Friday, January 29, 2010

Vote Of Thanks Marriage

Happiness is only real when shared ....

Gut, wo war ich stehen geblieben….ich bin ja dann am 22. Januar mit dem Bus etwa 9 Stunden von Arica/Chile nach La Paz/Bolivien gefahren. Das war dann von Meereshöhe auf etwa 3800 Höhenmeter….zur höchsten Stadt der Welt. Die Höhenkrankheit hat auch von mir nicht Halt gemacht, so hatte ich während der Busfahrt schreckliche Kopfschmerzen. Vom Hotel wurde ich am Busbahnhof abgeholt, und hab dann erst mal ein wenig geschlafen. Den ganzen Samstag hab ich dann im Hotelzimmer gearbeitet, und meine Bachelorarbeit war soweit eigentlich dann schon fertig. Abends ist dann Gabriel von Lima/Peru nach La Paz geflogen und wurde auch vom Hotel abgeholt….dann sind wir erst einmal was went to eat. On Sunday, 24 January we have done something really exciting. We are on a mountain bike of 4700 meters to 1200 meters, which distributed a total of 3500 meters above 65km, driving the most dangerous road in the world, namely the Yungas Road. She also has a nickname, namely "Death Road" because about 300 people die each year there. Until we are there long-run, in 2010, already 20 people have died. But it sounds now, tragically, as it actually is. Dangerous it is, namely, when 2 buses meet on the narrow road, and then a slip. With a mountain which rarely happens! Arrived In the valleys we then stopped still for late lunch and back to La Paz on Monday, we have made then sightseeing in the city, and proofreading my dissertation. Tuesday morning we took the bus to Copacabana on Lake Titicaca, and then placed there by boat to the Isla del Sol. Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world, and of course, were also here the Incas. It is in Lake Titicaca, Isla de la Luna, which was formerly inhabited, and on the Isla del Sol, only the temple. Even today it is on the Isla del Sol, no cars, you have to run the roads so completely on foot, the island is now inhabited mainly, and there are many tourists here. The highest Point is above 4000 meters, and with luggage it is a much short-winded ...! Gabriel is so difficult to altitude sickness, but has existed in Copacabana, waiting to take all his bags for a night on the island, to me, however, has served my small backpack with a notebook, camera and cables (also my valuables), including exchange underwear already. Until we arrived at our hotel on the island with panoramic views, but we are running about 4 km in just under 2 hours. ... Are left luggage at the hotel, then another 4km to the Inca ruins to visit and then back again. Meanwhile, it is then already become cold and dark ....'s Power was only 3 h motor operated in the evening, and hot water war auch Mangelware; Internet und Handynetz ein schöner Wunschtraum! Am nächsten Tag in der Früh hat´s dann geschüttet wie verrückt und Gabriel ging es auf 4000 Höhenmetern noch schlechter, somit hab ich seinen großen Reiserucksack auf dem Rücken und meinen kleinen Rucksack vorne die 3km zum anderen Strand ne Stunde lang geschleppt, um dann mit dem Boot wieder zurück nach Copacabana zu kommen. Die ganze Stadt wieder mit beiden schweren Rucksäcken abgelaufen, bis ich endlich in nem Restaurant den Großen stehen lassen konnte, sind wir dann in die Kirche, die eine ganz berühmte Madonnenstatue hat. Nach dem Mittagessen sind wir dann über die peruanische Grenze nach Puno gefahren, das auch am Titicacasee liegt. From there we were on the famous "Islas Flotantes", or a tribe that has fled from hundreds of years before the Incas, and built with the plants has navigable islets, where the houses stand on it. That was really impressive, but I think because the photos tell more in the notes! Back in Puno we have llama meat eaten dinner and are then continued with the night bus to Cusco. Since the rainy season here, which is currently extremely bad, it was a lot of flooding and in the region of Cusco emergency was declared. In newspapers, is that about 1400 tourists had to be flown by helicopter from Macchu Picchu. Macchu Picchu is accessible only by train - or the Inca Trail on foot. The railway line was destroyed over a distance of 12km completely and still there is the danger of landslides coming down. ... So very dangerous ....! When we arrived in Cusco, it stopped raining for about the same time, the repair work but are estimated at over 1 month ... ..! Since all bridges and roads were destroyed in the region, we would have gone quite complicated by bus about 40 hours NEN huge detour to get to Lima. In the near region, unfortunately, no inspection was possible. Yesterday, 10 times proofread my Bachelor thesis, we are a little through the beautiful city of Cusco run. Inca Culture and Colonial are here passed over into one another. ... A beautiful city!! In the short term we could this afternoon for a flight organization with which we have now arrived in Lima. Now that the work Bachelor number 1 is sent, it's off first along the coast further north. ... Well to the equator, and then we'll see which route we take back south. On 12 February we will definitely fly to Germany .... And then my semester officially and unofficially over! If possible, I deliver in about a week but once again, an interim report.
Love, Verena

