summer, sun, Copacabana & caipirinha ....
As the time goes into the country but ..... since the last Blog entry is a huge amount happened ...! First I've worked through about 10 days, day and night ... I'm partial plan came after 15 hours at the desk that I'm so out of bed I put there directly - pull out without brushing and pajamas - but good, but I also really continue what do ..! After all the work, the reward came for all .. even more generous! Last week I went to Buenos Aires, have there been on the bike yet another city tour of hidden parts of the city .... and you have a "night of nights" begun .... where it all began ... by BRAZIL !! With a student organization that repeatedly have organized trips and excursions and the like, Tina and I have therefore signed up for a trip to Brazil. With 30 other international students (from Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, France, Italy, USA, UK, etc and 3 other Germans) is the group that is more or less without Argentines in Buenos Aires broken. By bus shortly after midnight, set off to the airport, we sat in the first flight to Sao Paolo, where we look at the cathedral, the largest stock exchange in South America (with operator), who viewed by nem tower the whole town and the market. From there we went by bus in the evening back on to Angra dos Reis, where we were staying right on the Atlantic. After only a few hours sleep, we are the hotel's own boat so to a day of Caipirinha and the like broken on the water. Of the 300 small islands, which lie there on the coast, we have seen some and bathed in the nearly white sand beaches ...! On the evening we then went to Rio de Janeiro, where we were staying at the foot of the favela in a castle-like hostel. To 3 dorms à 10-12 people we were distributed. As for all the people but only 4 showers in the house was available, and because we arrived after midnight, it was said to hurry up .... we should try to live to Rio at night! So we are after a short refreshment risen again in the bus and driven to a Samba school in the middle of the favela. That was really exciting! When we were finally back in the hostel back then, were only less than 2 hours to sleep before we had to check again, and a morning tour of the favelas - have received - that is, the favela. Normally, because tourists can not look ... but in the context of groups where people do nothing .... a really amazing how such a mafia network works ..... something has to be experienced, I can do now but ill describe .... in wiki's at least a better idea:!
went after it directly to the largest football stadium in the world, "Marancana ".... after the tour there we have a short stop on the Carnival-mile Rios are halted and then booted up with cable cars to Sugar Loaf and have enjoyed the view ...! Well, one thing has been missing at the prospect, as the famous statue of Jesus was of course just off the top of the hillock on which it is lost in the fog ... and it did not change anything. go high then we could ultimately not ... but the evening we have - waiting for a dial tone from there - spent at the Copacabana. Then we sat for hours in the bus until we arrived late at night in Búzios, where we could obtain a huge villa for 2 nights. Which had about 15 bedrooms, swimming pool in the garden, Jacuzzi, was on NEM small hill overlooking das Meer etwa 300 Meter von ebendiesem entfernt....und hatte auch noch 5 Hausangestellte inklusive, die uns bekocht und mit Caipi versorgt haben. Einfach traumhaft....die Nacht haben wir dann also Schach, Billard und Kicker spielend verbracht...immer mit einem Caipi in der Hand :)! Da es mitten in der Nacht fürchterlich zu gewittern begonnen hat, war der Sonntag dann natürlich sprichwörtlich ins Wasser gefallen....somit durften wir dann ausnahmsweise ausschlafen, und sind nachmittags von Aussichtspunkt zu Aussichtspunkt in der näheren Umgebung unterwegs gewesen, bevor wir uns dann im Örtchen zum "shoppen" eingefunden haben. Als wir abends wieder ins Haus zurück kamen, wartete schon ein üppiges Asado - also sämtliche gegrillte Fleischsorten the town red - on us. (Not to mention the Caipi) A walk on the beach, guitar on the beach and at night swim in the Atlantic, we round off the trip then. Monday we were clarified only in the bus to drive back to Sao Paolo, from there to Buenos Aires to fly and by bus and taxi finally get back to Tina's apartment. Tuesday morning, then we have exchanged some photos and I was back on the way to Rosario, where I am from the bus drove right into my lecture - with bag and baggage. Once there, I was invited to a birthday party ... where once again went the whole year ... I could not then. come home after the lecture so I have only my clothes quickly in the laundry and was placed again on the way .... what a stress!
If you think that this trip was one Feierei, but is only partially correct because the eternal bus rides .... I'm already used to take me to my next test in December and prepare for prefabricate. I myself am for breakfast got some, and I have them again with highlighters and the like sitting on my books! The time I was able to exploit so again perfectly!
my first real day back in Rosario back so I have today - to take things quite comfortable - Wednesday. Jules and I have met to drink coffee, then along the river stroll and just let the sun and Rosario affect us. Tomorrow is the (learning) Stress So again to the full on, and I therefore make me finally on the way to bed! Good night
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