The end
meines Russland-Jahres liegt jetzt schon einem Monat zurück und ich will euch noch mit ein paar Bildern vom Baikalsee verwöhnen:
Morgen fliegt meine Nachfolgerin los nach Russland und es ist schon ein komisches Gefühl... I will now probably have to devote to his studies and go abroad again to Bavaria, namely: D
I personally am just happy and grateful that I experienced this a year and think that it will not be long until I return to Russia go!
At this point it is probably time to thank my parents for the whole year and always stood behind me and stand and especially Dad, without whom I would now probably no university. I believe that as a year without familar support is not possible, THANK YOU!
That's it! :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Ovidrel 4 Days Ago And Positive Pregnancy Test
bye, Tschejabinsk!
Es ist soweit, der letzte Blogeintrag aus Tscheljabinsk:
Donnerstag morgen werde ich mich endgueltig aus Tscheljabinsk verabschieden und mich auf einen langen Weg ins Herz Sibiriens machen.
Das Altaigebierge und der Baikalsee, bzw. seine Perle Olchon, warten auf uns (Julia aus St. Petersburg und mich). Die Zug-Tickets sind gekauft, die Reise ist geplant und es kann los gehen. Fuer mich bedeutet diese Reise ein grosses Stueck Abenteuer und Nervenkitzel denn so richtig kann man das dann doch alles nicht planen, hier in Russland. Wer weiss ob wir wirklich noch einen Platz im Bus bekommen, der uns nach Olchon bringen soll? Es ist also einiges an Spontanitaet und Kreativitaet gefragt, aber ich Zweifel no doubt we will overcome this final adventure.
last week we are doing here in the Charity with the staff a little farewell party (I even get a gift that was allowed to choose I have-I am a necklace and a bracelet richer: D) and then it says "Goodbye, Chelyabinsk" !
My last few weeks here were really wonderful and intense, a visit from Papa and Anne was wonderful and I also got to see again something of the Urals. Last Monday until yesterday we made our camp on the money I've won the "Youth" helps. We had wonderful weather, we went to wash every morning in the sea there is nothing running water, and then a beautiful squat toilet, you see, I am well prepared for two weeks camping adventure in Siberia.
So, more will and I can not write, I realize not quite the same thing with the "Goodbye, Chelyabinsk.
I'll try for a stopover in Novosibirsk to post pictures online, and to give a sign of life-whether I know works but not yet.
Two numbers you need to do is sometimes clear: Russia
One year (or 11 months, 1 week) and at the end of it I spent about 13 days in the train and 2 days on the bus. 2 weeks pure transport time.
bye, from Chelyabinsk!
Es ist soweit, der letzte Blogeintrag aus Tscheljabinsk:
Donnerstag morgen werde ich mich endgueltig aus Tscheljabinsk verabschieden und mich auf einen langen Weg ins Herz Sibiriens machen.
Das Altaigebierge und der Baikalsee, bzw. seine Perle Olchon, warten auf uns (Julia aus St. Petersburg und mich). Die Zug-Tickets sind gekauft, die Reise ist geplant und es kann los gehen. Fuer mich bedeutet diese Reise ein grosses Stueck Abenteuer und Nervenkitzel denn so richtig kann man das dann doch alles nicht planen, hier in Russland. Wer weiss ob wir wirklich noch einen Platz im Bus bekommen, der uns nach Olchon bringen soll? Es ist also einiges an Spontanitaet und Kreativitaet gefragt, aber ich Zweifel no doubt we will overcome this final adventure.
last week we are doing here in the Charity with the staff a little farewell party (I even get a gift that was allowed to choose I have-I am a necklace and a bracelet richer: D) and then it says "Goodbye, Chelyabinsk" !
My last few weeks here were really wonderful and intense, a visit from Papa and Anne was wonderful and I also got to see again something of the Urals. Last Monday until yesterday we made our camp on the money I've won the "Youth" helps. We had wonderful weather, we went to wash every morning in the sea there is nothing running water, and then a beautiful squat toilet, you see, I am well prepared for two weeks camping adventure in Siberia.
So, more will and I can not write, I realize not quite the same thing with the "Goodbye, Chelyabinsk.
I'll try for a stopover in Novosibirsk to post pictures online, and to give a sign of life-whether I know works but not yet.
Two numbers you need to do is sometimes clear: Russia
One year (or 11 months, 1 week) and at the end of it I spent about 13 days in the train and 2 days on the bus. 2 weeks pure transport time.
bye, from Chelyabinsk!
Friday, July 2, 2010
How To No If Scorpio Man Fancie You
Russia Travel Impressions
Good day dear blog readers, because today
the trip to Russia by me (Anne Marie - Judith's sister) and our dad is finished, I was thinking that I would like to describe my impressions of Russia.
anticipation had already said many times that all impressions absolutely subjective and describe only observations. Also include these observations is not that they are not in Germany - if it should sound as though things were as Russia specifically.
departure / Prepare / Arrival St. Petersburg 20.7.10
Actually, you should expect when you 10 months of his beloved sister has not seen one was excited - but for me nothing was stirring. Maybe it was because I had to do a lot previously and fill my excitement not so could, as was appropriate really. .
