Friday, September 11, 2009

Ross Kemp On Gang Streaming Vf

discovery tour of Rosario

As ever to take place the World Cup qualifying match between Argentina and Brazil in Rosario, has offered the previous weekend, especially for a visit. No sooner said than done ..... even more so, since I could even get two tickets .... Tina rose last Friday after the University of Buenos Aires in in the bus to Rosario. Unfortunately, this ne Panne and then it was not as planned shortly after my lectures, but only shortly before midnight here. As in the flat the other Intercambios (international students like me) but a party was in progress, and was booked Friday night with the girls from our program to leave, we are there for our Mitternachtsmahl using the slogan "the later the evening , the more beautiful the guests "appeared. In Argentina, you go anyway earliest to 2 clock at night until the bars, clubs and discos. And so we went to 2:30 clock by taxi to "the" disco Rosario's broken. Almost 2 months so I could defend the other hand, a disco to enter, But tonight I'm not coming out. To about 4 clock, we are there, dancing as it remained still, and then have Tina and I leave the other party on about 20 girls and are home. slept until noon at rest, we have addressed the Saturday quite comfortable, the breakfast is skipped, and have something delicious cooked lunch. Then we met with Lauri - who had been traveling to Santiago del Estero organized - to go with her and some others in the poor district of Rosario. Equipped with lollipops and candy to the children we are there again pulled from house to house, spoke with the families and invited the children to the nearby chapel. Gallons of drinking chocolate prepared for each child and other sweets "Kaba" has received. And now it was evening again .... so Tina and I in the back apartment, we have put on something warm, grabbed the tickets for the game and have a taxi so close it went down to the stadium. With the crowds we then ran the next kilometer and have concerned us on the road even an Argentine flag at the street vendors. Then it was called ... wait for hours until we were in the stadium and started up the game at last. Admittedly, the Argentine team played really bad ... especially the passes were adventurous, and so it was no wonder that the Brazilian team the winners are:!. (The mood in Rosario at all the people who have come from around the country here was therefore not really so rosy Depressed people have all left the stadium, and all the taxis were, of course populated, the Tina and I about 1 hour to the city center run until we caught the last blocks but still a taxi. After a quick nightcap with me around the corner we went tired to bed, a busy Sunday should we expect so. On Sunday I had proposed a combined Bike kayak tour booked through the city. Sebastián is thus left with us by bike all the sights and gave us the background information provided. After knapp 2 Stunden auf dem Fahrrad sind wir flussaufwärts an einem Strand angelangt, wo die Kajaks auf uns gewartet haben. Nach einer weiteren Stunde flussaufwärts paddeln, haben wir diesen überquert und sind zu einer kleiner Insel gelangt - ganz idyllisch, wo wild Tiere leben, und andere Leute am Wochenende per Boot und Kajak hinkommen und die Natur genießen. Etwa eine Stunde sind wir auf der Insel geblieben, haben uns ausgeruht, Mate getrunken und Kekse gegessen, bevor wir wieder mit dem Kajak und zu guter letzt mit dem Fahrrad in die Stadt zurückgekehrt sind. Die Sonne war gerade untergegangen, und Tina und ich haben uns wieder zurück Richtung Fluss aufgemacht, um den dortigen Kunstmarkt zu besuchen, der jedes Wochenende dort stattfindet. Daraufhin we are fed back into the apartment come hungry and have artichokes with vinaigrette. Monday morning, so we are just a little run through the city, we have the birthplace of Che Guevara's views are in the Cathedral and the Monumento de la Bandera (the flag monument, because yes, the flag was designed in Argentina Rosario). And Tina is at noon with the bus set off again towards Buenos Aires, during the day for me started again.
morning - after I have spent the afternoon in the slums of Rosario - I'll start with the night bus to the waterfalls of Iguazú, the biggest waterfalls in the world (5 times larger than Niagara Falls). Mein Bericht folgt also dann nächste Woche!
Alles Liebe, eure Verena


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