So a Scheen
So, in principle, yes ned much has happened since my last blog entry. We were here in Buenos Aires Food shopping, I have sent my Christmas calls, and I stood on the Bayern 3 Radio Live Stream Christmas music in the kitchen and got to Steffi's and Tina's help Speckpiroggen made ....! Then a shower quickly, and I am Tina's flat cut off at times .... it was about 19h local time ....! With about 80 Speckpiroggen in tow I am by subway one hours gegurkt through the city and I like a few of my "Grandma's Christmas Tradition" Speckpiroggen to some begging people I have come across on the way distributed. Then I landed at a Benedictine monastery mission (of nuns from Tutzing am Starnberger See!) In Buenos Aires, where I've given my few bags of pierogi. Opposite in the "parroquia" then has only about 10 minutes later, the Christmas service beginning at 20:30 hours. It was just a feeling - unbelievable! Since I was traveling alone, I have not had any valuables there - unfortunately, not my camera! It was a huge church full of people - such as standing, sitting, and even to out beyond the people stood crowded together, all the doors had to be left wide open extra. In summer dress so I have a beautiful mitgefeiert service (which I understood very well the English) - during Christmas carols with guitar music was played. After that, the people stormed the monastery over and I have a Lower Bavaria Nun - Sister Timotea - met. Shortly helped in detecting I stayed on a little "fun". Namely, the nuns have a special Christmas dinner for all the people organized, who would otherwise spend Christmas Eve alone, and the poor - those came bursting into the monastery, as I have made myself back to 22 clock back on the way to Tina's flat. My Speckpiroggen are guaranteed so come in good hands! It had not also taken a long time until I found a taxi and before 22:30 am I stood at the Tina at the door again. In her flat, we were then to eight, who have organized a special international Christmas dinner. Everyone has something für das Büffet beigetragen......und als ich dann am Ende des Essens wieder aus dem Gottesdienst zurück gekommen bin, haben wir mit Weihnachtslieder singen gestartet.....dann gab es "Bescherung" unter unserem kleinen Weihnachtsbaum......! Hier in Argentinien scheint es übrigens üblich zu sein, um Mitternacht am Weihnachtsabend ein Feuerwerk zu haben wir 2 Uhr nachts und es wird immer noch rumgeschossen.....! WAS FÜR EIN WEIHNACHTSFEST!!!!! Aber jetzt muss ich wirklich ins 5 Stunden fahren wir zum Flughafen raus...und dann geht´s nach Santiago de Chile!
Noch wunderschöne Feiertage........ich bin in Gedanken immer an euch daheim!!!
Eure Verena
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