So so slow to rush to the events ... I'm really just go! And unfortunately, out put how did - what a miracle - my credit card works really ned as they should ... cash it provides at least not when a pin code I get Ned, and Ned each credit card reader takes my card! AHHHHHHH!! Well we'll know ... the next few days in the wilderness, so I probably do not need money .... then phone and internet works anyway ned, running water and the like, we will also have ned .... and only in tents we sleep .... really pure wilderness! And right in the Andes, where it can at night may also have zero temperatures ....!!! If I am on 6 January'm back in civilization, is the report!
But first to the last week: On Christmas Day, Tina and Steffi are flown with a very early morning flight to Santiago de Chile. To me to save up the money for an extra cab, I'm already in the cold in the morning, and never imagined the time at the airport then drove Bachelor thesis etc, until the afternoon was my flight. Once in the hostel, I got my learning tool also equal unpacked, while the girls were in the city of Santiago on the way ... they knew, after all, still ned! I was sooo tired in the evening that I still vor 20 Uhr ins Bett gegangen bin und bis 9 Uhr in der Früh super durchgeschlafen hab. Ich wieder mit meinem Lernzeug raus an den Pool gesetzt, hab ich also den 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag wieder brav lernend verbracht. Nachmittags bin ich dann aber doch noch zu den Mädels dazugestoßen, um mit ner Seilbahn auf nen Hügel mit ner großen Marienstatue zu fahren - ein Wahrzeichen von Santiago....die Statue hatte was von der Jesusstatue in Rio! Am Sonntag in der Früh haben wir uns dann unseren Mietwagen in Santiago abgeholt und sind damit an den Pazifik gefahren. San Antonio - der bedeutendste Hafen von Chile - und Santo Domingo mit einem tollen schwarzen Sandstrand waren unsere Stopps. Ansonsten haben wir einfach nur die tolle Küstenstraße genossen, als we were on our way north to Valparaiso. Valparaiso and Vina del Mar, we are then driven through the same times, and have a nice accommodation in the small town of Concon sought. Monday we were then in the cities of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar on the way, have run on markets are down there with the typical cable cars and still have yourself a horse-city tour - schee's it! Yesterday morning, I'm still a little sitting on my bachelor thesis, and then the girls on the beach been joined - for adventurous swell;) With the car back to Santiago we went from there by bus to Talca. And now I'm sitting here in the middle of nowhere speaking such a country house. Today, there yes we the only shopping - food, tents and the like ... for the next few days in the wilderness. One last time So now I have internet. Tina and Steffi are already at the pool, and my bachelor thesis things I would like them to meet tonight .... then a nice glass of red wine .... and then have to pack stuff!
I wish you ever seen a happy new year, that 2010 is on a good year .... .... with many new opportunities and challenges and that we all stay healthy and happy!
Love, your
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Fell On Ice And Elbow Swollen
So a Scheen
So, in principle, yes ned much has happened since my last blog entry. We were here in Buenos Aires Food shopping, I have sent my Christmas calls, and I stood on the Bayern 3 Radio Live Stream Christmas music in the kitchen and got to Steffi's and Tina's help Speckpiroggen made ....! Then a shower quickly, and I am Tina's flat cut off at times .... it was about 19h local time ....! With about 80 Speckpiroggen in tow I am by subway one hours gegurkt through the city and I like a few of my "Grandma's Christmas Tradition" Speckpiroggen to some begging people I have come across on the way distributed. Then I landed at a Benedictine monastery mission (of nuns from Tutzing am Starnberger See!) In Buenos Aires, where I've given my few bags of pierogi. Opposite in the "parroquia" then has only about 10 minutes later, the Christmas service beginning at 20:30 hours. It was just a feeling - unbelievable! Since I was traveling alone, I have not had any valuables there - unfortunately, not my camera! It was a huge church full of people - such as standing, sitting, and even to out beyond the people stood crowded together, all the doors had to be left wide open extra. In summer dress so I have a beautiful mitgefeiert service (which I understood very well the English) - during Christmas carols with guitar music was played. After that, the people stormed the monastery over and I have a Lower Bavaria Nun - Sister Timotea - met. Shortly helped in detecting I stayed on a little "fun". Namely, the nuns have a special Christmas dinner for all the people organized, who would otherwise spend Christmas Eve alone, and the poor - those came bursting into the monastery, as I have made myself back to 22 clock back on the way to Tina's flat. My Speckpiroggen are guaranteed so come in good hands! It had not also taken a long time until I found a taxi and before 22:30 am I stood at the Tina at the door again. In her flat, we were then to eight, who have organized a special international Christmas dinner. Everyone has something für das Büffet beigetragen......und als ich dann am Ende des Essens wieder aus dem Gottesdienst zurück gekommen bin, haben wir mit Weihnachtslieder singen gestartet.....dann gab es "Bescherung" unter unserem kleinen Weihnachtsbaum......! Hier in Argentinien scheint es übrigens üblich zu sein, um Mitternacht am Weihnachtsabend ein Feuerwerk zu haben wir 2 Uhr nachts und es wird immer noch rumgeschossen.....! WAS FÜR EIN WEIHNACHTSFEST!!!!! Aber jetzt muss ich wirklich ins 5 Stunden fahren wir zum Flughafen raus...und dann geht´s nach Santiago de Chile!
Noch wunderschöne Feiertage........ich bin in Gedanken immer an euch daheim!!!
Eure Verena
So, in principle, yes ned much has happened since my last blog entry. We were here in Buenos Aires Food shopping, I have sent my Christmas calls, and I stood on the Bayern 3 Radio Live Stream Christmas music in the kitchen and got to Steffi's and Tina's help Speckpiroggen made ....! Then a shower quickly, and I am Tina's flat cut off at times .... it was about 19h local time ....! With about 80 Speckpiroggen in tow I am by subway one hours gegurkt through the city and I like a few of my "Grandma's Christmas Tradition" Speckpiroggen to some begging people I have come across on the way distributed. Then I landed at a Benedictine monastery mission (of nuns from Tutzing am Starnberger See!) In Buenos Aires, where I've given my few bags of pierogi. Opposite in the "parroquia" then has only about 10 minutes later, the Christmas service beginning at 20:30 hours. It was just a feeling - unbelievable! Since I was traveling alone, I have not had any valuables there - unfortunately, not my camera! It was a huge church full of people - such as standing, sitting, and even to out beyond the people stood crowded together, all the doors had to be left wide open extra. In summer dress so I have a beautiful mitgefeiert service (which I understood very well the English) - during Christmas carols with guitar music was played. After that, the people stormed the monastery over and I have a Lower Bavaria Nun - Sister Timotea - met. Shortly helped in detecting I stayed on a little "fun". Namely, the nuns have a special Christmas dinner for all the people organized, who would otherwise spend Christmas Eve alone, and the poor - those came bursting into the monastery, as I have made myself back to 22 clock back on the way to Tina's flat. My Speckpiroggen are guaranteed so come in good hands! It had not also taken a long time until I found a taxi and before 22:30 am I stood at the Tina at the door again. In her flat, we were then to eight, who have organized a special international Christmas dinner. Everyone has something für das Büffet beigetragen......und als ich dann am Ende des Essens wieder aus dem Gottesdienst zurück gekommen bin, haben wir mit Weihnachtslieder singen gestartet.....dann gab es "Bescherung" unter unserem kleinen Weihnachtsbaum......! Hier in Argentinien scheint es übrigens üblich zu sein, um Mitternacht am Weihnachtsabend ein Feuerwerk zu haben wir 2 Uhr nachts und es wird immer noch rumgeschossen.....! WAS FÜR EIN WEIHNACHTSFEST!!!!! Aber jetzt muss ich wirklich ins 5 Stunden fahren wir zum Flughafen raus...und dann geht´s nach Santiago de Chile!
Noch wunderschöne Feiertage........ich bin in Gedanken immer an euch daheim!!!
Eure Verena
Sissy Sissy Hüftgürtel Ehemann? Oder Manly?
Christmas Christmas in Buenos Aires ....
Ja, Today is Christmas Eve. ... Advent is over, I was legally prevented this year Leckerl not bake. Although I am in Argentina, in the summer, I wanted it to me so can not really take - but of course without a kitchen, because really very homeless - that is what it is so difficult ....! And where I am now 5 already for months in a developing or emerging economy or how to always say, can be especially here my personal annual "Christmas Campaign" just do not fail - the eyes you can not just close! Last Thursday I am so taken with shopping bags packed full with the girls in the slums of Rosario by at least some zu kochen…..und mich von den Menschen zu verabschieden, die ich samstags, soweit ich in Rosario war, besucht habe. Naja, eine Feuerstelle dank einem Gaskocher gab´s, einen Topf mit Schüssel, Rührbesen und Pfannenwender habe ich ausgeliehenerweise mitgebracht. Plastikteller und –besteck auch gekauft. Und los ging´s. Ne halbe Stunde habe ich gebraucht um meine 50 Eier mit den restlichen Zutaten zu verrühren und hab dann losgelegt Kaiserschmarrn für die Kinder und einige Mütter zu machen. Von den 100 Tellern blieben mir noch 10 übrig…ich kann also nur vermuten, dass ich wohl 90 Leute versorgt habe…..ich habe in der „Küche“ geschwitzt, während die Mädels die Teller verteilt haben…! That made me somehow of the tent camps used to remind the scouts ... .. so a mass of food .... But I guess everyone was happy ....!
on Tuesday - that the day before yesterday - I could have planned what had really great ... .. but unfortunately, works ned by Argentine style always everything as you imagine. I had a contact with an orphanage in Rosario and had thought, "abusing" the local cuisine in order to make the children a few simple Leckerl like snow flakes and Florentine ... ... .hätte / would / if ... .. pity about the Conjunctive . No idea what went wrong, but the director had me already for 1 week nach hinten rausgeschoben, und anscheinend wurde es dann so kurz vor Weihnachten zu stressig, so dass ich das leider nicht machen konnte. So viel zum Thema Leckerl backen – ist 2009 also letztendlich doch ausgefallen !