mirror, 26 January
mirror, 27 January
Latina-Press, 27 January
mirror, 29 January
Reuters video, 29 January

7th Part 2 months

Can I Paint Over Poxy Primer

Far Side of the World ....

I ask many times to apologize ... I actually wanted me so much earlier report with a current entry, but the last almost 3 weeks have been just too stressful. I've put almost 15,000 km behind me, have an average of only 5 hours sleep per night, but on average 6 hours per Days worked and my bachelor thesis (after 2 concept changes) completely finished.
But well, you are on the state of Puerto Natales. There I am, therefore, on 12 January early morning set off around noon in El Calafate arrived, and the rest of the day in an internet cafe - as it should be otherwise - been sitting in my bachelor thesis. In the evening I took a bus then to El Chalten at the foot of the famous Mount Fitz Roy. 2 full days I have spent from morning to night in cafes, swallowed up vast amounts of chocolate cakes and worked for the Bachelor thesis. On the day on it was great weather and so I then a 22km hike (but with a few additional paths) taken me to the snow line has led to the Lago de los Tres, where I waited about 2 hours, was only the tip of Fitz Roy exception, not even hidden in the clouds. I've given up, and went back back, and THEN of course, were the clouds away ... but I'm high but then not again, but down over the village of Lake Capri. Really super! gone the next day in the morning back to El Calafate, I am made in the afternoon to the Perito Moreno Glacier (who is still growing!), there have still ne boat tour, and then I walked around a bit on the site. What has made this for a crash, even if only small chunks are fallen down! While I then had to wait for my bus back, I'm back sitting in a cafe on the PC ...! After a short bus ride back to El Calafate, I'm back to a cafe and sat down with my PC there until about 2 clock at night still working until the evening celebrations have made. By 3 clock at night is it anyway my bus to Rio Gallegos drove off, where I am in the morning switched and after a few strenuous passport control on entry and exit of Chile finally at the end of the world, at the gateway to Antarctica, the southernmost city in the world, namely the Argentina's Ushuaia arrived, which was then on Sunday evening, 17 January. If I do not grade my records have rolled in the bus, I sat down with a few top Austrians from near Braunau Ried talk that I've met there in the bus. Monday morning I'm between Cafe / PC and Museum, hurrying to and through the afternoon I was with the Austrians on more than 6 hours of Beagle Channel Schifferl tour. In fact, I'm on the ship but I only wanted ne outlet, working on my PC and when that was interesting - like the birds, sea lions and penguins on the little islands - I then went to the photo shoot. Once we stayed longer, I've seen, nothing seen me wonder ... ... and the waiter I wanted pennant that there are dolphins (which I on the crossing to the fire country seen from the ferry already have) would be. When I then saw nothing, I am just back down at my PC and kept going. The Austrians, however, after the boat tour tells you that there was a whale. ... And I knew that the "whale season" around the end of December to stop and that would be unlikely right to see a whale ... ... ... I've got a Wal indeed "seen", but unfortunately not in fact seen ! The five of us eat on the boat tour and then went fishing together on NEN nightcap in the Guinness Irish Pub. Tuesday in the morning she got me then picked up her car at the hostel, and we are in the National Park down, there have been about 8 km long hike and then have a late lunch in a "refugio" has returned. Later in the evening (it is light anyway until about 23h), we then again for dinner at a panoramic restaurant made next to my hostel and passed ... ... sometimes you get to know really nice people on the go!! The next day, ie Wednesday 20th January was really hard then. I set off for 6 hours by bus to Ushuaia, in Rio Grande had to change trains, then the border crossing to Chile, and at 21h I arrived in Punta Arenas. There, I have immediately with NEM can transfer to the airport and then I went up to 4 hours in the morning - when my plane then went off - even on my PC sitting in the waiting hall. On 21 January, I'm only then from Punta Arenas to Santiago, had to change there and then I went to the northern city of Chile's, just 10km from the border with Peru, landed. My hostel had organized NEN collection service, so I am then arrived around 12am at noon, and finally in the heat! Since Arica is a surfer's paradise, I could not let's take to take a surfing lesson. The teacher then as long tortured me with paddles until I actually caught ne 1-2m high waves, and on the board are long remained, I went up there on the beach. This success spurred'm feeling I have the rest of the day - how could it be otherwise - down at my PC. Since I got no bus ticket to Putre more, I'm on 22 January drove straight to La Paz, Bolivia. My taxi had to do on the way to the bus station but still nen small detour because Gustave Eiffel, who designed the famous Eiffel tower, a church in Arica has built about 10 years earlier ... ... ... but the rest I read it in my next blog, if I do that, later at the airport (I fly right after Lima, Peru).
you later,
la Verenita

