Sunday, April 20, 2008

Best Rollerblades For Dirt Roads

bots are at the table

I have now even gone to the depths of the Internet and with people contacted who were heavily involved with the matter online poker and were sometimes made even in those entities. I see myself now in my opinion reaffirms that is manipulated by many sides. The unanimous opinion of these people was that at the table in part to work with virtual players, "so-called" bots ". It works like this: An tables starting from certain limits and tournaments specific buy-ins are at the table not only players at home on your PC, but also bots that are distributed on the server side of the poker business for a given key. As a rule, there sit 2:00 to 4:00 this virtual players. covered with smaller amounts from the fact on that will not respond to chat requests, in tournaments with high buy-in and cash games with higher limits are presenters who are employees of the poker companies are, on, under the name of the robots chat, a moderator uses usually more than 100 robots, using special software that run on chat requests to the moderators, and will respond accordingly so that the real players are tricked at the table that there auch wirklich echte Spieler sitzen würden. Bei negativen Kommentaren und Kritik an den Pokersites, sind diese Moderatoren dazu angehalten, auf Erfolge des jeweiligen Bots zu verweisen ("Ich weiß gar nicht, was Du hast, ich habe hier bereits mehrere Turniere mit hohen Buy-Ins gewonnen") und die Kritik ins Lächerliche zu ziehen, so daß der Kritiker bei den restlichen echten Spielern unglaubwürdig wirkt. Die eigentliche Pokersoftware ist so programmiert, daß überwiegend nur die Bots und somit das Pokerunternehmen gewinnt. Bei einem Turnier mit hohen Buy-Ins, wo z.b. 30 Plätze bezahlt werden, werden zwischen 40-75% der Geldplätze an die Bots ausgeschüttet. Man stelle sich vor, das Buy-In ist 110$, wobei 10$ als Charge incurred. Thus, the company earned when we say 300 players, $ 3,000. So far so good and not schlchte, but the only software for a period of time is made available. So, now a prize money of $ 30,000 is available if 50% of which are to ausgescüttet bots, revenues have increased six-fold from $ 3,000 to $ 18,000, which is even better and also the reason why there is cheated.

I do not know if this is true in all poker sites, so I'll try in the near future to find out who cheats and where or whether it fair for some sites approaching.


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