Safari fotografico
Actually I wanted to take the past weekend in Santa Fe kayaking on the river a 2-day tour with overnight camping to Rosario. To lack of participants and, ultimately, because of the weather but this is unfortunately nothing came.
My English teacher made me but brought to a different idea. Her brother is a photographer by profession and that is for this Sunday has a photo safari organized, go to speak in nem minibus with some people "in the Pampas" and just "professional" to a photo shoot. Fairly early on Sunday morning I was then picked up words from a minibus with about 10 Argentines .... and we have to few kilometers of a Benedictine monastery made our first stop ... then we went to a small town with "romantic road" ... well and then it was really in the boonies. We left the main road and are approximately one hour driven over dirt roads .... there where fox and hare good night ... have cows and the landscape photographed and are eventually arrived at a small country house. Was little complicated, but, as I have understood correctly, that was the uncle of the driver ... or the uncle of his wife? Well, definitely has this uncle lived there in the country ... and which is a Gaucho. With a typical asado .... so grilled meats until you drop ... he was waiting for us. After we clean cut decent, we are then drawn across his country, and have once again shot from nature photos .... went to a lagoon on the way back ... and he has lit a palm tree ... that was a quite a fire! When we came through totally frozen on the icy day back to his house, it's added only once "Auszogne" where .... not only in Bavaria which is a typical dish, but here in Argentina but ... in that the Auszogne here with "dulce de leche" eat .... and here they are called "tortas fritas"! Then we organized a small "farmers market" in the room by the fireplace - while we've been drinking again mate ... and every he has bought a loaf of homemade cheese and eggs. Then it was time for milking every night .... at the same time, namely his cows make good and want to be milked. The love ..... can not miss out on the Vreni could, of course, and would also try and lo and behold, I got the real, as is milk really came out and the bucket I've even taken yet!! I was really happy! What an experience .... and a Gaucho to spend a day .... and not as a "tourist attraction", but with other Argentines, and thus truly authentic. Strengthened by the whole rural delights and after a day in nature in the fresh air we again set out on the way back and are Sunday late evening come home again. A really great day out! I am looking forward to the next safari .... oh yeah ... photos coming another time;)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Pokemon Soul Silver Through Wall
I once made a little list together ... what I've ever noticed this so ... I will but over time guarantees extend Moreover
"tranquilo" ... is in itself the favorite word of the Argentine ... that is all quiet deal ... and to always come too late ... it has even become fashionable to at least half an hour. to come later, when was it ... sometimes this is true even for the university, but the lectures yet then end of the regular time;) Going
: the young people go away really much, and also begin at an age of 14-15 years, it will be much drinking and is in discos / bars only from 2 clock at night, what's going on, but then you always go in the morning to 8 clock
Welcome: welcome to order, there is always a peck on the - mostly right - cheek. Once two people are welcoming even one of them is female, welcomes you in this way. Men greet each other with kisses also, but only if they know better .... ie at least as early 1-2 times have made.
developing country: Argentina is a developing country. Most residents live in poverty. ... While in Germany we call it, that the so-called middle class is dying out, do this and especially not in Argentina. The "gap" is to see really .... People are either rich or poor. There is only one of the two.
Food: quite often is called a delivery service that brings food ready .. then in most cases this pizza or empanadas (stuffed pastry pockets)
Television: that are dubbed in Germany, all foreign films and series, is a wahre Ausnahme. Auch hier in Argentinien sind die meisten Filme und Serien in Originalton mit spanischem Untertitel, die wenigsten Beiträge sind "hablado en castellano"! Zumeist nur dann, wenn es irgendwelche argentinischen Filme sind....aber die Filmindustrie hier ist durchaus nicht zu unterschätzen!
Fleisch: es ist nicht gesagt, dass jedes Haus hier eine Heizung hat (sogar die wenigsten), aber einen Grill hat fast jedes! Der Familienzusammenhalt ist generell größer, Jugendlichen ist es auch nicht „peinlich“, Zeit mit ihren Eltern und Geschwistern zu verbringen…und so kommt man zum (mindestens) einmal wöchentlichen gemeinsamen „asado“ = Grillen zusammen! Meat itself is really cheap ... cheese costs in Argentina, for example, twice as much per kilo as the best piece of meat!
Cemetery: cemeteries in Argentina are quite different from ours. Each grave has its own small chapel. Depending on the cemetery can cost as a grave good deal. Argentines have .... a true reverence for death and the dead so they can taste their graves and some, probably even more than during his lifetime.
football ... and Maradona: Argentina everyone knows about football, is excited about it and family is one way "born" already in some clubs, that of which club you're a fan, and from which not one another ... .. the Argentine rival even seen such huge. Spicy topic! Maradona but love all Argentines, he is something like a God incarnate. ... Is revered unanimously ... and one should say anything to the contrary!
Gas: Every house and every apartment has a connection to the gas network, which means that all the stoves and ovens using gas. In supermarkets you can buy and therefore huge storage packs, matches, to make always the same fire.
