Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Best Shampoo For Frizzy Hair

months adventure on the 3-Länder-Eck

Last Friday I gave my first presentation in English at the university, Saturday I was then a few hours in the slums and .... already I'm back 18 hours sitting in the bus .... this time in the north to Puerto Iguazu at the largest waterfalls in the world to drive. The Iguazu Falls are located just by the three countries meet between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. The largest and most beautiful part but also on the Argentinian side. There are then created several ways you can run to from various angles - in addition to the tremendous noise of the rushing water - to look at the waterfalls. Some trails are even bars, have a lead over miles of water and where you can become an enormous wet. arrived Sunday around noon, so I'm already expired, most routes on the Argentinian side, and the boat went under half a smaller waterfall (GoreTex clothes, thank) arrived and then completely stressed out by bus and tour at the hostel. There I met an Australian, with whom I eat an English woman and a Californian wine for steak and went drinking. The next morning I would have almost ignored my alarm clock and missed my Safari .... but since in my dormitory, a murder noise was because all are for breakfast, I am still awake, at least in time. The Safari was then, fortunately, more relaxed and took me out across the rain forest .... the real wild animals I've seen but unfortunately not likely to have slept well ..! Once in the National Park again, I am a very hidden trail .. then walked through the woods! At the very beginning was like a warning label dass man auf Schlangen achten soll und dass gefährliche Tiere den Weg kreuzen können. Völlig verschreckt - vor allem auch, weil ich ja allein unterwegs war, bin ich diesen Weg dann ziemlich schnell gelaufen....nach einigen Kilometern und etwa 1 Stunde im Sauseschritt bin ich dann zu einem Mini-Wasserfall (naja, auch etwa 5-10 Meter) und einem Natur-Pool davor angelangt....also wie im Bilderbuch.....und dort waren dann auch andere Leute, was mich natürlich sehr beruhigt hat. Nach einer Brotzeit dort, habe ich mich beruhigt wieder auf den Rückweg begeben - dieses Mal in aller Ruhe, und so habe ich dann auch einen Affen auf Futtersuche in den Bäumen entdeckt! Am Dienstag, meinem dritten Tag bin ich dann per Taxi auf die brasilianische Seite des Falls down. There is only one way I've seen me within about an hour already ... so just the hour that I had up to my "adventure" to wait. With the backdrop of the falls I have made my 55 meter abseil into the depths and then went on a rafting trip. After I've munched a piece of chocolate cake, then I'm comfortable again back to the hostel. Yesterday it rained and it smelled, so I was riding my Safari does not make more .... so I went spontaneously to Paraguay on a shopping trip. Paraguay is very beligt for shopping ..... and everything looks really run down from .... like a bazaar in Turkey, only about 10 times dirtier tighter and faster. Ultimately, I was thinking but NOTHING .... bought there but I was in Paraguay! After another visit to a café I went yesterday afternoon has risen in my bus, and about 20 hours later arrived in Rosario. Now I must prepare myself nor my English course and then go to the university. Morning following photos of all my experiences of the past month!


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