.... y mucho más!
Wie weit seid ihr noch einmal auf dem Laufenden!? Naja, letzten Freitag sind wir ja in Lima angekommen. Der Couchsurfer Marco hat uns ganz lieb mit einem peruanischen "Pisco Sour" empfangen und bei der Gelegenheit haben wir seine beiden anderen Gáste, ein Páarchen aus Texas/USA kennengelernt und sind zu fúnft auch gleich das erste Mal ins Stadtzentrum ins Viertel "Barranco" auf einen weiteren Pisco Sour! Samstag Fruh, Marco úberlassen us and the fate of his apartment because he entered the country home of his parents about actual price reductions weekend has gone. The four of us then so once the "Ceviche" went to eat, so raw fish with spicy sauce (very tasty) and then to the center. At the tourist-train I was not able to run past, so we have half an hour sitting ail churches, squares and buildings scoured. A number of other couch surfers has already expect us then to go together in the famous catacombs of the Church of San Francisco and then to make a very unconventional tourist tour of China Town ..... worse than I did in New York memory have! In the evening we went by night bus to Trujillo in northern Peru, where we have folded tert upon his arrival with a taxi driver ail Archeological Excavations. Before the Incas, it was finally other ruling Indian tribe, such as the human-sacrificing Moche! The rest of the day / evening we spent at the beach in nearby Huanchaco and observed, among other things a fabulous sunset. The next morning we went a little run by Trujillo, us 3 hours set in the bus to Chiclayo (turn north), are then left with the taxi, the sights and have then quickly decided to drive through to Guayaquil, Ecuador . So once another 3 hours of Chiclayo to Piura and after a short tour of the city still in Piura by night bus - and we spent half the night at border stations - we went so far north that we are early in the morning arrived in Guayaquil. This tropical city is the biggest gay city in Ecuador, although not the capital ..... and more importantly it is known Darfur, that one can find last minute BARGAINS to the Galapagos Islands. With bag and baggage, so we are expired first three hours and about 10 travel agencies have sought deals ..... around noon we decided a while Then for our "breakfast" and then posted. In the travel agency we have - our happy Tickets holding in his hand - are then let us have our backpack and still considered the center of Guayaquil ...... and then it went back on to the bus terminal at night bus to Quito, so to finish in the capital! After 48 hours on the road and two consecutive nights in buses - "Why a hostel / hotel if there's even buses," according to the motto Are we finally arrived in Quito. A friend from my semester abroad in Rosario comes namely from Quito, and had invited us. When they gave us (stinking) picked up bag and baggage, but we are not first to shower down, but in their "Nobel's University" and have your group presentation may not carry the specialized track of anthropology. So that was Wednesday morning to ..... at noon we went to her home, have finally taken a shower and drove to the equatorial line, which is only about 10km away from her home. There are several museums to Ecuadorian culture still connected, really very interesting, especially with Andrea's Erláuterungen! In Ushuaia - that al fin del mundo - By the way, I was still exactly 2 weeks before ..... all been around it!! When we went to eat then what, "said Andrea to be about half an hour later have an examination, in Statistics and eat, therefore faster .......... as you can only remain so calm? ? Well, after their examination, we have arranged to meet us and we will definitely be back then with her mother und Schwester zum monatlichen Hamster-Kauf in der Shopping Mall getroffen. Die letzte Nacht war aus 2 Grúnden dann recht kurz....erstens, weil wir uns Quito noch bei Nacht angesehen haben, und zweitens weil Gabriel und ich gegen 4:30h morgens schon aufgestanden sind, und mit Taxi und Bus etwa 100km súdlich von Quito zum hóchsten noch aktiven Vulkan der Welt gefahren sind, dem "Cotopaxi". Quito liegt auf etwa 2800 Hóhenmetern, der Cotopaxi auf 5897 Hóhenmetern............naja, und bei etwa 5000 Hóhenmetern liegt die Schneegrenze: DA MUSSTE ICH HIN!!!!! Etwas durch die Hóhenkrankheit geschlaucht sind wir also heute Mittag auf 5000 Hóhenmetern angekommen. Nachmittags hatten wir noch ein bisschen Zeit, bei Tag durch die Altstadt to run from Quito, the streets and churches, many of great charm ..... then has picked us up Andrea and her mother cooked a typical Ecuadorian meal: shrimp in coconut-lime sauce with rice and fried bananas! That was delicious!! And to just another 5 friends of Andrea were visiting for a few beers and swim in the indoor swimming pool ....! I am again quite shocked when I look at the clock, because now it's 1:30 and my alarm clock in 3 hours is because we are the taxi pick up at 5am in the morning, because Gabriel and I yes for 4 days, the Galapagos islands on a boat trip fly ....! I hereby announce myself so fór's first time back now and sign up for news!
loving greeting and good night der hundemúden Verena
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