7th 1 month part

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can Sinus Issues Cause Canker Sores

last Sunday I was skating at relatively cold temperatures and wind.
was still given that all that took place outside without a fence, and I in Germany vlt. 5 years ago was the last time on the ice, no problem, my Russian friends have taken me by the hand and after 2 laps I was able to walk alone again actually about the leaky, partially snow-covered ice.
was a fun (I'm not even lying down) even though I was by then quite frozen.
The winter here right now anyway turns out to be very cold and it has now become a somewhat wet cold while all the infected trees in a frosty coat, but the face has frozen completely after 10 meters.

I am now so first for 2 weeks out! Best regards to all world!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Which Company Makes Quo Cosmetics

Рождество, Санкт-Петербург и Москва

friends, where am I to do anyway?
I think I was at times at Christmas. My Russian Christmas was wonderful, I was invited here by the youth for dinner. So we have right after the Christmas pageant (which was broadcast on Fehr vision) started to cook and to 21.oo Clock we started to eat. Then I fine to 24.00 Clock talk to a few friends (I have never been so much Russian spoken in a day and you wonder which one but now almost all I can though grammatically totally wrong to tell). At 24.00 Clock we went to the fair around the clock went to 2:00 and after I immediately fell in my bed. For Russians, Christmas has only just started to (what indeed is actually correct) and have all the gifted, etc. ..
On 1 Christmas Day I was invited to the priests to eat and then I went back to sleep;)
Sunday, the pastor and I invited the sisters to dinner. That was really fine with Russian and German carols.

We have KK in sheep and angels made of wood handicrafts, we have sold to the nativity scene, the whole thing looked:

look so people who look forward to homemade biscuits:

And this is a crib from Barbie and various other dolls:

on 29.12 I Linus picked up from the station and we were still afloat in the city center to admire the ice sculptures, which are cheesy and really very beautiful!

clock night at 4:00 we went to the airport and in the afternoon we were an hour late at last in St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg

It was considerably more snow in Peter (more as the time in Chelyabinsk) and under the snow were from time to time nasty ice sheets, which leaves me 2 times in total firm had executed properly packed. (Statistics, Moscow and Peter together: Linus: 1-time Christian: 2 times, Julia: 2 times, Judith: 2 times +1 times in Chelyabinsk)
New Year's Eve we have spent 243 782 387 238 Russians from the Hermitage, before the 4 stages (one in each direction) were. Everything was lit up beautifully and we all danced in a huge circle, celebrating hand in hand. Of course, we started by 21 clock Moscow time the Novosibirsk to celebrate New Year's Eve, a 22 clock came Chelyabinsk, 24 and 2 clock Clock Moscow Germany. The
has all of me but then struck something and I was ailing a bit on the next day. After we spent another night in the 'dacha (Russian student bar), I was definitely sick. The last day in St. Petersburg I have with Julia spent in the apartment again Peter have seen from above during the Others.
On Monday, 4th January, it was evening by train to Moscow (as I have told the charity that I was sick I was only told they would have to get a cold drink vodka than just good medicine-ja nee is clear, D).