Aber ansonsten hatte ich ja auch recht viel Arbeit – für meinen Kurs „EU-Binnenmarktrecht“ in Innsbruck musste ich eine Arbeit verfassen…..die 12 Seiten zur „Europa-GmbH“ habe ich also geschrieben. Und meine Bachelorarbeit ist ebenfalls schon seit Oktober in Arbeit, da konnte ich auch bereits die ersten 13 Seiten verfassen – zum Thema „Notwendigkeit und Ziele der GmbH-Reform in Österreich“ – die letzten beiden Tage habe ich nochmal eine Menge neuer Quellen found and so I just work through 200 pages to read or put on hold, then about to write the last pages. But in general - since I came back from Easter Island, I've done a lot, spent a lot of time in the library of my university in Rosario ... and yet the last asados (ie BBQs) enjoyed with one or another glass of red wine -. Argentine life by couch surfing or mass mattress warehouse in Lisandro's apartment in pure form. Yesterday I stopped in Rosario final my tent and am using my last belongings (1 large and 1 small backpack) to Buenos Aires went to Tina. The bus ride again to read for the Bachelor thesis used, I have also moved yesterday evening at her home the same time 5 hours to work through my lyrics ... .. while they went to dinner with her friend Steffi. Steffi is Sunday traveled first from Bavaria and the two I will be traveling the next 2 weeks before both then fly home.
Let's see how we will spend Christmas Eve ... so ..! On 25 December we fly to Santiago, after all, already at our Chile Tour start. You see, I do not get bored, and the pleasant you can always kind of business with pleasure - if you want it!!
is the way my credit card fiasco, alas, still not entirely clear - the very latest card (with limited functions) their way made by my parents to Steffi, and she gave me at least once "here fly" and pass ... .. but of cash I'm not so still ...! Well, all so bad ... there are always kind of a solution for everything ... ... of the will already be coming ... .. Time will tell ... .. any way I've found so far are still getting through -. Of course, many thanks dear people help! Thank you !!!!!! even at this point
So ... .. let's be grateful for what we have, but how good it is, despite some minor complaints, But everyone in the any manner which is - where is light, shadow and even now ... .. and it could always be worse ... ... we make the most of it ... ... ... So: we learn more, to show gratitude for everything positive instead of us agonize unnecessarily over small things, the negative brain!
In this sense, I would like to wish all of you at home a Merry Christmas .... ... ... In the circle of your loved ones a Christmas peace!
your Verena
Ja, Today is Christmas Eve. ... Advent is over, I was legally prevented this year Leckerl not bake. Although I am in Argentina, in the summer, I wanted it to me so can not really take - but of course without a kitchen, because really very homeless - that is what it is so difficult ....! And where I am now 5 already for months in a developing or emerging economy or how to always say, can be especially here my personal annual "Christmas Campaign" just do not fail - the eyes you can not just close! Last Thursday I am so taken with shopping bags packed full with the girls in the slums of Rosario by at least some zu kochen…..und mich von den Menschen zu verabschieden, die ich samstags, soweit ich in Rosario war, besucht habe. Naja, eine Feuerstelle dank einem Gaskocher gab´s, einen Topf mit Schüssel, Rührbesen und Pfannenwender habe ich ausgeliehenerweise mitgebracht. Plastikteller und –besteck auch gekauft. Und los ging´s. Ne halbe Stunde habe ich gebraucht um meine 50 Eier mit den restlichen Zutaten zu verrühren und hab dann losgelegt Kaiserschmarrn für die Kinder und einige Mütter zu machen. Von den 100 Tellern blieben mir noch 10 übrig…ich kann also nur vermuten, dass ich wohl 90 Leute versorgt habe…..ich habe in der „Küche“ geschwitzt, während die Mädels die Teller verteilt haben…! That made me somehow of the tent camps used to remind the scouts ... .. so a mass of food .... But I guess everyone was happy ....!
on Tuesday - that the day before yesterday - I could have planned what had really great ... .. but unfortunately, works ned by Argentine style always everything as you imagine. I had a contact with an orphanage in Rosario and had thought, "abusing" the local cuisine in order to make the children a few simple Leckerl like snow flakes and Florentine ... ... .hätte / would / if ... .. pity about the Conjunctive . No idea what went wrong, but the director had me already for 1 week nach hinten rausgeschoben, und anscheinend wurde es dann so kurz vor Weihnachten zu stressig, so dass ich das leider nicht machen konnte. So viel zum Thema Leckerl backen – ist 2009 also letztendlich doch ausgefallen !
Aber ansonsten hatte ich ja auch recht viel Arbeit – für meinen Kurs „EU-Binnenmarktrecht“ in Innsbruck musste ich eine Arbeit verfassen…..die 12 Seiten zur „Europa-GmbH“ habe ich also geschrieben. Und meine Bachelorarbeit ist ebenfalls schon seit Oktober in Arbeit, da konnte ich auch bereits die ersten 13 Seiten verfassen – zum Thema „Notwendigkeit und Ziele der GmbH-Reform in Österreich“ – die letzten beiden Tage habe ich nochmal eine Menge neuer Quellen found and so I just work through 200 pages to read or put on hold, then about to write the last pages. But in general - since I came back from Easter Island, I've done a lot, spent a lot of time in the library of my university in Rosario ... and yet the last asados (ie BBQs) enjoyed with one or another glass of red wine -. Argentine life by couch surfing or mass mattress warehouse in Lisandro's apartment in pure form. Yesterday I stopped in Rosario final my tent and am using my last belongings (1 large and 1 small backpack) to Buenos Aires went to Tina. The bus ride again to read for the Bachelor thesis used, I have also moved yesterday evening at her home the same time 5 hours to work through my lyrics ... .. while they went to dinner with her friend Steffi. Steffi is Sunday traveled first from Bavaria and the two I will be traveling the next 2 weeks before both then fly home.
Let's see how we will spend Christmas Eve ... so ..! On 25 December we fly to Santiago, after all, already at our Chile Tour start. You see, I do not get bored, and the pleasant you can always kind of business with pleasure - if you want it!!
is the way my credit card fiasco, alas, still not entirely clear - the very latest card (with limited functions) their way made by my parents to Steffi, and she gave me at least once "here fly" and pass ... .. but of cash I'm not so still ...! Well, all so bad ... there are always kind of a solution for everything ... ... of the will already be coming ... .. Time will tell ... .. any way I've found so far are still getting through -. Of course, many thanks dear people help! Thank you !!!!!! even at this point
So ... .. let's be grateful for what we have, but how good it is, despite some minor complaints, But everyone in the any manner which is - where is light, shadow and even now ... .. and it could always be worse ... ... we make the most of it ... ... ... So: we learn more, to show gratitude for everything positive instead of us agonize unnecessarily over small things, the negative brain!
In this sense, I would like to wish all of you at home a Merry Christmas .... ... ... In the circle of your loved ones a Christmas peace!
your Verena
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Ireland Deposit Insurance
The reason ...
.. . why am on weekends, must no longer come to the Internet:
I think even in relatively warm 15 degrees that will not only better one day. (I have found that the lock works again but the door is probably frozen in the door frame so it's even not really again)
-27 degrees by the way do not really feel sooo badly, in any case when no wind blows (When the wind blows it is not possible out of the house). Attempts are generally long distances and waiting times to prevent (which is not often possible, as the trams and Marschrutken all come to seem good) and it is better to speak any more (the mouth can be damned cold!) When talking but then only through closed teeth and with a glove in front of the face.
is now here also turned out really nice-all the trees have a white frost coat.
friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, happy new year of the tiger. On 29
Linus comes to visit me in the evening with the ice sculptures in the center of the Chelyabinsk am. At night we will fly to St. Petersburg, hiss through but we have to another 7 hours of waiting at the airport, Moscow's decrepit kill.
Then we will meet Christian and Julia, and by 4 live in Julia's apartment to get the evening on the train to Moscow, where we then to 8 live at the hostel be.
I'm really happy and I think you should meet its forward a few fine pictures!
Christmas I will spend way, way: Normal working day, I prepare the annual fair in KK (the children get emoticons when they helped and in between there is then a fair where they for a certain number Smilies KrimsKrams can buy), 17.00 clock is then nativity play at 24.00 and Clock Fair (later, the young people meet because here no buses travel at night but I have my bed even less in the church and go to sleep).
between nativity play fair and I will busy baking cakes, my Christmas gift to the pastor and sister-what is better not occurred to me: D (The youth appear to be celebrating Christmas together here and have just called me whether I want to celebrate too ... ok I do. So today is already baked cake).
way, I have been waiting 3 months to 2 packets. A little will come in the mail and was actually a sort of birthday gift ... (Have been sent a week in which my parents, a letter was sent to me-who is also still not there, I personally believe now that the plane crashed or the Siberian Post of the Week stolen was because actually enjoy at least letters to very good), the second package is huge and filled with all sorts of winter gear-pity, which I have here now have to buy because at -20 degrees all I need gloves. The package was sent through a private parcel service by road and was supposed to be after 4 weeks here, but is now been three months in the Czech customs my parents have recovered it, and at least get their money back for it. But I do not get including my favorite scruffy trousers and my krazfreien winter scarf though. (
So siehts aus, Freunde!
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch allen nur das Beste, das Jahr des Tigers wird groß! ;D
.. . why am on weekends, must no longer come to the Internet:
I think even in relatively warm 15 degrees that will not only better one day. (I have found that the lock works again but the door is probably frozen in the door frame so it's even not really again)
-27 degrees by the way do not really feel sooo badly, in any case when no wind blows (When the wind blows it is not possible out of the house). Attempts are generally long distances and waiting times to prevent (which is not often possible, as the trams and Marschrutken all come to seem good) and it is better to speak any more (the mouth can be damned cold!) When talking but then only through closed teeth and with a glove in front of the face.
is now here also turned out really nice-all the trees have a white frost coat.
friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, happy new year of the tiger. On 29
Linus comes to visit me in the evening with the ice sculptures in the center of the Chelyabinsk am. At night we will fly to St. Petersburg, hiss through but we have to another 7 hours of waiting at the airport, Moscow's decrepit kill.