Gesellschaftsstrukur: in lectures put the boys together in one block, and the girls untereinander hin….auch abends beim Weggehen treffen sich die Geschlechter schön voneinander getrennt zum Ausgehen und kommen dann höchstens beim „beschämten Flirten“ in den Diskos zusammen. Unternommen wird aber eigentlich nur immer was von den Mädels und von den Jungs jeweils untereinander
Glaube/Kirche: eigentlich sind hier ja die meisten erz-katholisch….aber in die Kirche geht keiner, und der Glaube scheint sich bei den meisten auch nur auf dem Papier abzuspielen….auf der anderen Seite wird aber von beinahe allen ein Kreuzzeichen gemacht, wenn sie eine Kirche passieren!
Kleidung: Die Männer schauen eigentlich immer gleich (mind) 3-Tagesbart und genau genommen recht ungepflegt. Die Frauen scheren sich tagsüber selten um ihr Äußeres, und nicht selten sieht man sie in Jogginghose und dergleichen durch die Öffentlichkeit ziehen. Sobald es aber um irgendein Event geht, oder das Ausgehen natürlich, sind alle plötzlich wie Püppchen aufgestylt, haben sie sich mit den modernsten Klamotten in Schale geworfen und sehen aus, als kämen sie direkt vom Laufsteg! Eindeutig nicht wiederzuerkennen! Und wirklich auch irrsinnig, wie viel Zeit vor dem Weggehen für das Styling aufgewendet wird....2-3 Stunden vorher im Badezimmer zu verbringen ist da keine Seltenheit!
Klingel: Besonders in ärmeren Vierteln besitzen die Leute keine Klingel, because there is no electricity. You enter the property but not just like that, but you clap your hands and wait until someone comes to the door, because the clap itself replaced the ring here!
Height: The Argentines are on average much smaller than "we Europeans". Both men and women are smaller and more delicate. I am one with my 1,65 m here too the "giants" ... and there are even little men who are taller than me!
Mate: a tea, which one really explained anywhere, anytime ... .. like drinking, however, been a precise science for themselves in wiki ... ;)
Melancholie: Argentinier lieben den Konjunktiv, und neigen gern dazu im Selbstmitleid zu baden. Schließlich ist immer alles ganz schlecht, und der kleinste Rückschlag lässt die meisten gleich resignieren anstatt wie ein Löwe um ihre Sache zu kämpfen zu beginnen. Die Traurigkeit, Mitleid und die Sehnsucht....auch ausgedrückt im Tango...gehören also schon zum argentinischen "lifestyle".
Mücken: In Argentinien gibt es eine Menge Mücken, eine richtige Plage ist das. Dafür gibt es auch in jedem Supermarkt oder in jeder Apotheke ein "OFF", nämlich ein Spray (welches in Deutschland angeblich nicht existiert, because it causes liver disease), which really helps. The Family version must be at least 2 times a day on the whole body spray before leaving the house, and the "green" has extra-strong, it is usually enough for the whole day. This aggressive stuff that is actually also moderately fragrant replaced every deodorant.
Music: there are many national music groups, young people can play almost any guitar and sing really well - obviously beneficial that they can all the texts by heart. The most popular genre is Reggaeton. ... But also rock music is very popular and much too.
transport: Although there are city buses, aber keiner kennt sich damit aus, Buspläne existieren ja auch nicht, und man kann auch nicht wirklich irgendjemanden fragen. Jedoch gibt es überall Taxis, die auch gar nicht so teuer sind…sogar Einheimische fahren viel mit dem Taxi! Wenn es dann jemanden gibt, der ein Auto hat….dann sitzt man in einem normalen Kleinwagen schnell mal zu acht oder neunt drin….das ist keine Seltenheit! Angeschnallt wird sich hier übrigens auch nicht…und da die meisten Verkehrswege über „rechts vor links“ geregelt sind und die Argentinier Regeln nicht gerne mögen, ist es immer ein „herantasten“ und „Grenzen ausloten“….man muss beim Fahren also mitdenken und kann sich nicht typisch deutsch stubbornly rely on rules.
Prices: no matter where you go, there is a distinction in pricing between locals and tourists. Sometimes a waiter decide purely on her appearance, how much can you pay for something. It is not about the value itself, but purely a matter that the person can tolerate a higher price, it has to pay! To students, but does not distinguish intra-Argentine, as always falls on the full price.
government and police: trust people not to think and talk badly about politicians and police expect the worst ... problems to be solved in vigilante justice, or friends ... .. the alarm. Police are certainly the last to be called!
Travel trains exist, but are not taken, because they are totally outdated and extremely unreliable. However, there are coaches, of which one can only dream about in Europe. The seats are real seats, there are facilities at the place with food and drinks included. No matter where you want to be found daily at least one bus that goes that route ... to destinations including Buenos Aires (about a 4 hour drive from Rosario), there are buses every half hour! Buspläne exist but unfortunately, we must always be at the bus station from office to office on times and prices by asking this ... At nearly the same service can vary but that is huge!