The train was robbed of the final power and when we arrived in the morning I felt just still be ********. At 7
clock we finally found our hostel, that of a simple Wohung was, in the 2 rooms for rent. For 10 euros a night but perfectly fine.
were with us two other German there, so we ruled with the Russian 6 German Hostel (next day was still an Australian).
The first day in Moscow, I am again left the hostel to relax me and hope that I am näcshten single day would be better so I could at least see something of Moscow.
The relaxation was worth it-the next day I finally was able to admire the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral and Lenin (Lenin, in my opinion, a doll and not mummified, as best can mummify you do not;))
The Moscow Metro is really awesome, the Rolltrepppen go down so steep that you can not see the end (in the way, Peter also above) and with a depth of 78 meters is the deepest of the Moscow Metro world-to some escalators might be up to 3 minutes until you arrive below or above. Some are half Metostationen palace halls, so beautiful and artistic they are designed. We have also made first a Metro-Tour! :)

On 8 It was the evening back home. Christian's flight was more than Linus and me, and so we went around 17:30 clock on the way to the airport. We had to Terminal D and the Car passes must solve, so that formed before the bar of airport quite a long traffic jams.
Christian was always impatient, he still had 60 minutes, and at some point we were jumping off the bus to run on Terminal D-pity, there was no footpath. So off to the taxi, the taxi driver's not stupid and has noticed that Christian was in a panic and foreigners. He wanted to have all 500 rubles. Christian was then matter-so party into the taxi. After about 2 minutes time we were there and paid his Christian 500 rubles. At the entrance of the airport there was a whistle and the cab driver was back again-Christian had paid with counterfeit money that he had found on the bus. : D stupid run.

Well, in the end Are we all arrived and got all our flights. Clock in the morning at 6, -33 degrees and snow are relatively much Linus and I finally arrived in the charity and what was that? The door to the kitchen was closed and there was no key available for a guest room for Linus. Let us as a couple in my little bed squeezed and we actually slept until 12 clock. Then Linus has broken open the door to the kitchen: D
evening I Linus brought to the station and my boss called me to drive that there is little Tramwais and would I might have to take the marshrutka, there we were, but even in the Tramwai I thought that there would be no problem to come back.
Ok, I spent 40 minutes at minus 20 degrees at the bus stop and was not 3. So again
Natalya called and asked what I need and marshrutka zack I had my first ride-marshrutka behind me that I had to go it alone:) (also high time after 4 months, but I just do not like these things ...)

Moscow or St. Petersburg?

short and sweet: I personally like Peter a little better ... irngendwie really romantic and a little bit of Venice with all the canals and bridges)

In 2 weeks Ottmar is already here and at 1.30 am I with you Omsk travel. At 1:02 it goes towards Novosibirsk and at 08 then begins the intermediate seminar at-I'm looking forward! Tonight I'm going
first in the sauna-tomorrow it will finally be cold again;)

I hope you come for all good New Year and Christmas has brought you fine gifts!

PS: I was here for a Christmas opera for children: The Frog Prince, The Frog King is in Russia, however, a frog Queen Verkeherte world here;)

Current impressions of Chelyabinsk:!

- yes, the steel thing is really just tied! (In this weather, driving is Traderjob not fun anymore-all nose long stuck someone or slipped to the side)

more pictures coming tomorrow to the web album, I have for tomorrow extra to get a key for the other door:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Way To Celebrate Birthday In Bangalore

