Christmas Christmas in Buenos Aires ....
Ja, Today is Christmas Eve. ... Advent is over, I was legally prevented this year Leckerl not bake. Although I am in Argentina, in the summer, I wanted it to me so can not really take - but of course without a kitchen, because really very homeless - that is what it is so difficult ....! And where I am now 5 already for months in a developing or emerging economy or how to always say, can be especially here my personal annual "Christmas Campaign" just do not fail - the eyes you can not just close! Last Thursday I am so taken with shopping bags packed full with the girls in the slums of Rosario by at least some zu kochen…..und mich von den Menschen zu verabschieden, die ich samstags, soweit ich in Rosario war, besucht habe. Naja, eine Feuerstelle dank einem Gaskocher gab´s, einen Topf mit Schüssel, Rührbesen und Pfannenwender habe ich ausgeliehenerweise mitgebracht. Plastikteller und –besteck auch gekauft. Und los ging´s. Ne halbe Stunde habe ich gebraucht um meine 50 Eier mit den restlichen Zutaten zu verrühren und hab dann losgelegt Kaiserschmarrn für die Kinder und einige Mütter zu machen. Von den 100 Tellern blieben mir noch 10 übrig…ich kann also nur vermuten, dass ich wohl 90 Leute versorgt habe…..ich habe in der „Küche“ geschwitzt, während die Mädels die Teller verteilt haben…! That made me somehow of the tent camps used to remind the scouts ... .. so a mass of food .... But I guess everyone was happy ....!
on Tuesday - that the day before yesterday - I could have planned what had really great ... .. but unfortunately, works ned by Argentine style always everything as you imagine. I had a contact with an orphanage in Rosario and had thought, "abusing" the local cuisine in order to make the children a few simple Leckerl like snow flakes and Florentine ... ... .hätte / would / if ... .. pity about the Conjunctive . No idea what went wrong, but the director had me already for 1 week nach hinten rausgeschoben, und anscheinend wurde es dann so kurz vor Weihnachten zu stressig, so dass ich das leider nicht machen konnte. So viel zum Thema Leckerl backen – ist 2009 also letztendlich doch ausgefallen !
Aber ansonsten hatte ich ja auch recht viel Arbeit – für meinen Kurs „EU-Binnenmarktrecht“ in Innsbruck musste ich eine Arbeit verfassen…..die 12 Seiten zur „Europa-GmbH“ habe ich also geschrieben. Und meine Bachelorarbeit ist ebenfalls schon seit Oktober in Arbeit, da konnte ich auch bereits die ersten 13 Seiten verfassen – zum Thema „Notwendigkeit und Ziele der GmbH-Reform in Österreich“ – die letzten beiden Tage habe ich nochmal eine Menge neuer Quellen found and so I just work through 200 pages to read or put on hold, then about to write the last pages. But in general - since I came back from Easter Island, I've done a lot, spent a lot of time in the library of my university in Rosario ... and yet the last asados (ie BBQs) enjoyed with one or another glass of red wine -. Argentine life by couch surfing or mass mattress warehouse in Lisandro's apartment in pure form. Yesterday I stopped in Rosario final my tent and am using my last belongings (1 large and 1 small backpack) to Buenos Aires went to Tina. The bus ride again to read for the Bachelor thesis used, I have also moved yesterday evening at her home the same time 5 hours to work through my lyrics ... .. while they went to dinner with her friend Steffi. Steffi is Sunday traveled first from Bavaria and the two I will be traveling the next 2 weeks before both then fly home.
Let's see how we will spend Christmas Eve ... so ..! On 25 December we fly to Santiago, after all, already at our Chile Tour start. You see, I do not get bored, and the pleasant you can always kind of business with pleasure - if you want it!!
is the way my credit card fiasco, alas, still not entirely clear - the very latest card (with limited functions) their way made by my parents to Steffi, and she gave me at least once "here fly" and pass ... .. but of cash I'm not so still ...! Well, all so bad ... there are always kind of a solution for everything ... ... of the will already be coming ... .. Time will tell ... .. any way I've found so far are still getting through -. Of course, many thanks dear people help! Thank you !!!!!! even at this point
So ... .. let's be grateful for what we have, but how good it is, despite some minor complaints, But everyone in the any manner which is - where is light, shadow and even now ... .. and it could always be worse ... ... we make the most of it ... ... ... So: we learn more, to show gratitude for everything positive instead of us agonize unnecessarily over small things, the negative brain!
In this sense, I would like to wish all of you at home a Merry Christmas .... ... ... In the circle of your loved ones a Christmas peace!
your Verena
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