Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cat And Enlarged Spleen

This, That and That

ICEHOCKEY: I am now an expert in Icehockey. I've seen two games in a row, in which both times were a team, unfortunately, the other failed completely, which the whole has something stolen from the tension. It was very interesting times in the spectacle to behold, especially as in a huge, newly opened stadium took place, but to me, the players are all wrapped up to. For the female eye meienr think is nothing. As one can look at better basketball because the players wear no helmets and no thick jerseys;)

STAMMTISCH: Yes friends, there are recently a German meeting in Chelyabinsk. Last week here in Chelyabinsk German daily (which I heard but unfortunately only at the end). It was inter alia, a German film in the cinema, the times I'm spontaneous sole risk. I was told that I must take tram and how the station is called. No problem thinking. On the very day the number 3 of course went not to the required stop. I was fortunate to die Schaffnerin gefragt ob sie mir sagen kann wenn wir da sind, die mir dann den Weg von einer anderen Haltestelle zum Ziel aufgemalt hat, sonst wäre ich wohl eingfach weitergefahren in der Hoffnung der Revolutionsplatz wuerde noch kommen.
Also ich aus der Strassenbahn raus, fragt mich gleich ein junger Mann wo ich hin muss und ob er mir helfen kann, ich ihm also gesagt wo ich hin möchte und er hat mich hingebracht. Ich hab mich natürlich nett bedankt und wir haben uns vorm Kino verabschiedet. 1 Minute später stürmt er ins Foyer des Kinos um mir wortlos einen Blumenstrauss in die Hand zu druecken, bevor ich überhaupt was sagen konnte war er schon wieder fort.
Der Blumenstrauss war relativ hässlich, ein Blume mit Goldstaub besprüht and pine branches around it but, well, I saw him then thrown away and then because I was too stupid to stand alone, but with precious flowers in his hand. : D
Well, in any case, there are four most recently in the German city. Two work at the university, one is in charge of the German culture and organized by the German daily (and called the master table to life) and myself.
The parent table were so 4 German and about 12 Russians who have all studied German and can speak pretty good German. What I was particularly pleased that young students are also 3 of them, (which are about 19 years old and very good German speaking), the super sweet, and I immediately offered me anything to have again show, etc. I was also invited to the same birthday, but I have to work unfortunately.
refers to the entire now once a week instead of a super cozy cafe. And now comes the
Oberhammer: Friends, this New Moon is already on 19 started! Haha, the Russians were faster than the Germans (I will go in next week may be the have not synchroinisiert but simply clumsy speaking Russian text over the English off without the English, which upsets me completely because I will always understand the English but not the Russian) that I've heard that out of the Russians at the World Cup are?

EUROPA: I was a week ago with the pastor and two sisters in Magnetogorsk (no idea how this is written) there to hold a religious service. Magnetogorsk is already partly in Europe, the Ural River divides the city into two parts there. So I'm 5 hours there and 4.5 hours back down to spend an hour in Europe;). The Krasse was there that you could really see how there was a poisonous cloud over the industrial part of town.

Otherwise, I liked the countryside around the city very much, namely because there were no trees (do not know why vlt. Because of the bad air). On the site is a Catholic church to be built:

Diesen Samstag war ich dann in Miass und Slataust (auch schon Europa), was landschaftlich schon im Herzen des Urals liegt. Dort gibt es auch den Grenzpfahl zwischen Asien und Europa, ich fand den jetzt nicht so sonderlich schön gestaltet und aufregend aber immerhin kann ich jetzt behaupten das ich mit einem bein in Europa und mit dem Anderen in Asien stand (wow).

QUARANTÄNE: Tscheljabinsk versinkt in der Grippe.Die Schulen sind zum Teil in der 4. Woche Qarantäne (ok, davon war eine Woche Ferien) und der Kinderklub durfte die letzten zwei Wochen auch nicht arbeiten, was bedeutet das wir renoviert haben (neuer Boden und so).
Ob die nächste Woche auch noch Quarantäne ist weiss ich noch nicht, in Miass ist even at 29 am Quarantine is in Slataust tomorrow work again. The quarantine period will be deducted from the way the summer holidays, ie there are only 2 instead of 3 months of summer vacation.

OTHER: girls, I can make my artificial nails: D Also, I've bought here a winter jeans, I never knew such a thing exist. Jeans are lined with felt-out looks ugly but is actually a lot warmer.
Tonight it goes to the theater and when the KK should go back to work we go to the park cross country ski. In KK, I now also get its own little project:) Otherwise
is my third month already almost over and right now gallops time only Sun over. Next Sunday is already the first Advent!

That was back for our first time! Best regards to all the items, visit here now and again!


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