interim report and review along with countless photos 6.Monat

Today is indeed only the 12th January, but yes I'm flying in just 1 month back again and receive on 13 February will arrive in Passau and Ruhstorf again, so I put the photos inside today the last month. Is so damn much happened in the last month, so that some photos have accumulated. That with the "selection" is this time that is quite relative ...!
Right now I am still in Chile, in Puerto Natales to be exact. For my "Aunt Erika from South America," I was until Saturday evening. The last Friday we spent on the (beef) farm of her brother outside of Osorno. Saturday night I'm so to Puerto Montt Punta Arenas flown. Therefore we have designed about 100 km from Osorno to Puerto Montt as extensive day trip. First we were with Gloria, a friend of hers who has a very nice (recently renovated) house from the old pioneer days (which was built by her grandfather). The house, which she now leads as a Bed & Breakfast "Fundo Los Guindos" is just a single attraction, the location right on Lake Llanquihue makes it all but still great. Then we went into a legally German immigrant village Frutillar. From there we drove to the very late lunch and then to Puerto Varas to Puerto Montt.
After the flight, and still later landing in Punta Arenas, the capital of Patagonia, was my night then quite short. But since I wanted to continue in the early afternoon after Puerto Natales, but then I'm up early to me to see the city. First I walked through a market in the Plaza, it's most important museum in the city - the home of the Brown family and Menendez. After a quick walk through the cathedral I then started up at last to have breakfast at a lookout point. Strengthened's then went to the cemetery, which like its Recoleta cemetery in Buenos Aires has many mausoleums. On the coast road then I'm finally back to the hostel went to pick up my things and get into my bus. A few hours later I was in Puerto Natales mich dann wieder mal über Couchsurfing eingenistet - dieses war das erste Mal, dass ich bei einer Familie gewohnt habe. Die jüngste Tochter der Familie war 10 Jahre alt, 3 ältere Brüder gab´s auch noch, und zum gleichen Zeitpunkt waren glaube ich 6 andere Couchsurfer auch da. Ein Spanier hat Nudeln gekocht, und ich hab dann einen Kaiserschmarrn beigesteuert. Heute morgen musste ich dann früh aufstehen, weil ich für eine Tagestour in den Nationalpark von den Torres del Paine abgeholt wurde. Begonnen hat der lange Tag mit einem Stopp an der "Cueva del Milodón", also eine Höhle, wo Überreste eines Ur-Riesen-Faultiers gefunden wurden. An einen etwa 15m hohen Wasserfall sind wir noch gelaufen, dann ewig am Strand entlang um den Grey Glacier photographed from several views to and then back to Puerto Natales, where I am alone, then again passed the entire city. Tonight I still have a few pages of text for my final paper, read, and now I go to bed then slow times, because I'm leaving tomorrow / this morning back to Argentina to El Chalten - that is at the foot of Fitz Roy. And there I will stay until I wrote my final paper finally finished.
If I then again more experience, I will upload more often than every 4 weeks photos, promised!
soon, un besotes de la Verenita

Rückblick 6.Monat

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time Warner Remote Programming Samsung Blu Ray