Then we will meet Christian and Julia, and by 4 live in Julia's apartment to get the evening on the train to Moscow, where we then to 8 live at the hostel be.
I'm really happy and I think you should meet its forward a few fine pictures!
Christmas I will spend way, way: Normal working day, I prepare the annual fair in KK (the children get emoticons when they helped and in between there is then a fair where they for a certain number Smilies KrimsKrams can buy), 17.00 clock is then nativity play at 24.00 and Clock Fair (later, the young people meet because here no buses travel at night but I have my bed even less in the church and go to sleep).
between nativity play fair and I will busy baking cakes, my Christmas gift to the pastor and sister-what is better not occurred to me: D (The youth appear to be celebrating Christmas together here and have just called me whether I want to celebrate too ... ok I do. So today is already baked cake).
way, I have been waiting 3 months to 2 packets. A little will come in the mail and was actually a sort of birthday gift ... (Have been sent a week in which my parents, a letter was sent to me-who is also still not there, I personally believe now that the plane crashed or the Siberian Post of the Week stolen was because actually enjoy at least letters to very good), the second package is huge and filled with all sorts of winter gear-pity, which I have here now have to buy because at -20 degrees all I need gloves. The package was sent through a private parcel service by road and was supposed to be after 4 weeks here, but is now been three months in the Czech customs my parents have recovered it, and at least get their money back for it. But I do not get including my favorite scruffy trousers and my krazfreien winter scarf though. (
So siehts aus, Freunde!
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch allen nur das Beste, das Jahr des Tigers wird groß! ;D
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Messenger Cokolu Indir
.... Do not let others get or: the 5th Month!
has appeared once more the saying: 1 everything is different, 2 than you think? Yes, I would so much time-consuming even with organizational, I had not thought of. Until Saturday .... well over 5 hours in bank hotlines spending .... I have - I think sometimes, all done bureaucratically necessary. My emergency credit card that would let me get visas is not somehow arrived, had to be locked, and so is the regular follow-up credit card that my parents sent me complicated and expensive to Argentina no longer have been valid. I find myself now at least 2 more weeks because without a credit card. For today I had it but I can arrange to pick up emergency money for visas at a Western Union around the corner. Completely out of water I sit not alone ... and I'm also not here. Again ein Beweis dafür, dass egal was passiert, sich früher oder später schon eine Lösung findet und man an jegliches Problem ruhig und besonnen herangehen muss!
Ich verbringe die meiste Zeit nun an meinem PC und kämpfe um eine stabile Internetverbindung, um an meiner Bachelor-Arbeit und dergleichen für Innsbruck weiterzukommen. Langsam aber sicher geht´s auch weiter! Zudem genieße ich es gerade sehr, mit meinen beiden Couchsurfing-Jungs "zu hausen". Die letzten Tage haben sie mich ja förmlich durchgefüttert, mir Frühstück gemacht.....dann haben wir Mate getrunken, mit Gitarrenbegleitung spanische und deutsche Weihnachtslieder gesungen oder mal eine Dokumentation über Darwin angesehen....! So langsam gewöhne ich mich auch immer mehr daran, nur aus dem Rucksack zu leben und meine Sachen NICHT in einen Schrank zu räumen - oder - die Tür zumachen zu können und ein eigenes Zimmer zu haben. Ich hole mir jeden Tag meine Matratze raus und leg sie im Eingangsbereich, welcher gleichzeitig auch Esszimmer ist auf den schmalen freien Fleck am Boden - und ich schlafe ausgezeichnet. Wenn man halb über meine Matratze drüber steigt, gelangt man in einen Flur mit Küchenzeile, dann in ein weiteres Durchgangszimmer, wo gerade so Lucy´s Bett und Regal Platz hat und gelangt ins letzte Zimmer - Lisandro´s Schlafzimmer (mehr als Bett, Schrank und Schreibtisch ist da aber auch nicht drin!).
Mit meinem PC kann ich mich ja entweder am Esstisch oder in der University Library ........ spread back to the roots ..... in such a simple life, the focus is again on the essentials! Jule
Friday comes probably from their southern Argentina travel again, then we share the floor and enjoying a few bottles of Argentine wine in the evening after work .... another reason to rejoice!
So, I read it once on my (bachelor's) work on .... and leave you some photos of my last month - has now come back to the fifth here ..... I am the way to Europe in time for Valentine's Day! !
has appeared once more the saying: 1 everything is different, 2 than you think? Yes, I would so much time-consuming even with organizational, I had not thought of. Until Saturday .... well over 5 hours in bank hotlines spending .... I have - I think sometimes, all done bureaucratically necessary. My emergency credit card that would let me get visas is not somehow arrived, had to be locked, and so is the regular follow-up credit card that my parents sent me complicated and expensive to Argentina no longer have been valid. I find myself now at least 2 more weeks because without a credit card. For today I had it but I can arrange to pick up emergency money for visas at a Western Union around the corner. Completely out of water I sit not alone ... and I'm also not here. Again ein Beweis dafür, dass egal was passiert, sich früher oder später schon eine Lösung findet und man an jegliches Problem ruhig und besonnen herangehen muss!
Ich verbringe die meiste Zeit nun an meinem PC und kämpfe um eine stabile Internetverbindung, um an meiner Bachelor-Arbeit und dergleichen für Innsbruck weiterzukommen. Langsam aber sicher geht´s auch weiter! Zudem genieße ich es gerade sehr, mit meinen beiden Couchsurfing-Jungs "zu hausen". Die letzten Tage haben sie mich ja förmlich durchgefüttert, mir Frühstück gemacht.....dann haben wir Mate getrunken, mit Gitarrenbegleitung spanische und deutsche Weihnachtslieder gesungen oder mal eine Dokumentation über Darwin angesehen....! So langsam gewöhne ich mich auch immer mehr daran, nur aus dem Rucksack zu leben und meine Sachen NICHT in einen Schrank zu räumen - oder - die Tür zumachen zu können und ein eigenes Zimmer zu haben. Ich hole mir jeden Tag meine Matratze raus und leg sie im Eingangsbereich, welcher gleichzeitig auch Esszimmer ist auf den schmalen freien Fleck am Boden - und ich schlafe ausgezeichnet. Wenn man halb über meine Matratze drüber steigt, gelangt man in einen Flur mit Küchenzeile, dann in ein weiteres Durchgangszimmer, wo gerade so Lucy´s Bett und Regal Platz hat und gelangt ins letzte Zimmer - Lisandro´s Schlafzimmer (mehr als Bett, Schrank und Schreibtisch ist da aber auch nicht drin!).
Mit meinem PC kann ich mich ja entweder am Esstisch oder in der University Library ........ spread back to the roots ..... in such a simple life, the focus is again on the essentials! Jule
Friday comes probably from their southern Argentina travel again, then we share the floor and enjoying a few bottles of Argentine wine in the evening after work .... another reason to rejoice!
So, I read it once on my (bachelor's) work on .... and leave you some photos of my last month - has now come back to the fifth here ..... I am the way to Europe in time for Valentine's Day! !
Review 5th Months |
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Best Low Light Hd Prosumer Camera
winter and cockroaches
Ja Freunde, es ist so weit-der sibirische Winter ist endlich da! Nachdem es vor zwei Wochen nocheinmal richtig warm war und der ganze Schnee weggeschmolzen war, hat es letztes Wochenende dann endlich -20 Grad und Schnee gegeben. In Barnaul wsind es inzwischen übrigens -35 Grad.
Wie fühlen sich -20 Grad an? Nun, wenn kein Wind weht ist es eigentlich relativ angenehm. Wenn man aus dem Haus geht frieren einem die ersten Minuten die Nasenhaare fest (ich dachte das wäre der Schnodder der friert aber ich habe mich aufklären leave) this is a really strange feeling but relatively Witzig. In addition to freeze out the first two steps on the ground (to the point where there is no snow outside my door, for example), as it usually still has melted water under the shoes.
When you go into shops, the bright red cheeks and begin to stretch incredibly, and the nose starts to run, but you get used to here soon.
The lips are cracked and now ultra can also put some cream on the other hand constantly to do anything.
form on all disks is partly beautiful ice crystals in the children's club and a completely freezes your door in the hallway of the guest areas are the thick windows not installed properly, unfortunately been, so that the edges of the windows freeze from the inside.
Otherwise, and to you that you are sitting in the tram and the marshrutkas as far away from the door.
That's -20 degrees, vlt. Do we get here, behind the Urals also still -30, then I will report what can be changed by 10 degrees.
Otherwise, I was in front with Father Nicholas Reinhard in a "German" bakery. The German bakery is only because their machines from Germany, otherwise there is nothing German.
I am then parade, because on Sunday parish feast (and Nicholas!) And it was biscuits should be baked and then I baked cookies last week (check off to-do list) and the Father and sisters have gotten even knew what Father Reinhard, that am in possession of a very delicious cookie dough recipe. Precisely for this recipe (from our beloved dwarf book at home) 20 KG produced biscuits (I even lent my newly acquired cookie cutters!). So we chatted
were operating in this sweet and have a little bit with the boss, because Father Reinhard and he have already known each other forever and just something the boss is sympathetic, indeed a truly nice Russian! By the way, we can present or try 1000 different delicacies (still warm) and have each a large bag of bread and biscuits noticed.
For me this was a very interesting visit, I The first time a Russian, independent small business owners have met and I'm still a bit shocked about it, what with bureaucratic (plus corruption), he has trouble fighting.