Napkins: Napkins right thing seem not to exist in Argentina. In public, you get thin paper sheets, and private kitchen roll is used, which is available at every meal the same for all on the table.
solidarity: There is the "scissors" of prosperity shines through here much, and the Argentines trust their government not particularly're taking it all as far as possible into their own hands .... hence the poverty. In the University preached in almost every lecture that companies have to bear a social responsibility and solidarity zeigen sollen. Auch wir Studenten sind deshalb auf eine "solidarische Reise nach Santiago del Estero" letzten Monat gefahren, um "Dienst an unseren Nächsten" zu tun.
Straßen: Das Straßennetz in fast allen argentinischen Städten ist streng quadratisch eingeteilt...und die Nummern werden pro Block vergeben, so dass ein bestimmter hunderter pro 100 Meter also genau einen Block verläuft. Man kann sich dadurch ziemlich leicht orientieren...denn die Straßen sind dadurch kilometerlang, und anhand der Zahlen weiß man dann auf welcher Höhe was liegt..!
Supermarkt: Lebensmittel kann man Montag bis Sonntag einkaufen gehen. Die normalen Öffnungszeiten bewegen sich so zwischen 8 und 22 Uhr. Am Sonntag ist mittags zur Siesta jedoch geschlossen. Stark verbreitet sind jedoch Kioske, die das wichtigste anbieten…oder Obst- und Gemüseläden….deren Qualität oft besser und die Preise oft niedriger als in Supermärkten ist….und die Öffnungszeiten sind selbstverständlich auch umfangreicher!
Süßigkeiten: Überall findet man „alfajores“, Kekse die mit „dulce de leche“ gefüllt sind und oft mit Schokolade überzogen sind…davon gibt es aber auch viele Varianten. „Dulce de leche“ ist hier übrigens unglaublich beliebt….es ist ein süßer Brotaufstrich, der noch 10 Mal beliebter als unser Nutella ist….und auch für sämtliche Kekse wird er verwendet…!
Tanzen: JEDER kann tanzen und tanzt gerne…auch Männer! Argentinier haben ein unglaubliches Rhythmusgefühl. Jedoch ist der so berühmte Tango weniger verbreitet als Salsa.
Toiletten: Meistens gibt es keinen Schlüssel an Toilettentüren. Man verschließt die Tür und das sollte Zeichen genug für diejenigen davor sein. Sollte eine Tür verschlossen sein, und man davor wartend nicht sicher sein, ob sich jemand darin befindet oder nicht, klopft man an. Wenn eine Reaktion "ocupado" kommt, ist es besetzt, wenn von drinnen niemand reagiert, wird davon ausgegangen, dass the toilet is free. Toilet paper is usually outside the toilets. In all public toilets get toilet paper only when they "Klofrau", depending on how much cash / tips you have given her.
change: In Argentina there is an acute change-Not. Each hoarding small change, he has, because it surely ought to again give anyone on the street, a resident of the door or something. If there are dealing with smaller amounts, it happens so well that you get in a shop a few sweets as a small monetary compensation instead of the change.
Free Wound Care Flow Sheet
A typical Argentina in Rosario
on Tuesday I got my first test on Spanisch hatte, war erst einmal lernen angesagt. Die meiste Zeit hat jedoch verschlungen, ein "System" zu entwickeln, wie ich mir den Stoff am besten einprägen kann. Letztendlich habe ich alle Texte auf deutsch übersetzt und dann daraus eine deutsche Zusammenfassung geschrieben. Als ich den Inhalt dann im Detail - auf deutsch - drauf hatte, hab ich mir die spanischen Originaltexte nochmals zur Hand genommen und eine weitere - dieses Mal spanische - Zusammenfassung geschrieben und dann gelernt. So konnte ich in den 2,5 Stunden der Prüfung auch wirklich ALLES, was ich sagen wollte auf Spanisch hoffe ich nur noch, dass ich alle Fragen richtig verstanden habe und dass mein Dozent MEIN Spanisch dann auch versteht ;)!
Von der Prüfung come home, am I right times gone off to the supermarket to go shopping for about 20 people .... for the girls - who I always go to the slums on Saturday - I had promised to cook something Typical .... to cook, and with such a number of people offering to "my typical" Austrian menu: cheese dumpling soup, and pancakes Kasnoggn! Since especially the cheese dumpling is a huge effort always, I am doing more and more common ... that is, on Tuesday I have not done nearly 90 Kaspressknödel ... frozen half and half then Wednesday night in the dormitory of the girls taken together with all other existing prepared ingredients for the other courses.
Ultimately, we were 23 people in the photo is only an excerpt from one of the 3 tables to see ............. all in all I would say once again a very successful evening!
Well, today I had to get up .... time really early to go back to the slums where today ... has been waiting for a special event on the children. That is located immediately before such a huge slum cinema complex with Burger King and the like. 2 times per year, the two companies hold a free day for all children of all poor district of Rosario. One is the Christmas .... and the other time during des "Tages der Kinder", der erst kürzlich war. In Kleingruppen wurden also dann Kinder auch aus den anderen Armenvierteln mit Bussen angekarrt. Wir hatten bis etwa 9 Uhr morgens eine Truppe aus knapp 50 Mädels zusammengesammelt....und sie mit den Blumenarmbändern bestückt, die ich gestern noch gekauft sie von den restlichen 3000 Kindern unterscheiden zu können, die mit anderen Aufsichtspersonen gekommen waren. Gegen 10 Uhr hat dann der Disneyfilm "Fuerza G" begonnen.....und während dem Film bin ich andauernd nur mit ein paar Kindern auf die Toiletten gerannt, weil sie sich die Finger waschen wollten (die automatischen Wasserhähne und die Händetrockner waren einfach viel zu interessant). Danach we are on the way out, queued for half an eternity, until each child has received his kids bag from Burger King paper crown together and have them returned to their families.
