs from hot water bottles and tubes with hot water to melt the ice) and hammers echoed through the whole of this wagon, I had also once again by Kazakhstan and the border guards always trample through the train.
Well, since Sunday I'm back home and guess what? It was -3 Degree as I climbed off the train! The sun was shining and the ice melts ... I kept thinking this is something komsich noticed until I have it is the silence! The snow under your boots quitscht no more and the birds chirping. Herrlich, watt I'm looking forward to the summer! Speaking of summer: get my dad and my sister!
have I also planned my vacation. I will travel with Julia end of July in the Altai and Lake Baikal.
My return flight will probably be the beginning of August.

I have still a few things for my last few months made, I have discussed everything with Natasha, my holiday is fixed and I told her what I've done yet and they will support me. So I'm the best things that my next time here is really good and am looking forward to everything coming soon!
Supplement: (! Thereafter, sauna and jacuzzi) I was now in the fitness club and hurts me everything but it damn well done in times Černý is the chance again and now I go twice a week for fitness training, with Andrei I had made an appointment only once a week to practice Russian.
I also was Monday evening (Monatg and Tuesday were free as was the day the patriots here) drei Klubs (ich war in Tscheljabinsk noch nie im Klub und wenn ich dann gehe gleich in drei ;) ). Es war richtig fein mal wieder auszugehen aber mir liegt die russische Klubmentalität nicht besonders...die Frauen haben fast nichts an und die wenigen Männer benehmen sich alle völlig daneben.

Gut, ich habe mal wieder vieles vergessen aber ich denke das ist ersteinmal genug Lesestoff!

Auf besonderen Wunsch hin hier noch ein paar Bilder von meinem Russian Home:

Oh yes: As I wrote this report a week ago but it could provide not online, as our web has once again not working, has done something here:

It is again cold and windy! And it has been snowing again rough. Too bad-too early happy.


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