I can not play anything, it is always in principle cost of documents and safety so much money that is crazy! Also what he had to flow in bribes, I'm only surprised that it exists at all self-employed here, I would have on the whole do not feel like shaking and trembling. One thing is certain, then, the Russians are very tough and for me a little bit like stand-up male.
This Week were Sr. Elizabeth, Linus, and Lisa here to visit me and get to know my work site. Sr. Elizabeth was a business trip, for me it was vacation:) I got the whole week off and was allowed to show others my (beautiful) city. With Linus, I was last night by the way the puppet theater. The entrance, we got nothing, because I have met at a home visit of the HKP an old lady who used to be a big shot in the theater and us that now allows about Connections has (I was last weekend here in the museum very interesting-even for free!).
Wednesday night have Linus, Lisa and I then met with all staff and to ministers, so it provided us with any questions Löchern konnten, da wir hier ja die ersten FDAler sind (und alle Stellen hier wieder besetzt werden). Das ging ganz schön lange und es waren wirklich alle da, was mich persönlich super glücklich macht weil das zeigt, wie groß das Interesse an uns ist. Zudem wurde mir am Ende gesagt das ich hier jederzeit willkommen bin und ich es als 2. zu Hause ansehen soll :) Ein besseres Feedback kann man doch nicht bekommen,oder?
Danach haben wir drei und Sr. Elisabeth uns nochmal zusammengesetzt und die ersten drei Monate reflektiert :)
Ich habe jetzt auch eindlich mal Kakerlaken kennengelernt (hab ich vorher noch nie gesehen). In meiner Küche hab ich insgesamt 4 gesehen, noch recht klein aber trotzdem absolut wiederlich. Nächste Woche werden meine Chefin und ich dem Übel ein Ende bereiten. Die Männer räumen die Küche aus und wir putzen die bis die rein ist wie nie zuvor und das blöde Mistvieh kein Futter findet.
Also insgesamt waren die letzten Wochen super und sind an mir vorbei geflogen. In 17 Tagen kommt Linus schon wieder hierher und in 18 Tagen fiegen wir schon nach St. Petersburg. Wenn wir am 9. Januar wieder zurück sind, ist es nichteinmal mehr einen Monat hin zum Zwischenseminar in Novosibirsk und nur noch 20 Tage bis zum Besuch von Ottmar. Nach dem Zwischensemiar sind die ersten 6 Monate um! Die Zeit in Sibirien vergeht eindeutig schneller als in Deutschland!
Ich habe bestimmt 39202002 Sachen vergessen, But lately I come not to write regularly and above all, I will have no more internet in the room because this is too stressful.
PS: I have here the way nowiluna (new moon) being looked at. If you would, to Robert with such a Russian national voice in front, do not go! : D
Oh, and look a look at Picasa! :)
I wish you a wonderful third Advent!
Ja Freunde, es ist so weit-der sibirische Winter ist endlich da! Nachdem es vor zwei Wochen nocheinmal richtig warm war und der ganze Schnee weggeschmolzen war, hat es letztes Wochenende dann endlich -20 Grad und Schnee gegeben. In Barnaul wsind es inzwischen übrigens -35 Grad.
Wie fühlen sich -20 Grad an? Nun, wenn kein Wind weht ist es eigentlich relativ angenehm. Wenn man aus dem Haus geht frieren einem die ersten Minuten die Nasenhaare fest (ich dachte das wäre der Schnodder der friert aber ich habe mich aufklären leave) this is a really strange feeling but relatively Witzig. In addition to freeze out the first two steps on the ground (to the point where there is no snow outside my door, for example), as it usually still has melted water under the shoes.
When you go into shops, the bright red cheeks and begin to stretch incredibly, and the nose starts to run, but you get used to here soon.
The lips are cracked and now ultra can also put some cream on the other hand constantly to do anything.
form on all disks is partly beautiful ice crystals in the children's club and a completely freezes your door in the hallway of the guest areas are the thick windows not installed properly, unfortunately been, so that the edges of the windows freeze from the inside.
Otherwise, and to you that you are sitting in the tram and the marshrutkas as far away from the door.
That's -20 degrees, vlt. Do we get here, behind the Urals also still -30, then I will report what can be changed by 10 degrees.
Otherwise, I was in front with Father Nicholas Reinhard in a "German" bakery. The German bakery is only because their machines from Germany, otherwise there is nothing German.
I am then parade, because on Sunday parish feast (and Nicholas!) And it was biscuits should be baked and then I baked cookies last week (check off to-do list) and the Father and sisters have gotten even knew what Father Reinhard, that am in possession of a very delicious cookie dough recipe. Precisely for this recipe (from our beloved dwarf book at home) 20 KG produced biscuits (I even lent my newly acquired cookie cutters!). So we chatted
were operating in this sweet and have a little bit with the boss, because Father Reinhard and he have already known each other forever and just something the boss is sympathetic, indeed a truly nice Russian! By the way, we can present or try 1000 different delicacies (still warm) and have each a large bag of bread and biscuits noticed.
For me this was a very interesting visit, I The first time a Russian, independent small business owners have met and I'm still a bit shocked about it, what with bureaucratic (plus corruption), he has trouble fighting.
I can not play anything, it is always in principle cost of documents and safety so much money that is crazy! Also what he had to flow in bribes, I'm only surprised that it exists at all self-employed here, I would have on the whole do not feel like shaking and trembling. One thing is certain, then, the Russians are very tough and for me a little bit like stand-up male.
This Week were Sr. Elizabeth, Linus, and Lisa here to visit me and get to know my work site. Sr. Elizabeth was a business trip, for me it was vacation:) I got the whole week off and was allowed to show others my (beautiful) city. With Linus, I was last night by the way the puppet theater. The entrance, we got nothing, because I have met at a home visit of the HKP an old lady who used to be a big shot in the theater and us that now allows about Connections has (I was last weekend here in the museum very interesting-even for free!).
Wednesday night have Linus, Lisa and I then met with all staff and to ministers, so it provided us with any questions Löchern konnten, da wir hier ja die ersten FDAler sind (und alle Stellen hier wieder besetzt werden). Das ging ganz schön lange und es waren wirklich alle da, was mich persönlich super glücklich macht weil das zeigt, wie groß das Interesse an uns ist. Zudem wurde mir am Ende gesagt das ich hier jederzeit willkommen bin und ich es als 2. zu Hause ansehen soll :) Ein besseres Feedback kann man doch nicht bekommen,oder?
Danach haben wir drei und Sr. Elisabeth uns nochmal zusammengesetzt und die ersten drei Monate reflektiert :)
Ich habe jetzt auch eindlich mal Kakerlaken kennengelernt (hab ich vorher noch nie gesehen). In meiner Küche hab ich insgesamt 4 gesehen, noch recht klein aber trotzdem absolut wiederlich. Nächste Woche werden meine Chefin und ich dem Übel ein Ende bereiten. Die Männer räumen die Küche aus und wir putzen die bis die rein ist wie nie zuvor und das blöde Mistvieh kein Futter findet.
Also insgesamt waren die letzten Wochen super und sind an mir vorbei geflogen. In 17 Tagen kommt Linus schon wieder hierher und in 18 Tagen fiegen wir schon nach St. Petersburg. Wenn wir am 9. Januar wieder zurück sind, ist es nichteinmal mehr einen Monat hin zum Zwischenseminar in Novosibirsk und nur noch 20 Tage bis zum Besuch von Ottmar. Nach dem Zwischensemiar sind die ersten 6 Monate um! Die Zeit in Sibirien vergeht eindeutig schneller als in Deutschland!
Ich habe bestimmt 39202002 Sachen vergessen, But lately I come not to write regularly and above all, I will have no more internet in the room because this is too stressful.
PS: I have here the way nowiluna (new moon) being looked at. If you would, to Robert with such a Russian national voice in front, do not go! : D
Oh, and look a look at Picasa! :)
December |
I wish you a wonderful third Advent!
Friday, December 11, 2009
When On Your Period Does Your Cervix Open
A week full of ups and downs - Christmas, Santa Claus and Easter at once!