When I got home just now, I have only one long phone call with my parents over Skype - is it time now, eh? And am now comfortable to drink mate! for tomorrow but again a more exciting program planned ..... I will report!
on Tuesday I got my first test on Spanisch hatte, war erst einmal lernen angesagt. Die meiste Zeit hat jedoch verschlungen, ein "System" zu entwickeln, wie ich mir den Stoff am besten einprägen kann. Letztendlich habe ich alle Texte auf deutsch übersetzt und dann daraus eine deutsche Zusammenfassung geschrieben. Als ich den Inhalt dann im Detail - auf deutsch - drauf hatte, hab ich mir die spanischen Originaltexte nochmals zur Hand genommen und eine weitere - dieses Mal spanische - Zusammenfassung geschrieben und dann gelernt. So konnte ich in den 2,5 Stunden der Prüfung auch wirklich ALLES, was ich sagen wollte auf Spanisch hoffe ich nur noch, dass ich alle Fragen richtig verstanden habe und dass mein Dozent MEIN Spanisch dann auch versteht ;)!
Von der Prüfung come home, am I right times gone off to the supermarket to go shopping for about 20 people .... for the girls - who I always go to the slums on Saturday - I had promised to cook something Typical .... to cook, and with such a number of people offering to "my typical" Austrian menu: cheese dumpling soup, and pancakes Kasnoggn! Since especially the cheese dumpling is a huge effort always, I am doing more and more common ... that is, on Tuesday I have not done nearly 90 Kaspressknödel ... frozen half and half then Wednesday night in the dormitory of the girls taken together with all other existing prepared ingredients for the other courses.
Ultimately, we were 23 people in the photo is only an excerpt from one of the 3 tables to see ............. all in all I would say once again a very successful evening!
Well, today I had to get up .... time really early to go back to the slums where today ... has been waiting for a special event on the children. That is located immediately before such a huge slum cinema complex with Burger King and the like. 2 times per year, the two companies hold a free day for all children of all poor district of Rosario. One is the Christmas .... and the other time during des "Tages der Kinder", der erst kürzlich war. In Kleingruppen wurden also dann Kinder auch aus den anderen Armenvierteln mit Bussen angekarrt. Wir hatten bis etwa 9 Uhr morgens eine Truppe aus knapp 50 Mädels zusammengesammelt....und sie mit den Blumenarmbändern bestückt, die ich gestern noch gekauft sie von den restlichen 3000 Kindern unterscheiden zu können, die mit anderen Aufsichtspersonen gekommen waren. Gegen 10 Uhr hat dann der Disneyfilm "Fuerza G" begonnen.....und während dem Film bin ich andauernd nur mit ein paar Kindern auf die Toiletten gerannt, weil sie sich die Finger waschen wollten (die automatischen Wasserhähne und die Händetrockner waren einfach viel zu interessant). Danach we are on the way out, queued for half an eternity, until each child has received his kids bag from Burger King paper crown together and have them returned to their families.
When I got home just now, I have only one long phone call with my parents over Skype - is it time now, eh? And am now comfortable to drink mate! for tomorrow but again a more exciting program planned ..... I will report!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Free En Espanol
unspectacular Week 2 Review
Time goes by REALLY fast ... on Tuesday I had "Comercio internacional" already in my field, so "international trade" my Intermediate examination ..... except for my visit tomorrow expected in the slums me so pure learning weekend ..... and that, while in Munich, the Oktoberfest begins (
Well ...... come here at least once in the photos of my last exciting month!
Time goes by REALLY fast ... on Tuesday I had "Comercio internacional" already in my field, so "international trade" my Intermediate examination ..... except for my visit tomorrow expected in the slums me so pure learning weekend ..... and that, while in Munich, the Oktoberfest begins (
Well ...... come here at least once in the photos of my last exciting month!
