Today is indeed only the 12th January, but yes I'm flying in just 1 month back again and receive on 13 February will arrive in Passau and Ruhstorf again, so I put the photos inside today the last month. Is so damn much happened in the last month, so that some photos have accumulated. That with the "selection" is this time that is quite relative ...!
Right now I am still in Chile, in Puerto Natales to be exact. For my "Aunt Erika from South America," I was until Saturday evening. The last Friday we spent on the (beef) farm of her brother outside of Osorno. Saturday night I'm so to Puerto Montt Punta Arenas flown. Therefore we have designed about 100 km from Osorno to Puerto Montt as extensive day trip. First we were with Gloria, a friend of hers who has a very nice (recently renovated) house from the old pioneer days (which was built by her grandfather). The house, which she now leads as a Bed & Breakfast "Fundo Los Guindos" is just a single attraction, the location right on Lake Llanquihue makes it all but still great. Then we went into a legally German immigrant village Frutillar. From there we drove to the very late lunch and then to Puerto Varas to Puerto Montt.
After the flight, and still later landing in Punta Arenas, the capital of Patagonia, was my night then quite short. But since I wanted to continue in the early afternoon after Puerto Natales, but then I'm up early to me to see the city. First I walked through a market in the Plaza, it's most important museum in the city - the home of the Brown family and Menendez. After a quick walk through the cathedral I then started up at last to have breakfast at a lookout point. Strengthened's then went to the cemetery, which like its Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires has many mausoleums. On the coast road then I'm finally back to the hostel went to pick up my things and get into my bus. A few hours later I was in Puerto Natales mich dann wieder mal über Couchsurfing eingenistet - dieses war das erste Mal, dass ich bei einer Familie gewohnt habe. Die jüngste Tochter der Familie war 10 Jahre alt, 3 ältere Brüder gab´s auch noch, und zum gleichen Zeitpunkt waren glaube ich 6 andere Couchsurfer auch da. Ein Spanier hat Nudeln gekocht, und ich hab dann einen Kaiserschmarrn beigesteuert. Heute morgen musste ich dann früh aufstehen, weil ich für eine Tagestour in den Nationalpark von den Torres del Paine abgeholt wurde. Begonnen hat der lange Tag mit einem Stopp an der "Cueva del Milodón", also eine Höhle, wo Überreste eines Ur-Riesen-Faultiers gefunden wurden. An einen etwa 15m hohen Wasserfall sind wir noch gelaufen, dann ewig am Strand entlang um den Grey Glacier photographed from several views to and then back to Puerto Natales, where I am alone, then again passed the entire city. Tonight I still have a few pages of text for my final paper, read, and now I go to bed then slow times, because I'm leaving tomorrow / this morning back to Argentina to El Chalten - that is at the foot of Fitz Roy. And there I will stay until I wrote my final paper finally finished.
If I then again more experience, I will upload more often than every 4 weeks photos, promised!
soon, un besotes de la Verenita
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