Holla the forest fairy! What a week! First I am so prepared only on my last test in Rosario, which was to be the most difficult of the semester, and I have written shortly before my departure by night bus to Santiago de Chile last Friday. By email I have received by now the news that I have mastered to 95% - and had also apparently existed as only one of all exchange students at all even! *'m Proud of myself! * When I last Saturday after about 22 hours on the way arrived in Chile's capital have occurred, did in fact my personal worst case scenario, what I I painted before leaving for Argentina in July had: the ATM machine at the bus station, which should give me Chilean pesos, has swallowed my card (which - as we say - probably more often done in Chile). So, so I'm in a whole new country, a very different place (not even Argentina!), Where I've never been where I knew no one on site, ready in the Lernerei, the written examination and the eternal driving around ( night) buses, and my only credit card that my one-to-come-cash means is suddenly gone! Gigantic! After Rumtelefonierei I lock the card within a very short time can, at least when no abuse can be operated and again alles organisiert, um so bald als möglich an eine neue Karte zu kommen - also hat sich mein Problem-Lösungs- bzw. Organisations-Talent mal wieder unter Beweis gestellt! Mit dem letzten argentinischen Bargeld, das ich in der Wechselstube tauschen konnte, bin ich dann glücklicherweise erst einmal ins Hostel gekommen. Dort habe ich sämtliche weiteren Dinge bezüglich neuer Kreditkarte mit Visa und Bank geregelt. Naja, und wie der (glückliche) Zufall es so wollte, ist die Karte ein paar Stunden bevor ich einen Bekannten von daheim treffen sollte - der gerade ein paar Wochen durch Südamerika gereist ist - und mit dem ich gemeinsam ein paar Tage auf die Osterinsel fliegen wollte, abhanden gekommen. Glück im Unglück...oder einfach nur Good timing? Well, just about everything in butter ... somehow you go even further and ALWAYS! Sunday we will therefore herumgestiefelt together in Santiago and have the "South American Cities Sightseeing" made before the plane would take us to my highlight for 2009: on the Santiago about 4000km away from Easter Island!! Easter Island is tiny, and is also the spot on the earth that is the furthest away from any other population. Of course, caused by volcanoes, it has only an area of 24km to 13km and less than 4,000 inhabitants. There is also the "Rapa Nui" is about 10 not to be underestimated "mountain-hill," the ...... reach up to 500 meters and always exactly on the way between the 600 surviving "moai" - that stone figures - are. Sunday evening - still ended up with light - we have gotten from the hostel, which picked us up at the airport, even those reassigned Hawaiian leis, as I was then blessed the same time. Unfortunately, it was until we came to the hostel then already dark, but the first walk on the beach on 2 Christmas carols sing with - after all was Nicholas - could not miss! Equal Monday in the morning we have therefore rented mountain bikes to visit if possible, each of the figures. Until late in the afternoon, we pedaled into words across all the hills about it among others to the north side and are gone in an impressive setting for the first time swimming in the Pacific. The 18km mountain bike back running race I've despite a small competitive advantage but then (just) not yet won (but I know once again, go why I prefer along rivers!), But at least we made it with a bottle of red wine but done in time for sunset at the beach. Tuesday we are then kicking on all other statues that we have not seen the previous day, were again on the beach on the north side and were then caught by a heavy rain shower, so we are again in the evening soaking wet and with bike mishap came back . The only thing that was missing then to visit, was a volcanic crater with early time-landscaped village, about 400 meters, we have started up just before Anbruck the dark. Wednesday morning I wanted to be sure to see even the sunrise, so we are about 6 clock in the morning with my head lamp cycled armed to the east side of the island. Unfortunately, it was still cloudy from the rain the previous day so that more could have been seen .... but it was still beautiful, and with his mate early in the morning, a day also just good start! After breakfast, we drink the coffee will come to write postcards, and then it went back to Santiago de Chile, where last night we still comfortable with a bottle Chilean red wine could end (Argentine Malbec is still better)! Yesterday we went after breakfast to the airport of Santiago, and now to 1 clock at night I was - again totally whacked on the road - at last with Lisandro and Lucy in Rosario. For approximately 4 hours I sit here again very disciplined in the library at my university to write my bachelor thesis on, which I would like to finish by Christmas. There is still much work waiting for me, but 12 hours a day has indeed opened the library also ....! Review of photos with my 5th Month in South America next week! Christmas greetings to you send the Vreni now in the library ....
Holla the forest fairy! What a week! First I am so prepared only on my last test in Rosario, which was to be the most difficult of the semester, and I have written shortly before my departure by night bus to Santiago de Chile last Friday. By email I have received by now the news that I have mastered to 95% - and had also apparently existed as only one of all exchange students at all even! *'m Proud of myself! * When I last Saturday after about 22 hours on the way arrived in Chile's capital have occurred, did in fact my personal worst case scenario, what I I painted before leaving for Argentina in July had: the ATM machine at the bus station, which should give me Chilean pesos, has swallowed my card (which - as we say - probably more often done in Chile). So, so I'm in a whole new country, a very different place (not even Argentina!), Where I've never been where I knew no one on site, ready in the Lernerei, the written examination and the eternal driving around ( night) buses, and my only credit card that my one-to-come-cash means is suddenly gone! Gigantic! After Rumtelefonierei I lock the card within a very short time can, at least when no abuse can be operated and again alles organisiert, um so bald als möglich an eine neue Karte zu kommen - also hat sich mein Problem-Lösungs- bzw. Organisations-Talent mal wieder unter Beweis gestellt! Mit dem letzten argentinischen Bargeld, das ich in der Wechselstube tauschen konnte, bin ich dann glücklicherweise erst einmal ins Hostel gekommen. Dort habe ich sämtliche weiteren Dinge bezüglich neuer Kreditkarte mit Visa und Bank geregelt. Naja, und wie der (glückliche) Zufall es so wollte, ist die Karte ein paar Stunden bevor ich einen Bekannten von daheim treffen sollte - der gerade ein paar Wochen durch Südamerika gereist ist - und mit dem ich gemeinsam ein paar Tage auf die Osterinsel fliegen wollte, abhanden gekommen. Glück im Unglück...oder einfach nur Good timing? Well, just about everything in butter ... somehow you go even further and ALWAYS! Sunday we will therefore herumgestiefelt together in Santiago and have the "South American Cities Sightseeing" made before the plane would take us to my highlight for 2009: on the Santiago about 4000km away from Easter Island!! Easter Island is tiny, and is also the spot on the earth that is the furthest away from any other population. Of course, caused by volcanoes, it has only an area of 24km to 13km and less than 4,000 inhabitants. There is also the "Rapa Nui" is about 10 not to be underestimated "mountain-hill," the ...... reach up to 500 meters and always exactly on the way between the 600 surviving "moai" - that stone figures - are. Sunday evening - still ended up with light - we have gotten from the hostel, which picked us up at the airport, even those reassigned Hawaiian leis, as I was then blessed the same time. Unfortunately, it was until we came to the hostel then already dark, but the first walk on the beach on 2 Christmas carols sing with - after all was Nicholas - could not miss! Equal Monday in the morning we have therefore rented mountain bikes to visit if possible, each of the figures. Until late in the afternoon, we pedaled into words across all the hills about it among others to the north side and are gone in an impressive setting for the first time swimming in the Pacific. The 18km mountain bike back running race I've despite a small competitive advantage but then (just) not yet won (but I know once again, go why I prefer along rivers!), But at least we made it with a bottle of red wine but done in time for sunset at the beach. Tuesday we are then kicking on all other statues that we have not seen the previous day, were again on the beach on the north side and were then caught by a heavy rain shower, so we are again in the evening soaking wet and with bike mishap came back . The only thing that was missing then to visit, was a volcanic crater with early time-landscaped village, about 400 meters, we have started up just before Anbruck the dark. Wednesday morning I wanted to be sure to see even the sunrise, so we are about 6 clock in the morning with my head lamp cycled armed to the east side of the island. Unfortunately, it was still cloudy from the rain the previous day so that more could have been seen .... but it was still beautiful, and with his mate early in the morning, a day also just good start! After breakfast, we drink the coffee will come to write postcards, and then it went back to Santiago de Chile, where last night we still comfortable with a bottle Chilean red wine could end (Argentine Malbec is still better)! Yesterday we went after breakfast to the airport of Santiago, and now to 1 clock at night I was - again totally whacked on the road - at last with Lisandro and Lucy in Rosario. For approximately 4 hours I sit here again very disciplined in the library at my university to write my bachelor thesis on, which I would like to finish by Christmas. There is still much work waiting for me, but 12 hours a day has indeed opened the library also ....! Review of photos with my 5th Month in South America next week! Christmas greetings to you send the Vreni now in the library ....
Monday, November 30, 2009
Beyonces Thigh Measurements
inspection stop in Rosario
had since my last post 10 days ago so again a lot going on .....! Tucuman is the way the "Philadelphia South America", because the independence was declared by the colonial powers .... but what really every city in South America I have ever seen, one is her for a half-hour walk through the city center with all the sights by .. .. well, Tucuman was additionally containing the Independence Museum with background information. Again in the night bus we continued along the Andes south to San Juan. This city had been described even in guidebooks as spectacular, and it did. Since war mal wieder der übliche kleine Park im Stadtzentrum und ein Turm der Kathedrale, auf den man hoch konnte um die Aussicht über Stadt und Umgebung zu genießen. Aber unmittelbarer Nähe bin ich auf etwas ganz Bizarres gestoßen: die Disfunta Correa. Ein argentinischer Wallfahrtsort, der nicht offiziell Wallfahrtsort ist....aber von Argentiniern als solcher verehrt wird. Diese Dame ist nämlich ihrem Mann im Krieg samt Kleinkind hinterhergeeilt und verdurstet, ihr Kind hat aber überlebt, und wurde an ihrer Brust gefunden...! Sie ist also so etwas wie der Hl. Christophorus bei uns...für alle Reisenden. Auf dem kleinen Hügel waren also Gänge aufgebaut, die mit Kennzeichen von dankbaren Leuten gepflastert waren. Bis der Bus in the city were back then was announced hours of learning in the cafe, so could the time be at least well used. Sunday early morning we went on to Barreal, where I really wanted to wind maps in a sand desert in the middle of a mountain where, with adjacent nature park ... but typical Argentine it worked, of course not, unfortunately: (With plan amendments and replacement programs, I'm not so embarrassed! so I drove to the nearby observatory ... the also the largest and most important of South America .... so I will at least have the Saturn and the moon can take a closer look at other things .... Late at night we went back San Juan ... back in the morning there arrived, was again a longer waiting time announced, because yet again - was canceled a booked trip - after Argentine style. Around noon, I was able to take the next bus but still Fértil to Valle, where I on Tuesday day trips to the major national parks Valle de la Luna - where the world's oldest dinosaurs have been discovered - and I have taken Talampaya. Then the next night in the bus came, and that to Mendoza. An afternoon stroll through the city, including mate-drinking has also this time includes all the attractions are many avenues available here .... stop! Thursday until the bus in the suburb of Maipu, we are bike hire, wine museum Winery to the tasting since I was gone .... lack of breakfast, afternoon I was particularly inspired to go Paraglyden and the view over the top right of Mendoza to enjoy it again. The next day, on a day trip some people from the hostel went to my beloved Aconcagua - the highest mountain outside Asia - and certainly also the highest mountain in South America .... just under 7000m .... so one of the Seven Summits ..! Unfortunately I'm not holding up quite come up ... and because of my test today so not least to the base camp (Friday evening, the hostel has organized with his two other partners hostels in Mendoza again a asado, so a BBQ! ..... and I think I've never eaten so much meat at one time as in the evening. Not only according to my projections was more than 1kg of beef .... and with the delicious red wine from the wine region of Argentina - Mendoza So - just a fantastic evening! could then Saturday was actually at least ne small hike on the program are, but somehow that was just a small hill from which one ..... then at least a few meters abseil again. The subsequent rafting of 12km in 4-waters was truly exciting! Has made the right mood! Well, and already I'm back after a direct night bus Rosario .....! It was really funny, all homeless again to arrive and then go directly to Jule ... so we have been Friday at 8 o'clock in the morning until this afternoon ..... learned by a dash for the exam "Etica y empresa", which I now verbally - and with good success - filed in English. Well, and Jules is now time - the end of November - from her room ..... it is packing off their 7 things together, and then we move to Lisandro and Lucy ...... to 2 boys, 2 girls. ... Mini-apartment Couchsurfing .... pure ... I'm looking forward ..! But well, Jules and I are off tomorrow morning so sit back anyway all the time in the library of the university, because the next test is on Friday ....! News is so well .. only to put back in 2 weeks!