Review 2nd month |
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Best Shampoo For Frizzy Hair
months adventure on the 3-Länder-Eck
Last Friday I gave my first presentation in English at the university, Saturday I was then a few hours in the slums and .... already I'm back 18 hours sitting in the bus .... this time in the north to Puerto Iguazu at the largest waterfalls in the world to drive. The Iguazu Falls are located just by the three countries meet between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. The largest and most beautiful part but also on the Argentinian side. There are then created several ways you can run to from various angles - in addition to the tremendous noise of the rushing water - to look at the waterfalls. Some trails are even bars, have a lead over miles of water and where you can become an enormous wet. arrived Sunday around noon, so I'm already expired, most routes on the Argentinian side, and the boat went under half a smaller waterfall (GoreTex clothes, thank) arrived and then completely stressed out by bus and tour at the hostel. There I met an Australian, with whom I eat an English woman and a Californian wine for steak and went drinking. The next morning I would have almost ignored my alarm clock and missed my Safari .... but since in my dormitory, a murder noise was because all are for breakfast, I am still awake, at least in time. The Safari was then, fortunately, more relaxed and took me out across the rain forest .... the real wild animals I've seen but unfortunately not likely to have slept well ..! Once in the National Park again, I am a very hidden trail .. then walked through the woods! At the very beginning was like a warning label dass man auf Schlangen achten soll und dass gefährliche Tiere den Weg kreuzen können. Völlig verschreckt - vor allem auch, weil ich ja allein unterwegs war, bin ich diesen Weg dann ziemlich schnell gelaufen....nach einigen Kilometern und etwa 1 Stunde im Sauseschritt bin ich dann zu einem Mini-Wasserfall (naja, auch etwa 5-10 Meter) und einem Natur-Pool davor angelangt....also wie im Bilderbuch.....und dort waren dann auch andere Leute, was mich natürlich sehr beruhigt hat. Nach einer Brotzeit dort, habe ich mich beruhigt wieder auf den Rückweg begeben - dieses Mal in aller Ruhe, und so habe ich dann auch einen Affen auf Futtersuche in den Bäumen entdeckt! Am Dienstag, meinem dritten Tag bin ich dann per Taxi auf die brasilianische Seite des Falls down. There is only one way I've seen me within about an hour already ... so just the hour that I had up to my "adventure" to wait. With the backdrop of the falls I have made my 55 meter abseil into the depths and then went on a rafting trip. After I've munched a piece of chocolate cake, then I'm comfortable again back to the hostel. Yesterday it rained and it smelled, so I was riding my Safari does not make more .... so I went spontaneously to Paraguay on a shopping trip. Paraguay is very beligt for shopping ..... and everything looks really run down from .... like a bazaar in Turkey, only about 10 times dirtier tighter and faster. Ultimately, I was thinking but NOTHING .... bought there but I was in Paraguay! After another visit to a café I went yesterday afternoon has risen in my bus, and about 20 hours later arrived in Rosario. Now I must prepare myself nor my English course and then go to the university. Morning following photos of all my experiences of the past month!
Last Friday I gave my first presentation in English at the university, Saturday I was then a few hours in the slums and .... already I'm back 18 hours sitting in the bus .... this time in the north to Puerto Iguazu at the largest waterfalls in the world to drive. The Iguazu Falls are located just by the three countries meet between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. The largest and most beautiful part but also on the Argentinian side. There are then created several ways you can run to from various angles - in addition to the tremendous noise of the rushing water - to look at the waterfalls. Some trails are even bars, have a lead over miles of water and where you can become an enormous wet. arrived Sunday around noon, so I'm already expired, most routes on the Argentinian side, and the boat went under half a smaller waterfall (GoreTex clothes, thank) arrived and then completely stressed out by bus and tour at the hostel. There I met an Australian, with whom I eat an English woman and a Californian wine for steak and went drinking. The next morning I would have almost ignored my alarm clock and missed my Safari .... but since in my dormitory, a murder noise was because all are for breakfast, I am still awake, at least in time. The Safari was then, fortunately, more relaxed and took me out across the rain forest .... the real wild animals I've seen but unfortunately not likely to have slept well ..! Once in the National Park again, I am a very hidden trail .. then walked through the woods! At the very beginning was like a warning label dass man auf Schlangen achten soll und dass gefährliche Tiere den Weg kreuzen können. Völlig verschreckt - vor allem auch, weil ich ja allein unterwegs war, bin ich diesen Weg dann ziemlich schnell gelaufen....nach einigen Kilometern und etwa 1 Stunde im Sauseschritt bin ich dann zu einem Mini-Wasserfall (naja, auch etwa 5-10 Meter) und einem Natur-Pool davor angelangt....also wie im Bilderbuch.....und dort waren dann auch andere Leute, was mich natürlich sehr beruhigt hat. Nach einer Brotzeit dort, habe ich mich beruhigt wieder auf den Rückweg begeben - dieses Mal in aller Ruhe, und so habe ich dann auch einen Affen auf Futtersuche in den Bäumen entdeckt! Am Dienstag, meinem dritten Tag bin ich dann per Taxi auf die brasilianische Seite des Falls down. There is only one way I've seen me within about an hour already ... so just the hour that I had up to my "adventure" to wait. With the backdrop of the falls I have made my 55 meter abseil into the depths and then went on a rafting trip. After I've munched a piece of chocolate cake, then I'm comfortable again back to the hostel. Yesterday it rained and it smelled, so I was riding my Safari does not make more .... so I went spontaneously to Paraguay on a shopping trip. Paraguay is very beligt for shopping ..... and everything looks really run down from .... like a bazaar in Turkey, only about 10 times dirtier tighter and faster. Ultimately, I was thinking but NOTHING .... bought there but I was in Paraguay! After another visit to a café I went yesterday afternoon has risen in my bus, and about 20 hours later arrived in Rosario. Now I must prepare myself nor my English course and then go to the university. Morning following photos of all my experiences of the past month!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ross Kemp On Gang Streaming Vf
discovery tour of Rosario
As ever to take place the World Cup qualifying match between Argentina and Brazil in Rosario, has offered the previous weekend, especially for a visit. No sooner said than done ..... even more so, since I could even get two tickets .... Tina rose last Friday after the University of Buenos Aires in in the bus to Rosario. Unfortunately, this ne Panne and then it was not as planned shortly after my lectures, but only shortly before midnight here. As in the flat the other Intercambios (international students like me) but a party was in progress, and was booked Friday night with the girls from our program to leave, we are there for our Mitternachtsmahl using the slogan "the later the evening , the more beautiful the guests "appeared. In Argentina, you go anyway earliest to 2 clock at night until the bars, clubs and discos. And so we went to 2:30 clock by taxi to "the" disco Rosario's broken. Almost 2 months so I could defend the other hand, a disco to enter, But tonight I'm not coming out. To about 4 clock, we are there, dancing as it remained still, and then have Tina and I leave the other party on about 20 girls and are home. slept until noon at rest, we have addressed the Saturday quite comfortable, the breakfast is skipped, and have something delicious cooked lunch. Then we met with Lauri - who had been traveling to Santiago del Estero organized - to go with her and some others in the poor district of Rosario. Equipped with lollipops and candy to the children we are there again pulled from house to house, spoke with the families and invited the children to the nearby chapel. Gallons of drinking chocolate prepared for each child and other sweets "Kaba" has received. And now it was evening again .... so Tina and I in the back apartment, we have put on something warm, grabbed the tickets for the game and have a taxi so close it went down to the stadium. With the crowds we then ran the next kilometer and have concerned us on the road even an Argentine flag at the street vendors. Then it was called ... wait for hours until we were in the stadium and started up the game at last. Admittedly, the Argentine team played really bad ... especially the passes were adventurous, and so it was no wonder that the Brazilian team the winners are:!. (The mood in Rosario at all the people who have come from around the country here was therefore not really so rosy Depressed people have all left the stadium, and all the taxis were, of course populated, the Tina and I about 1 hour to the city center run until we caught the last blocks but still a taxi. After a quick nightcap with me around the corner we went tired to bed, a busy Sunday should we expect so. On Sunday I had proposed a combined Bike kayak tour booked through the city. Sebastián is thus left with us by bike all the sights and gave us the background information provided. After knapp 2 Stunden auf dem Fahrrad sind wir flussaufwärts an einem Strand angelangt, wo die Kajaks auf uns gewartet haben. Nach einer weiteren Stunde flussaufwärts paddeln, haben wir diesen überquert und sind zu einer kleiner Insel gelangt - ganz idyllisch, wo wild Tiere leben, und andere Leute am Wochenende per Boot und Kajak hinkommen und die Natur genießen. Etwa eine Stunde sind wir auf der Insel geblieben, haben uns ausgeruht, Mate getrunken und Kekse gegessen, bevor wir wieder mit dem Kajak und zu guter letzt mit dem Fahrrad in die Stadt zurückgekehrt sind. Die Sonne war gerade untergegangen, und Tina und ich haben uns wieder zurück Richtung Fluss aufgemacht, um den dortigen Kunstmarkt zu besuchen, der jedes Wochenende dort stattfindet. Daraufhin we are fed back into the apartment come hungry and have artichokes with vinaigrette. Monday morning, so we are just a little run through the city, we have the birthplace of Che Guevara's views are in the Cathedral and the Monumento de la Bandera (the flag monument, because yes, the flag was designed in Argentina Rosario). And Tina is at noon with the bus set off again towards Buenos Aires, during the day for me started again.
morning - after I have spent the afternoon in the slums of Rosario - I'll start with the night bus to the waterfalls of Iguazú, the biggest waterfalls in the world (5 times larger than Niagara Falls). Mein Bericht folgt also dann nächste Woche!
