inspection stop in Rosario
had since my last post 10 days ago so again a lot going on .....! Tucuman is the way the "Philadelphia South America", because the independence was declared by the colonial powers .... but what really every city in South America I have ever seen, one is her for a half-hour walk through the city center with all the sights by .. .. well, Tucuman was additionally containing the Independence Museum with background information. Again in the night bus we continued along the Andes south to San Juan. This city had been described even in guidebooks as spectacular, and it did. Since war mal wieder der übliche kleine Park im Stadtzentrum und ein Turm der Kathedrale, auf den man hoch konnte um die Aussicht über Stadt und Umgebung zu genießen. Aber unmittelbarer Nähe bin ich auf etwas ganz Bizarres gestoßen: die Disfunta Correa. Ein argentinischer Wallfahrtsort, der nicht offiziell Wallfahrtsort ist....aber von Argentiniern als solcher verehrt wird. Diese Dame ist nämlich ihrem Mann im Krieg samt Kleinkind hinterhergeeilt und verdurstet, ihr Kind hat aber überlebt, und wurde an ihrer Brust gefunden...! Sie ist also so etwas wie der Hl. Christophorus bei uns...für alle Reisenden. Auf dem kleinen Hügel waren also Gänge aufgebaut, die mit Kennzeichen von dankbaren Leuten gepflastert waren. Bis der Bus in the city were back then was announced hours of learning in the cafe, so could the time be at least well used. Sunday early morning we went on to Barreal, where I really wanted to wind maps in a sand desert in the middle of a mountain where, with adjacent nature park ... but typical Argentine it worked, of course not, unfortunately: (With plan amendments and replacement programs, I'm not so embarrassed! so I drove to the nearby observatory ... the also the largest and most important of South America .... so I will at least have the Saturn and the moon can take a closer look at other things .... Late at night we went back San Juan ... back in the morning there arrived, was again a longer waiting time announced, because yet again - was canceled a booked trip - after Argentine style. Around noon, I was able to take the next bus but still Fértil to Valle, where I on Tuesday day trips to the major national parks Valle de la Luna - where the world's oldest dinosaurs have been discovered - and I have taken Talampaya. Then the next night in the bus came, and that to Mendoza. An afternoon stroll through the city, including mate-drinking has also this time includes all the attractions are many avenues available here .... stop! Thursday until the bus in the suburb of Maipu, we are bike hire, wine museum Winery to the tasting since I was gone .... lack of breakfast, afternoon I was particularly inspired to go Paraglyden and the view over the top right of Mendoza to enjoy it again. The next day, on a day trip some people from the hostel went to my beloved Aconcagua - the highest mountain outside Asia - and certainly also the highest mountain in South America .... just under 7000m .... so one of the Seven Summits ..! Unfortunately I'm not holding up quite come up ... and because of my test today so not least to the base camp (Friday evening, the hostel has organized with his two other partners hostels in Mendoza again a asado, so a BBQ! ..... and I think I've never eaten so much meat at one time as in the evening. Not only according to my projections was more than 1kg of beef .... and with the delicious red wine from the wine region of Argentina - Mendoza So - just a fantastic evening! could then Saturday was actually at least ne small hike on the program are, but somehow that was just a small hill from which one ..... then at least a few meters abseil again. The subsequent rafting of 12km in 4-waters was truly exciting! Has made the right mood! Well, and already I'm back after a direct night bus Rosario .....! It was really funny, all homeless again to arrive and then go directly to Jule ... so we have been Friday at 8 o'clock in the morning until this afternoon ..... learned by a dash for the exam "Etica y empresa", which I now verbally - and with good success - filed in English. Well, and Jules is now time - the end of November - from her room ..... it is packing off their 7 things together, and then we move to Lisandro and Lucy ...... to 2 boys, 2 girls. ... Mini-apartment Couchsurfing .... pure ... I'm looking forward ..! But well, Jules and I are off tomorrow morning so sit back anyway all the time in the library of the university, because the next test is on Friday ....! News is so well .. only to put back in 2 weeks!
Bussal of Vrenal
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