Bussal of Vrenal
had since my last post 10 days ago so again a lot going on .....! Tucuman is the way the "Philadelphia South America", because the independence was declared by the colonial powers .... but what really every city in South America I have ever seen, one is her for a half-hour walk through the city center with all the sights by .. .. well, Tucuman was additionally containing the Independence Museum with background information. Again in the night bus we continued along the Andes south to San Juan. This city had been described even in guidebooks as spectacular, and it did. Since war mal wieder der übliche kleine Park im Stadtzentrum und ein Turm der Kathedrale, auf den man hoch konnte um die Aussicht über Stadt und Umgebung zu genießen. Aber unmittelbarer Nähe bin ich auf etwas ganz Bizarres gestoßen: die Disfunta Correa. Ein argentinischer Wallfahrtsort, der nicht offiziell Wallfahrtsort ist....aber von Argentiniern als solcher verehrt wird. Diese Dame ist nämlich ihrem Mann im Krieg samt Kleinkind hinterhergeeilt und verdurstet, ihr Kind hat aber überlebt, und wurde an ihrer Brust gefunden...! Sie ist also so etwas wie der Hl. Christophorus bei uns...für alle Reisenden. Auf dem kleinen Hügel waren also Gänge aufgebaut, die mit Kennzeichen von dankbaren Leuten gepflastert waren. Bis der Bus in the city were back then was announced hours of learning in the cafe, so could the time be at least well used. Sunday early morning we went on to Barreal, where I really wanted to wind maps in a sand desert in the middle of a mountain where, with adjacent nature park ... but typical Argentine it worked, of course not, unfortunately: (With plan amendments and replacement programs, I'm not so embarrassed! so I drove to the nearby observatory ... the also the largest and most important of South America .... so I will at least have the Saturn and the moon can take a closer look at other things .... Late at night we went back San Juan ... back in the morning there arrived, was again a longer waiting time announced, because yet again - was canceled a booked trip - after Argentine style. Around noon, I was able to take the next bus but still Fértil to Valle, where I on Tuesday day trips to the major national parks Valle de la Luna - where the world's oldest dinosaurs have been discovered - and I have taken Talampaya. Then the next night in the bus came, and that to Mendoza. An afternoon stroll through the city, including mate-drinking has also this time includes all the attractions are many avenues available here .... stop! Thursday until the bus in the suburb of Maipu, we are bike hire, wine museum Winery to the tasting since I was gone .... lack of breakfast, afternoon I was particularly inspired to go Paraglyden and the view over the top right of Mendoza to enjoy it again. The next day, on a day trip some people from the hostel went to my beloved Aconcagua - the highest mountain outside Asia - and certainly also the highest mountain in South America .... just under 7000m .... so one of the Seven Summits ..! Unfortunately I'm not holding up quite come up ... and because of my test today so not least to the base camp (Friday evening, the hostel has organized with his two other partners hostels in Mendoza again a asado, so a BBQ! ..... and I think I've never eaten so much meat at one time as in the evening. Not only according to my projections was more than 1kg of beef .... and with the delicious red wine from the wine region of Argentina - Mendoza So - just a fantastic evening! could then Saturday was actually at least ne small hike on the program are, but somehow that was just a small hill from which one ..... then at least a few meters abseil again. The subsequent rafting of 12km in 4-waters was truly exciting! Has made the right mood! Well, and already I'm back after a direct night bus Rosario .....! It was really funny, all homeless again to arrive and then go directly to Jule ... so we have been Friday at 8 o'clock in the morning until this afternoon ..... learned by a dash for the exam "Etica y empresa", which I now verbally - and with good success - filed in English. Well, and Jules is now time - the end of November - from her room ..... it is packing off their 7 things together, and then we move to Lisandro and Lucy ...... to 2 boys, 2 girls. ... Mini-apartment Couchsurfing .... pure ... I'm looking forward ..! But well, Jules and I are off tomorrow morning so sit back anyway all the time in the library of the university, because the next test is on Friday ....! News is so well .. only to put back in 2 weeks!
Bussal of Vrenal
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Pokemon Doujinshi Misti
As summer without sun
As Christmas market without mulled wine smell
As spring without cherry blossoms
As autumn without leaves forest
like Paris without the Eiffel Tower
How London without Tower
As Berlin without television tower
How Wernigerode without lock
As New Year's Eve without champagne
Like Christmas without fir
like Easter without eggs
How birthday song without
How the Beatles without Paul
As the Stones without Mick
How Funny van away without guitar
How Kettcar .... without Wiedebusch
Sunday, November 22, 2009
How Do Different Cups Keep Coffee Warm
recovery images
The alleged second-most beautiful lake in the Urals:
clothes donation for disabled children's hospital:
see something for a scene from Harry Potter out or something, right? ;)
The Siberian Nothing:
The Arbat by night:
lantern gear (once around the church: D):
When Icehockey:
The alleged second-most beautiful lake in the Urals:
clothes donation for disabled children's hospital:
see something for a scene from Harry Potter out or something, right? ;)
The Siberian Nothing:
The Arbat by night:
lantern gear (once around the church: D):
When Icehockey:
Cat And Enlarged Spleen
This, That and That
ICEHOCKEY: I am now an expert in Icehockey. I've seen two games in a row, in which both times were a team, unfortunately, the other failed completely, which the whole has something stolen from the tension. It was very interesting times in the spectacle to behold, especially as in a huge, newly opened stadium took place, but to me, the players are all wrapped up to. For the female eye meienr think is nothing. As one can look at better basketball because the players wear no helmets and no thick jerseys;)
STAMMTISCH: Yes friends, there are recently a German meeting in Chelyabinsk. Last week here in Chelyabinsk German daily (which I heard but unfortunately only at the end). It was inter alia, a German film in the cinema, the times I'm spontaneous sole risk. I was told that I must take tram and how the station is called. No problem thinking. On the very day the number 3 of course went not to the required stop. I was fortunate to die Schaffnerin gefragt ob sie mir sagen kann wenn wir da sind, die mir dann den Weg von einer anderen Haltestelle zum Ziel aufgemalt hat, sonst wäre ich wohl eingfach weitergefahren in der Hoffnung der Revolutionsplatz wuerde noch kommen.
Also ich aus der Strassenbahn raus, fragt mich gleich ein junger Mann wo ich hin muss und ob er mir helfen kann, ich ihm also gesagt wo ich hin möchte und er hat mich hingebracht. Ich hab mich natürlich nett bedankt und wir haben uns vorm Kino verabschiedet. 1 Minute später stürmt er ins Foyer des Kinos um mir wortlos einen Blumenstrauss in die Hand zu druecken, bevor ich überhaupt was sagen konnte war er schon wieder fort.
Der Blumenstrauss war relativ hässlich, ein Blume mit Goldstaub besprüht and pine branches around it but, well, I saw him then thrown away and then because I was too stupid to stand alone, but with precious flowers in his hand. : D
Well, in any case, there are four most recently in the German city. Two work at the university, one is in charge of the German culture and organized by the German daily (and called the master table to life) and myself.
The parent table were so 4 German and about 12 Russians who have all studied German and can speak pretty good German. What I was particularly pleased that young students are also 3 of them, (which are about 19 years old and very good German speaking), the super sweet, and I immediately offered me anything to have again show, etc. I was also invited to the same birthday, but I have to work unfortunately.
refers to the entire now once a week instead of a super cozy cafe. And now comes the
Oberhammer: Friends, this New Moon is already on 19 started! Haha, the Russians were faster than the Germans (I will go in next week may be the have not synchroinisiert but simply clumsy speaking Russian text over the English off without the English, which upsets me completely because I will always understand the English but not the Russian) that I've heard that out of the Russians at the World Cup are?
EUROPA: I was a week ago with the pastor and two sisters in Magnetogorsk (no idea how this is written) there to hold a religious service. Magnetogorsk is already partly in Europe, the Ural River divides the city into two parts there. So I'm 5 hours there and 4.5 hours back down to spend an hour in Europe;). The Krasse was there that you could really see how there was a poisonous cloud over the industrial part of town.
Otherwise, I liked the countryside around the city very much, namely because there were no trees (do not know why vlt. Because of the bad air). On the site is a Catholic church to be built:
Diesen Samstag war ich dann in Miass und Slataust (auch schon Europa), was landschaftlich schon im Herzen des Urals liegt. Dort gibt es auch den Grenzpfahl zwischen Asien und Europa, ich fand den jetzt nicht so sonderlich schön gestaltet und aufregend aber immerhin kann ich jetzt behaupten das ich mit einem bein in Europa und mit dem Anderen in Asien stand (wow).
QUARANTÄNE: Tscheljabinsk versinkt in der Grippe.Die Schulen sind zum Teil in der 4. Woche Qarantäne (ok, davon war eine Woche Ferien) und der Kinderklub durfte die letzten zwei Wochen auch nicht arbeiten, was bedeutet das wir renoviert haben (neuer Boden und so).
Ob die nächste Woche auch noch Quarantäne ist weiss ich noch nicht, in Miass ist even at 29 am Quarantine is in Slataust tomorrow work again. The quarantine period will be deducted from the way the summer holidays, ie there are only 2 instead of 3 months of summer vacation.