Alles Liebe, eure Verena
As ever to take place the World Cup qualifying match between Argentina and Brazil in Rosario, has offered the previous weekend, especially for a visit. No sooner said than done ..... even more so, since I could even get two tickets .... Tina rose last Friday after the University of Buenos Aires in in the bus to Rosario. Unfortunately, this ne Panne and then it was not as planned shortly after my lectures, but only shortly before midnight here. As in the flat the other Intercambios (international students like me) but a party was in progress, and was booked Friday night with the girls from our program to leave, we are there for our Mitternachtsmahl using the slogan "the later the evening , the more beautiful the guests "appeared. In Argentina, you go anyway earliest to 2 clock at night until the bars, clubs and discos. And so we went to 2:30 clock by taxi to "the" disco Rosario's broken. Almost 2 months so I could defend the other hand, a disco to enter, But tonight I'm not coming out. To about 4 clock, we are there, dancing as it remained still, and then have Tina and I leave the other party on about 20 girls and are home. slept until noon at rest, we have addressed the Saturday quite comfortable, the breakfast is skipped, and have something delicious cooked lunch. Then we met with Lauri - who had been traveling to Santiago del Estero organized - to go with her and some others in the poor district of Rosario. Equipped with lollipops and candy to the children we are there again pulled from house to house, spoke with the families and invited the children to the nearby chapel. Gallons of drinking chocolate prepared for each child and other sweets "Kaba" has received. And now it was evening again .... so Tina and I in the back apartment, we have put on something warm, grabbed the tickets for the game and have a taxi so close it went down to the stadium. With the crowds we then ran the next kilometer and have concerned us on the road even an Argentine flag at the street vendors. Then it was called ... wait for hours until we were in the stadium and started up the game at last. Admittedly, the Argentine team played really bad ... especially the passes were adventurous, and so it was no wonder that the Brazilian team the winners are:!. (The mood in Rosario at all the people who have come from around the country here was therefore not really so rosy Depressed people have all left the stadium, and all the taxis were, of course populated, the Tina and I about 1 hour to the city center run until we caught the last blocks but still a taxi. After a quick nightcap with me around the corner we went tired to bed, a busy Sunday should we expect so. On Sunday I had proposed a combined Bike kayak tour booked through the city. Sebastián is thus left with us by bike all the sights and gave us the background information provided. After knapp 2 Stunden auf dem Fahrrad sind wir flussaufwärts an einem Strand angelangt, wo die Kajaks auf uns gewartet haben. Nach einer weiteren Stunde flussaufwärts paddeln, haben wir diesen überquert und sind zu einer kleiner Insel gelangt - ganz idyllisch, wo wild Tiere leben, und andere Leute am Wochenende per Boot und Kajak hinkommen und die Natur genießen. Etwa eine Stunde sind wir auf der Insel geblieben, haben uns ausgeruht, Mate getrunken und Kekse gegessen, bevor wir wieder mit dem Kajak und zu guter letzt mit dem Fahrrad in die Stadt zurückgekehrt sind. Die Sonne war gerade untergegangen, und Tina und ich haben uns wieder zurück Richtung Fluss aufgemacht, um den dortigen Kunstmarkt zu besuchen, der jedes Wochenende dort stattfindet. Daraufhin we are fed back into the apartment come hungry and have artichokes with vinaigrette. Monday morning, so we are just a little run through the city, we have the birthplace of Che Guevara's views are in the Cathedral and the Monumento de la Bandera (the flag monument, because yes, the flag was designed in Argentina Rosario). And Tina is at noon with the bus set off again towards Buenos Aires, during the day for me started again.
morning - after I have spent the afternoon in the slums of Rosario - I'll start with the night bus to the waterfalls of Iguazú, the biggest waterfalls in the world (5 times larger than Niagara Falls). Mein Bericht folgt also dann nächste Woche!
Alles Liebe, eure Verena
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Electric Box Solution 41
My odyssey to the ticket ...
Inzwischen liegt es ja schon eine Woche zurück, dass ich mal wieder etwas ganz Verrücktes gemacht habe! Aber manchmal heiligt der Zweck nun einmal die Mittel!!! Seit Wochen schon wurde in Argentinien und speziell in Rosario auf ein Großereignis der besonderen Art hingefiebert. Fußball nimmt in Argentinien ja einen hohen Stellenwert ein, und wenn es dann auch noch um ein Qualifikations-Spiel zur Weltmeisterschaft 2010 in Südafrika geht.......ohooo! Der Gegner sollte eine ebenso starke Mannschaft sein - nämlich Brasilien - und das Spiel ausgerechnet hier in Rosario am 5. September stattfinden!!!!!
Die Eintrittskarten but were only sold here in Rosario, and in 2 stages. The more expensive tickets, of which there were less and the rush of would should be lower on Wednesday, 2 was expected to be September between 9 und 18 clock sold and cheaper to have a huge rush to be weeks on Friday, 4 September. Nadège (a French woman, also on semester abroad here) and I are so last Tuesday after the lecture with some food, warm clothes and a sleeping bag set off to the football stadium for us to make. Rumor has already 3000 people there at the camp should be .... and it was. Somewhere in the neighborhood around the corner from the stadium, we took it right at the back an, beziehungsweise lehnten wir uns in unseren Schlafsäcken an die Mauer an und schliefen ein wenig. Irgendwann gegen 3-4 Uhr morgens war dann ein riesiger Tumult. Alle Leute packten wie wild ihre Sachen und fingen an "um ihr Leben" zu laufen - also stiegen wir aus unserem Schlafsack und liefen mit unseren Sachen in den Armen den Anderen hinterher, bis wir direkt am Stadion angelangt waren wo eine sehr dichte, drängelnde Schlange auf uns wartete und wir uns ganz hinten eingliederten. Kaum dass wir unsere Schlafsäcke wieder in die Rucksäcke gestopft hatten, fing es dann zu regnen an (ach wie gut, dass ich mit GoreTex-Schuhen, Regenhose und Regenjacke gekommen war ;)!)! Und in dieser Menschenmasse sollten wir dann noch bis etwa 14 Uhr stehen, as we already pretty much at the front of the line .... were they then told us one of the nice police officers (the part on horses and all were equipped with huge guns and other combat equipment) that we should go back home because all 12,000 tickets (were given 2 tickets per person) to the 6,000 already sold before we were!! Oh great ..... disappointed we went along with the approximately 400 people in front of us - and then some more thousand people behind us. In this rush, we then have, fortunately, not a taxi to get back into town and had yet to walk a few kilometers. You can imagine that I was pretty down on Wednesday, then! But .... what is not to "normal Goes away "could, indeed with brains go ......! So I can Friday morning by a taxi ride to the exit of the sales counter at the stadium and got accosted about 50 people if they would sell me their ticket .... .. and for a small fee, I then found two people who have sold me a ticket each DONE !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! Tina - which I wanted to visit this weekend in Buenos Aires - and I had a ticket so
Over the weekend, and ultimately the game on Saturday but I will report in next post ...