goes back to civilization

Seid ihr alle gut ins neue Jahr gerutscht???!!!! Ich hoffe es doch und wünsche gleich nochmal: „FELIZ AÑO NUEVO“!!!
Bereits nach dem Jahr 2008 dachte ich, dass das neue Jahr 2009 das Vergangene nicht übertreffen können würde. Aber ich wurde mal wieder eines Besseren belehrt und durfte feststellen, dass es 2009 wirklich gut für mich gelaufen ist. Meine Ausbildung schreitet voran, ich habe viel Auslandserfahrung durch mein „semester abroad“ in Argentinien gesammelt, dabei noch Spanisch richtig gut erlernt, und mich einfach in eine komplett neue Mentalität Entertainment settled. In short, I learned a lot, my time damn well exploited and put me higher on my life-stairs a Stüfchen.
From 29 December I was 2 nights near Talca - south of Santiago. Since we have these days very much Organisational done for the ride, my bachelor thesis has allowed to enjoy a progress, while others have spent their time after the pool. "Pisco Sour"'s the national drink of Chile - a little similar to the taste of a Brazilian caipirinhas ... .. and had me on the 30th after work December evening for dinner and then, unfortunately, tasted a little too well.
For New Year's Eve we went on 31 December morning set off into the wilderness, and were, at least for one night once in a hut. electricity and the like, it was not there though, but at least a roof over their head. New Year's Eve so I have a campfire at a - how could it be otherwise - removed asado ... ... but the alcohol was a great help no more that night, and I was so tired that I was glad when I at a quarter after 12 could finally go to my high bed. Was a wonderful change of date!
The year 2010 has started for me again excellent - a real adventure! We are in a hole To start down Vilches called to our 5-day riding tour in the Andes. 4 people, 4 horses, two pack horses with Huaso (Chilean Gaucho) and his horse. Backpacks, sleeping bags, tents and food, etc tied to the horses, and we are on our "Porsche" is set and off we went. Max had already taken two times a riding tour in Chile, Steffi was a child once ridden and Tina and I had zero riding experience - that the best conditions for an exciting tour! Which is added that the trail we made also counted among the 50 greatest adventures in the world - but the details on the steep slopes, which we all lightly have come of it, I'm off then but a not!
The first day we were sitting right by 4 hours on the horse and I was once again very grateful for my Radlhose that I could put it under my normal trousers underneath a pillow ... so do not even hurt! On 1 January, so the evening we arrived at a lagoon in the National Park del Licay, our tents set up and once Pisco drank around the campfire. After a light supper - as it had already begun to dawn - we then put to sleep immediately. The second day, also the second day in 2010 (somehow humorous take on this way, a new year) should be a lot more strenuous. got up early, we spent the whole day on the road. The landscape has changed every few miles by 180 ° and was incredibly untouched and simply beautiful. Right through the Andes so we are then about 10 hours on the road until we had arrived in the crater of the volcano "Descabezado" (= the beheaded) and have pitched our tents in just this. Since we were already in the immediate volcanic area, we have also used the same opportunity to let us bathe in the hot spring ... .. it was like in an open spa. ... Just great! The third day gave us then first to a waterfall and then over some snow fields until after a lunch break, we also have pitched in a picturesque spot on a wonderful vantage point on the ridge behind some rocks our tents. The floor was like white pebbles that we felt we einzuquartieren midst of a litter box. Steffi and our Huaso named Pancho have been supplied with gas cookers, a small cooking duel, so we are at over 2000 meters in our camp then had the benefit of toasted garlic bread with caramelized onions and an excellent vegetable soup before we were allowed to witness a breathtaking sunset. Thanks again! On the fourth day we had a long distance through lava fields tend to be ridden down the valley and after a very exciting steep slate path once again landed in the countryside. After we fought through some areas of shrubs, we came out to a small stream next to the little meadow was a well-protected. There, of course we have set up our camp. While I had brought wood for the camp fire, the others have prepared our dinner. Steffi and Max have it quite early retired to their tents while Tina and I have questioned our Pancho about his typical Chilean life - Comments by Steffi from the tent behind us - as Max on the other side of the meadow began to snore already had - However, inclusive. Very funny! The fifth and final day was then finished packing up again, to ride back nurmehr 4 hours and re-organizing everything. Almost from the moment we arrived in Vilches, we were received in the kiosk with a "Casuela" (= "Chile's National Soup") and Pisco. Then we went to the bus station to buy ticket back to Talca in our previous accommodation, where I had stored my computer and my big backpack, because on the ride's only the bare minimum should be with. After several days of showers lick and finally once again long and hot, to pack the two bags with all my belongings, even a quick glass of wine with Tina, Steffi and Max sip, then another even faster NEN Farewell Pisco on Steffi's birthday and I was already picked up the taxi and taken to the bus station. Tina and Steffi, the night still remained in Talca, and then set off again the next day back to Buenos Aires. But my night bus drove from only 22:30 against, where I arrived at Epiphany in the morning in Osorno - thus still further south. Erika me then immediately picked up by the terminal and treated to a nice breakfast at her home. At noon we were invited by friends of hers to an asado, so I mainly speak German after 2 weeks again had to unpack my English. And now I am enjoying the luxury of own room and bathroom in her apartment in the city center for a few days to be allowed to live. After a week in some freezing cold with gloves and the like sleeping in a tent or a bus, I enjoy it now especially!
were Today Erika and I from a few volcanoes in the National Park Puyehue - right on the border with Argentina at the height of Bariloche - on a 6-hour walk ... ... and after a few days here in Osorno I break it further to the south ... .. yes you heard it from me ... .. then again next week with photos. ... with a review of the 6th Month - which I then, just six months away am .. unbelievable!
Until then, yours