OTHER: girls, I can make my artificial nails: D Also, I've bought here a winter jeans, I never knew such a thing exist. Jeans are lined with felt-out looks ugly but is actually a lot warmer.
Tonight it goes to the theater and when the KK should go back to work we go to the park cross country ski. In KK, I now also get its own little project:) Otherwise
is my third month already almost over and right now gallops time only Sun over. Next Sunday is already the first Advent!
That was back for our first time! Best regards to all the items, visit here now and again!
ICEHOCKEY: I am now an expert in Icehockey. I've seen two games in a row, in which both times were a team, unfortunately, the other failed completely, which the whole has something stolen from the tension. It was very interesting times in the spectacle to behold, especially as in a huge, newly opened stadium took place, but to me, the players are all wrapped up to. For the female eye meienr think is nothing. As one can look at better basketball because the players wear no helmets and no thick jerseys;)
STAMMTISCH: Yes friends, there are recently a German meeting in Chelyabinsk. Last week here in Chelyabinsk German daily (which I heard but unfortunately only at the end). It was inter alia, a German film in the cinema, the times I'm spontaneous sole risk. I was told that I must take tram and how the station is called. No problem thinking. On the very day the number 3 of course went not to the required stop. I was fortunate to die Schaffnerin gefragt ob sie mir sagen kann wenn wir da sind, die mir dann den Weg von einer anderen Haltestelle zum Ziel aufgemalt hat, sonst wäre ich wohl eingfach weitergefahren in der Hoffnung der Revolutionsplatz wuerde noch kommen.
Also ich aus der Strassenbahn raus, fragt mich gleich ein junger Mann wo ich hin muss und ob er mir helfen kann, ich ihm also gesagt wo ich hin möchte und er hat mich hingebracht. Ich hab mich natürlich nett bedankt und wir haben uns vorm Kino verabschiedet. 1 Minute später stürmt er ins Foyer des Kinos um mir wortlos einen Blumenstrauss in die Hand zu druecken, bevor ich überhaupt was sagen konnte war er schon wieder fort.
Der Blumenstrauss war relativ hässlich, ein Blume mit Goldstaub besprüht and pine branches around it but, well, I saw him then thrown away and then because I was too stupid to stand alone, but with precious flowers in his hand. : D
Well, in any case, there are four most recently in the German city. Two work at the university, one is in charge of the German culture and organized by the German daily (and called the master table to life) and myself.
The parent table were so 4 German and about 12 Russians who have all studied German and can speak pretty good German. What I was particularly pleased that young students are also 3 of them, (which are about 19 years old and very good German speaking), the super sweet, and I immediately offered me anything to have again show, etc. I was also invited to the same birthday, but I have to work unfortunately.
refers to the entire now once a week instead of a super cozy cafe. And now comes the
Oberhammer: Friends, this New Moon is already on 19 started! Haha, the Russians were faster than the Germans (I will go in next week may be the have not synchroinisiert but simply clumsy speaking Russian text over the English off without the English, which upsets me completely because I will always understand the English but not the Russian) that I've heard that out of the Russians at the World Cup are?
EUROPA: I was a week ago with the pastor and two sisters in Magnetogorsk (no idea how this is written) there to hold a religious service. Magnetogorsk is already partly in Europe, the Ural River divides the city into two parts there. So I'm 5 hours there and 4.5 hours back down to spend an hour in Europe;). The Krasse was there that you could really see how there was a poisonous cloud over the industrial part of town.
Otherwise, I liked the countryside around the city very much, namely because there were no trees (do not know why vlt. Because of the bad air). On the site is a Catholic church to be built:
Diesen Samstag war ich dann in Miass und Slataust (auch schon Europa), was landschaftlich schon im Herzen des Urals liegt. Dort gibt es auch den Grenzpfahl zwischen Asien und Europa, ich fand den jetzt nicht so sonderlich schön gestaltet und aufregend aber immerhin kann ich jetzt behaupten das ich mit einem bein in Europa und mit dem Anderen in Asien stand (wow).
QUARANTÄNE: Tscheljabinsk versinkt in der Grippe.Die Schulen sind zum Teil in der 4. Woche Qarantäne (ok, davon war eine Woche Ferien) und der Kinderklub durfte die letzten zwei Wochen auch nicht arbeiten, was bedeutet das wir renoviert haben (neuer Boden und so).
Ob die nächste Woche auch noch Quarantäne ist weiss ich noch nicht, in Miass ist even at 29 am Quarantine is in Slataust tomorrow work again. The quarantine period will be deducted from the way the summer holidays, ie there are only 2 instead of 3 months of summer vacation.
OTHER: girls, I can make my artificial nails: D Also, I've bought here a winter jeans, I never knew such a thing exist. Jeans are lined with felt-out looks ugly but is actually a lot warmer.
Tonight it goes to the theater and when the KK should go back to work we go to the park cross country ski. In KK, I now also get its own little project:) Otherwise
is my third month already almost over and right now gallops time only Sun over. Next Sunday is already the first Advent!
That was back for our first time! Best regards to all the items, visit here now and again!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Service Anniversary Letters
interim report from the North of Argentina
Last Friday I did have one stressful day I ..... morning I moved out of my room, got all my belongings to the grandparents of Lisandro managed to have lunch was at the university to the rest of the Abschlusspraesentation our fictitious business foundation to discuss and this then keep still . A small bag already bought into the same university, we went to the last lecture, then climb straight to the bus station for the night bus to Salta this ...... but then we would still not equal to begrudge our well-deserved sleep, so We had to wait 3 hours in the station cafe at him. Saturday afternoon finally arrived in Salta and in the hostel had hardly begun to pour it mordsmaessig ..... as well that just as in the first time 9 months rained. But well, the hostel had a pool table, we received a Begruessungsbier, and two other passengers have unpacked their instruments and played just ne ... great atmosphere in the hostel. For the next day we had the same organized a day trip. DC by 7 clock in the morning we were picked up on Sunday morning so the hostel and are going on the route of the Tren a las Nubes "to San Antonio de Cobres about 180 km from Salta was from the road. On the track we have in Santa Rosa de Tastil briefly halted and visited an ancient Incan village on nem mountain with hundreds of giant cacti. In San Antonio de los Cobres we are after the lunch break, reached the highest point at 4080m .... above sea level. The next stop should then be at the Salinas Grandes ... a huge salt desert. All over the world, only 3 exist such salt desert, the other two are not far from here on Chilean and Bolivian territory. And there we were again en route to our final stop for this exciting day, namely in Purmamarca where there is a mountain with 7 different colors. This small village has .... in the center is also a small market with regional matters really great!! Monday we have then Salta is considered here .... it incredible number of churches and monasteries ... all very beautiful. There is no cable car to Stadthuegel it ... because we are naturally high in order to enjoy the view - with a cozy Tasse Kaffee! Dienstag sind wir ein weiteres Mal auf Tagesausflug gegangen...wurden wieder gegen 7 Uhr im Hostel abgeholt....und dieses Mal ging es nach Cafayate in den Sueden von Salta....eine der Haupt-Weinregionen Argentiniens. Die etwa 200km von Salta dorthin sind landschaftlich einfach ein Wahnsinn....wie der Grand Canyon, und dann auch gleich so bunte Berge wieder....vielseitig und einfach nur wunderschoen...da konnte man sich nicht satt sehen!!! Mittags in Cafayate angekommen hatten wir zwei Besichtigungen von Weinkellereien. Einmal von "Vasija Secreta" - der aeltesten des Ortes - und von "Domingo Hermanos" - der groessten des Ortes - und das natuerlich inklusive Degustation....ausgezeichnet. Die Mittagspause, die wir uns mit Mate im Park sitzend erholen konnten, then did really well on the way back .... we are indeed the same route that was beautiful rural appearance driven back, but have extra briefly in a little place called "Alemania held, where decades ago by 5 German families established ..... funny little photo break have so! Come back again late in the evening we prepared the same for the next day trip ... there are from Salta really well organized and relatively cheap ... definitely worthwhile! Yesterday morning at 7 clock started again so we went to the hostel ... and again in the north. First stop was the city of Jujuy, then again Purmamarca (was out of the hills with the 7 colors) and again quite a bit further north only to Tilcara - another still more important Inca site - and then to Humahuaca. All the way back amidst a scenic backdrop to say! Well, and on the way back to Salta we then still held at the south of the equator and the Tropic photographed the local monument (Tropic of Capricorn). Back in the gabs Hostel still a wonderful asado (BBQ) with red wine and off to bed .... Salta was himself again today on the program, we are the same as the first run in the Archaeological Museum and admire allowed to have a very well preserved Inca mummy, for example ... which is preserved even better than the Oetzi in Bolzano! And actually, we wanted to then go into a small suburb of Salta a to make riding in tours for tour ... but hardly arrived there, it started pouring and hailing, so we have continued our quiet day today with just a few glasses of beer Salta. Tomorrow we will continue to Tucuman ...... but as far as possible I will of course keep you up to date again! Greetings from the hostel .... your Vreni