Here is a link so you can see where and how and with whom I!! all have camped:
Inzwischen liegt es ja schon eine Woche zurück, dass ich mal wieder etwas ganz Verrücktes gemacht habe! Aber manchmal heiligt der Zweck nun einmal die Mittel!!! Seit Wochen schon wurde in Argentinien und speziell in Rosario auf ein Großereignis der besonderen Art hingefiebert. Fußball nimmt in Argentinien ja einen hohen Stellenwert ein, und wenn es dann auch noch um ein Qualifikations-Spiel zur Weltmeisterschaft 2010 in Südafrika geht.......ohooo! Der Gegner sollte eine ebenso starke Mannschaft sein - nämlich Brasilien - und das Spiel ausgerechnet hier in Rosario am 5. September stattfinden!!!!!
Die Eintrittskarten but were only sold here in Rosario, and in 2 stages. The more expensive tickets, of which there were less and the rush of would should be lower on Wednesday, 2 was expected to be September between 9 und 18 clock sold and cheaper to have a huge rush to be weeks on Friday, 4 September. Nadège (a French woman, also on semester abroad here) and I are so last Tuesday after the lecture with some food, warm clothes and a sleeping bag set off to the football stadium for us to make. Rumor has already 3000 people there at the camp should be .... and it was. Somewhere in the neighborhood around the corner from the stadium, we took it right at the back an, beziehungsweise lehnten wir uns in unseren Schlafsäcken an die Mauer an und schliefen ein wenig. Irgendwann gegen 3-4 Uhr morgens war dann ein riesiger Tumult. Alle Leute packten wie wild ihre Sachen und fingen an "um ihr Leben" zu laufen - also stiegen wir aus unserem Schlafsack und liefen mit unseren Sachen in den Armen den Anderen hinterher, bis wir direkt am Stadion angelangt waren wo eine sehr dichte, drängelnde Schlange auf uns wartete und wir uns ganz hinten eingliederten. Kaum dass wir unsere Schlafsäcke wieder in die Rucksäcke gestopft hatten, fing es dann zu regnen an (ach wie gut, dass ich mit GoreTex-Schuhen, Regenhose und Regenjacke gekommen war ;)!)! Und in dieser Menschenmasse sollten wir dann noch bis etwa 14 Uhr stehen, as we already pretty much at the front of the line .... were they then told us one of the nice police officers (the part on horses and all were equipped with huge guns and other combat equipment) that we should go back home because all 12,000 tickets (were given 2 tickets per person) to the 6,000 already sold before we were!! Oh great ..... disappointed we went along with the approximately 400 people in front of us - and then some more thousand people behind us. In this rush, we then have, fortunately, not a taxi to get back into town and had yet to walk a few kilometers. You can imagine that I was pretty down on Wednesday, then! But .... what is not to "normal Goes away "could, indeed with brains go ......! So I can Friday morning by a taxi ride to the exit of the sales counter at the stadium and got accosted about 50 people if they would sell me their ticket .... .. and for a small fee, I then found two people who have sold me a ticket each DONE !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! Tina - which I wanted to visit this weekend in Buenos Aires - and I had a ticket so
Over the weekend, and ultimately the game on Saturday but I will report in next post ...
Here is a link so you can see where and how and with whom I!! all have camped:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Boob Showing In Saree
"I love you!"
The confession of love is something special in bed. Although some reservations have is nothing wrong in everyday life, when the togetherness has matured into a love relationship, generous the phrase "I love you" to use it. Frequency does not devalue, but they may also institutionalize the togetherness. In bed, but these words are not safe: they are characterized by uniqueness in the concrete situation. Recommended are the virtues of thrift, and authenticity - to the "In Gone with the Wind "effect avoided - the unemotional voice color.
"I love you!"
The confession of love is something special in bed. Although some reservations have is nothing wrong in everyday life, when the togetherness has matured into a love relationship, generous the phrase "I love you" to use it. Frequency does not devalue, but they may also institutionalize the togetherness. In bed, but these words are not safe: they are characterized by uniqueness in the concrete situation. Recommended are the virtues of thrift, and authenticity - to the "In Gone with the Wind "effect avoided - the unemotional voice color.
Canker Sore From Saxaphone
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