a journey ...
... in the past. So at least for me came from the two trips, made by the children's club this week because the children had a week of vacation.
Wednesday we went to an ostrich farm and Thursday (actually, the holiday but KK has worked anyway) we went into town Miass. Miass is about 2 hours by bus away in the Ural Mountains where we visited a museum and a stone forest.
But first things first. So Wednesday was to visit the ostrich farm on the program. So let's beautiful in a modern tourist bus to the high End of the world down, where there are no paved roads more, which represented but because of the frozen ground is no problem.
of manufactured houses where I actually asked almost every time, whether because most people seriously live there, the smoking chimney walks gave me the answer.
of manufactured wood, lots of birch forest and everything! No matter where you look birch trees that look like death because all the leaves have fallen, so if someone has set nals 10000000 huge matches.
I can not describe all the impressions, but at least try it again: white birch, yellow plains, Lodges by partial truly magnificent Painting tried to beautify the landscape, dachas look totally abandoned (and, usually in winter) are ice fishing (yes, I did catch the first people seen on the ice-worn idea if I imagine have to like get cold), no sun (which can not look at the moment, all is gray ind gray here) happen to the cows, the road slowly, (break in the quality of hay dad would probably in tears) reported a haystack, a donkey pulls a cart on which a loose haystack, is an ox pulling a cart (!!!) with a man on it (no joke, I've caught at the sight laugh too because I so do not as know-where are the Executor?) And much, much NOTHING.
(The images were made partially out of the bus and therefore are unfortunately a bit blurred)
I thought it was the beginning absolutely amazing and the longer we went through this landscape more boring and dreary all looked at me. I can still say now is not whether beautiful or ugly, it's definitely different. In any case, it was interesting and fastzinierend ao much new but I had to swallow and digest Thursday I seriously fell into bed at 17:30 because I could not.
The nurses here and the more often a priest do think of me and I sometimes take to the country, ie Ich werde noch mehr Reisen in die Vergangenheit machen können und ich bin schon wirklich gespannt darauf :)
Naja, ich will mal etwas näher auf die Ziele der Ausflüge eingehen.
Mittwoch die Straussenfarm am Ende der Welt. Straussen kennt ja denk ich jeder von uns, ich finde die etwas unheimlich weil die so lange Hälse haben und so grosse Schnäbel aber die Kinder haben sie trotzdem fleissig gefüttert. Es war unendlich kalt dahinten auf dem Dorf und ich wusste gar nicht wie ich mein Butterbrot essen sollte, weil meine Hände trotz Handschuhe eingefroren waren.
Interessant war dort noch die Toilette:
Zu the toilets here I must digress and say that I was involved last Friday, a mother with child prisoners to the station (the prisoners in the prison look like prison camps ... for some number on the back and the whole impression halt). The station is Tschljabinsker I think one of the most modern and newest and most beautiful in Russia and I wanted to merry the toilet. So I paid my fine 10 rubles, taken some toilet paper and opened the door to the toilet: Oh dear! Two steps into one: HOLE. That's what I call delux go to the toilet-stand on a podium and I aim at a hole. Ok friends, here you learn to pee standing up! : D
Thursday then the forest. Yes, The forest was just a forest with a few large stones in it. I have now sooo not particularly interesting (it was mega stressful in the cold to climb through the forest with a child on each finger). The only notable is probably that it's not concerned a birch forest-no! It was a coniferous forest although that is not quite the right word for coniferous forest actually means as much as many different species of fir. The forest consisted of 100% Norway spruce (I think there were spruce). Then we are
then went to a museum where it then was to see stones from the Urals and the Ural Mountains has to offer really beautiful stones. There was also an exhibition about the animals in the Urals, which was made very clear. It was allowed to photograph, unfortunately not (I done that yet but the pictures I put online is not better). There are really animals I've never seen, I've Nortier their Russian name, and will my after-times translated quite interesting. One probably. I get so times as an animal in the next summer or face a big eagle or something.
is otherwise really have winter, it snows every now and then thick flakes, which I'm not really good holiday season ... I will not get rid of the feeling is that every day is Christmas simple. In KK I paint Christmas pictures and craft just such things. Today I learned that next week will take place here a St. Martin move, I'm looking now already! It was really something good here, the German sisters and priests, who really introduced all German holidays (it will also be a Nicholas Eve!).
I love the Russians, moreover, why they wioe dress now! So fat wrapped in heavy coats and hats, etc., and the little children all must be so mega wear thick ski suits, which can hardly move.
Today we celebrated thick the birthday of a colleague:
It was full of nice that all my colleagues sat together and we sang
Tomorrow I will go to the Ice-Hockey, (even my Russian favorite birthday song!) this one seems to be full of trendy and Chelyabinsk must probably have a very good team. Looking forward:)
Tobi, your CD's are there. THANK YOU! I find the section that survived 5 of 7 very well when I think of it as the envelope looked like: D
Julia, your card is here! Thank you, full of love! will (
The Pc in KK Picasa unfortunately not quite support, so I made a post with pictures
feel you all very much Greetings: The Russian Post has yet managed to smooth its ugly stamp just to put on the fairy! ! I'm doing really well here and sometimes I do not know what with gratitude that I here the white must do is to do.
PS: Dear Family: I'm suggesting here every now and then one probably to the her. comes and John is verkuppelt first to the daughter of a colleague, that's a fixed thing!
superior then all eager to show you what you could for, and when I said that Dad (and possibly the rest of the family) will make this holiday they have just wondered that is to be straight in Chelyabinsk, and then said only: " Oh, those are the Germans! "
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