Last Friday I did have one stressful day I ..... morning I moved out of my room, got all my belongings to the grandparents of Lisandro managed to have lunch was at the university to the rest of the Abschlusspraesentation our fictitious business foundation to discuss and this then keep still . A small bag already bought into the same university, we went to the last lecture, then climb straight to the bus station for the night bus to Salta this ...... but then we would still not equal to begrudge our well-deserved sleep, so We had to wait 3 hours in the station cafe at him. Saturday afternoon finally arrived in Salta and in the hostel had hardly begun to pour it mordsmaessig ..... as well that just as in the first time 9 months rained. But well, the hostel had a pool table, we received a Begruessungsbier, and two other passengers have unpacked their instruments and played just ne ... great atmosphere in the hostel. For the next day we had the same organized a day trip. DC by 7 clock in the morning we were picked up on Sunday morning so the hostel and are going on the route of the Tren a las Nubes "to San Antonio de Cobres about 180 km from Salta was from the road. On the track we have in Santa Rosa de Tastil briefly halted and visited an ancient Incan village on nem mountain with hundreds of giant cacti. In San Antonio de los Cobres we are after the lunch break, reached the highest point at 4080m .... above sea level. The next stop should then be at the Salinas Grandes ... a huge salt desert. All over the world, only 3 exist such salt desert, the other two are not far from here on Chilean and Bolivian territory. And there we were again en route to our final stop for this exciting day, namely in Purmamarca where there is a mountain with 7 different colors. This small village has .... in the center is also a small market with regional matters really great!! Monday we have then Salta is considered here .... it incredible number of churches and monasteries ... all very beautiful. There is no cable car to Stadthuegel it ... because we are naturally high in order to enjoy the view - with a cozy Tasse Kaffee! Dienstag sind wir ein weiteres Mal auf Tagesausflug gegangen...wurden wieder gegen 7 Uhr im Hostel abgeholt....und dieses Mal ging es nach Cafayate in den Sueden von Salta....eine der Haupt-Weinregionen Argentiniens. Die etwa 200km von Salta dorthin sind landschaftlich einfach ein Wahnsinn....wie der Grand Canyon, und dann auch gleich so bunte Berge wieder....vielseitig und einfach nur wunderschoen...da konnte man sich nicht satt sehen!!! Mittags in Cafayate angekommen hatten wir zwei Besichtigungen von Weinkellereien. Einmal von "Vasija Secreta" - der aeltesten des Ortes - und von "Domingo Hermanos" - der groessten des Ortes - und das natuerlich inklusive Degustation....ausgezeichnet. Die Mittagspause, die wir uns mit Mate im Park sitzend erholen konnten, then did really well on the way back .... we are indeed the same route that was beautiful rural appearance driven back, but have extra briefly in a little place called "Alemania held, where decades ago by 5 German families established ..... funny little photo break have so! Come back again late in the evening we prepared the same for the next day trip ... there are from Salta really well organized and relatively cheap ... definitely worthwhile! Yesterday morning at 7 clock started again so we went to the hostel ... and again in the north. First stop was the city of Jujuy, then again Purmamarca (was out of the hills with the 7 colors) and again quite a bit further north only to Tilcara - another still more important Inca site - and then to Humahuaca. All the way back amidst a scenic backdrop to say! Well, and on the way back to Salta we then still held at the south of the equator and the Tropic photographed the local monument (Tropic of Capricorn). Back in the gabs Hostel still a wonderful asado (BBQ) with red wine and off to bed .... Salta was himself again today on the program, we are the same as the first run in the Archaeological Museum and admire allowed to have a very well preserved Inca mummy, for example ... which is preserved even better than the Oetzi in Bolzano! And actually, we wanted to then go into a small suburb of Salta a to make riding in tours for tour ... but hardly arrived there, it started pouring and hailing, so we have continued our quiet day today with just a few glasses of beer Salta. Tomorrow we will continue to Tucuman ...... but as far as possible I will of course keep you up to date again! Greetings from the hostel .... your Vreni
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Examples Of Church Guest Cards
weekend of the festival, Photos 4 Month, Uni ..... sprint start nomadic existence
last Thursday rose in celebration of my year a panel on "Military ".... because the people here with whom I study now complete their studies in December .. .. and stuff, how is the Abistreich with us here BEFORE you make the final examinations. Well, we are all dressed first - how could it be otherwise - for grilling gegangen, mit einem "Disko-Bus" quer durch die Stadt zur Uni gefahren und haben dort wild mit sowas wie Teppichreiniger rumgesprüht, dann ging das Grillen weiter. Was für eine Nacht!!
Den nächsten Tag nach den Vorlesungen sind Jule und ich dann noch nach Buenos Aires zu Tina gefahren, und alle tot ins Bett gefallen. Tina musste sich auf eine Prüfung vorbereiten, also fuhren Jule und ich am Samstag alleine auf das Gaucho-Festival nach San Antonio de Areco. Also manche Gauchos sind wirklich fesch!!! Alle auf den Pferden unterwegs in ihren typischen Trachten - weite Hosen und hohe Lederstiefe, natürlich immer einen Hut auf - und haben auch so Pferderennen veranstaltet. An diesem sonnigen Tag gab es dann auch ganz viele typische Gerichte - Fleisch - und Märkte, wo teilweise selbst hergestellte Sachen verkauft wurden. Recht spät abends kamen wir dann wieder zu Tina zurück, die uns fast nicht klingeln gehört hatte, weil in ihrer WG eine Geburtstagsparty im Gange war.....da mussten wir dann auch noch mitfeiern. Am Sonntag sind wir dann ins Stadtviertel San Telmo gefahren, wo jeden Sonntag ein ganz großer Antiquitäten- und Künstlermarkt stattfindet. Nach einigen Stunden schlendern haben wir uns dann auf den Weg zum Pepsi Music Festival gemacht, von dem wir am Abend vorher erfahren haben. Den ganzen Nachmittag haben wir dort also Bands wie Maximo Park, Ting Tings, Karamelo Santo etc gehört.
Dann wollten wir eigentlich noch abends zurück nach Rosario fahren....aber after typical Argentine fashion everything is chaotic and it is bisserl of ticket sent to ticket .... there in one bus, there are still places available, but the computer does not work - it> No tickets are sold, the bus leaves rather empty! ! And other bus companies have just 5 minutes before we have made us their last ticket sold ...... wanted and that we wait 3 hours in the bus station in the middle of the night to the next available bus! We have not made, of course, but rather have Tina still besieged a night more. Monday morning I went with 3 Hamburger girls (who were already here in Brazil) for breakfast and went to Starbucks noon then drove the bus to Rosario. The 4 hour bus ride I could at least use to learn. The last few days is nothing much happens ... tomorrow we have to defend our final presentation and need a business plan for our business idea, and that's of course be well prepared. The last few days has my group so why even met a few times to process the "rest" - quite extensive such a business plan!!
Well, my roommate, Nathan had stopped yesterday birthday ..... and I have before yesterday evening for about 20 people made cheese dumpling soup again ... and what's been sweet as well!
morning - after my last English Lectures here in Argentina - I will first two weeks in a row on the road. Jule and I then discover the North - Salta, Jujuy, etc! And since I'm only a few isolated days in Rosario, I thought to myself, I take Lisandros hospitality again and can spare me the rent for the next month. Tomorrow morning I will therefore in my beautiful room - take off again and back to the couch-surfer life stride - after exactly 3 months.
soon, your
last Thursday rose in celebration of my year a panel on "Military ".... because the people here with whom I study now complete their studies in December .. .. and stuff, how is the Abistreich with us here BEFORE you make the final examinations. Well, we are all dressed first - how could it be otherwise - for grilling gegangen, mit einem "Disko-Bus" quer durch die Stadt zur Uni gefahren und haben dort wild mit sowas wie Teppichreiniger rumgesprüht, dann ging das Grillen weiter. Was für eine Nacht!!
Den nächsten Tag nach den Vorlesungen sind Jule und ich dann noch nach Buenos Aires zu Tina gefahren, und alle tot ins Bett gefallen. Tina musste sich auf eine Prüfung vorbereiten, also fuhren Jule und ich am Samstag alleine auf das Gaucho-Festival nach San Antonio de Areco. Also manche Gauchos sind wirklich fesch!!! Alle auf den Pferden unterwegs in ihren typischen Trachten - weite Hosen und hohe Lederstiefe, natürlich immer einen Hut auf - und haben auch so Pferderennen veranstaltet. An diesem sonnigen Tag gab es dann auch ganz viele typische Gerichte - Fleisch - und Märkte, wo teilweise selbst hergestellte Sachen verkauft wurden. Recht spät abends kamen wir dann wieder zu Tina zurück, die uns fast nicht klingeln gehört hatte, weil in ihrer WG eine Geburtstagsparty im Gange war.....da mussten wir dann auch noch mitfeiern. Am Sonntag sind wir dann ins Stadtviertel San Telmo gefahren, wo jeden Sonntag ein ganz großer Antiquitäten- und Künstlermarkt stattfindet. Nach einigen Stunden schlendern haben wir uns dann auf den Weg zum Pepsi Music Festival gemacht, von dem wir am Abend vorher erfahren haben. Den ganzen Nachmittag haben wir dort also Bands wie Maximo Park, Ting Tings, Karamelo Santo etc gehört.
Dann wollten wir eigentlich noch abends zurück nach Rosario fahren....aber after typical Argentine fashion everything is chaotic and it is bisserl of ticket sent to ticket .... there in one bus, there are still places available, but the computer does not work - it> No tickets are sold, the bus leaves rather empty! ! And other bus companies have just 5 minutes before we have made us their last ticket sold ...... wanted and that we wait 3 hours in the bus station in the middle of the night to the next available bus! We have not made, of course, but rather have Tina still besieged a night more. Monday morning I went with 3 Hamburger girls (who were already here in Brazil) for breakfast and went to Starbucks noon then drove the bus to Rosario. The 4 hour bus ride I could at least use to learn. The last few days is nothing much happens ... tomorrow we have to defend our final presentation and need a business plan for our business idea, and that's of course be well prepared. The last few days has my group so why even met a few times to process the "rest" - quite extensive such a business plan!!
Well, my roommate, Nathan had stopped yesterday birthday ..... and I have before yesterday evening for about 20 people made cheese dumpling soup again ... and what's been sweet as well!
morning - after my last English Lectures here in Argentina - I will first two weeks in a row on the road. Jule and I then discover the North - Salta, Jujuy, etc! And since I'm only a few isolated days in Rosario, I thought to myself, I take Lisandros hospitality again and can spare me the rent for the next month. Tomorrow morning I will therefore in my beautiful room - take off again and back to the couch-surfer life stride - after exactly 3 months.
soon, your
Review 4.Monat |
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