Unplanned and spontaneous was packed (as opposed to Papa, the all-planned from back to front) Suddenly we were at the airport, on the plane - since a brief moment of realization, but the next air pocket immediately vanished), then landing - Judith! Judith
Ah - the smile greeted us and the first set was. "Whoa, we are here an hour already. A warm, direct - Judith.
It was Julia who FDAlerin from St. Petersburg.
Get out of the airport - sensory overload. All European
somehow, so normal in my eyes, but somehow not. The details make the difference. Whether it is the currency that tapestries on the bus, the many women with high heels and still safe passage (RESPEKT!), the driving style of most Russians, etc. etc.
By bus we went off to the subway. Metro escalators, the next highlight, so about 2 minutes walk down to the underworld, where crowds of people cavort. The time is used to read on the steps of the Russians, who take these "Tobacco" with great composure and not likely to understand that Dad and I our jaw could not collapse.
slept we have (highly recommended) in the seminary.
The next day we made a somewhat typical Touritour with all the bells and whistles.
St. Petersburg to me is a mixture of Paris and Venice - But in Russian. Orthodox churches are worth a look really and cafes here and there with Russian specialties. Moreover, one can feel in many corners as the political past and the "wannabe control" of the state.
was striking to me the way, now that there is little / no lowered curbs and public transport absolutely not designed for people with disabilities.
Judith has indeed been many times of the lives of people with disabilities or reports of the elderly.
off St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk arrival
After the days in St. Petersburg, it was very important to us at Judith's place meet the charity and the various projects - ie after Chelyabinsk.
Judith was at this time Traderjob still not real
After we scared to death in a taxi (120 kmh in a 30 zone) experienced by the airport to the metallurgy district for me, we arrived at Judith.
But we ran with tunnel vision straight to bed.
Next day - a little tired and with daylight saving problems (poor dad)
we went down into the children's club.
"Judith, Judith, and chop the kids all hung with Judith at the hip.
Good - you could tell, the kids like Judith D
The employees repeated very often thanks Dad, for this great Daughter. Laughing and perhaps a little embarrassed, but proud übersezte Judith for us the praise and acceptance speeches.
When Judith looked in that environment, how open, warm and confident they acted, were those "praise" is not a miracle.
And I mean that I have a great sister is not really a secret, but the pride of my hand, was not! ;)
were each project that Judith showed us, the employees agree.
Even the two fathers could not be dissuaded by the praise: D
Well, but we (me and dad) were also praised - after all, we are not entirely immune from Judith's development! So now with the final
The next day we went on trips to the city in the southern Urals and the Togajaksee (or whatever is called).
The city of Chelyabinsk is characterized by Industrieausdünsten and skyscrapers, but struck the pedestrian zone by Repräsenz and cleanliness. The rest
rather impressed in a different way.
I personally have noticed that he dominate the women the city. They are very active in the public and see all the super tidy. However, the few men you see are either quite young or run down or with ner beer bottle in his hand.
part were not the smells in the Tramwai auszuhalten.
Später Abends und sehr früh morgends bekam man dann aber den wirklichen Aklholkonsum zu Gesicht. Frauen und Männer mit Bierflaschen und anderem Kram. Teils waren auch noch die Kinder dabei.
Ich möchte hier nichts pauschalisieren, wie es oben schon angedeutet habe, aber es war wirklich sehr auffällig. Menschen die schon nicht mehr um Geld bettelten, sondern direkt um Essen gab es leider auch zu genüge.
Eines hat mich aber wirklich sehr erschrocken.
Die Tage, die wir hier verbracht haben, waren allesamt sehr heiß. Als wir an der Tramwaihaltestelle warteten, kam eine Straßenbahn an und ein Kind stieg mit seiner Muter aus. Dieses Kind warf einen gezielten Blick in den Mülleimer. In einer eigentlich leeren Colaflasche war noch ein winziger Rest drin. Aufgeheizt, abgestanden und von Fliegen umschworren. Doch das Kind freute sich, kramte diese Flasche aus dem Mülleimer und lachte aus vollem Herzen.
Die Tatsache, dass das wühlen und suchen in einer Mülltonne nach Essen und Trinken eine Notwendigkeit ist um zu überleben, ist einfach erschreckend.
Ich weiß, dass es in Deutschland auch sehr oft vorkommt, doch meist beschränkt sich die Suche in den Mülleimern dort auf Pfandflaschen o.ä.
Pfandflaschen führt mich gleich zum nächsten Thema. Müll.
Überall Müll. Überall wo man hinkommen kann ist Müll. Egal ob es auf dem Berg im Ural ist, oder auf der Glaubensinsel im Togajaksee.
So my conclusion on this issue is: Canvas bags / baskets are great! Deposit system top! (Also another source of income would lead to people)
The kids club was planning a trip or a small camp in Arkaim a dig somewhere in the desert / in the void: D
But very beautiful I have to say yes again. In particular, I found it very
already with the kids club to go there. 's Received a better impression in Judith's work and learned to know the people better.
slept in the tent was on very thin mattresses (OK for us - not good for actually junggebliebenden Dad:)) five to a tent. The first Night was more or less sleepless, the second was ok, but maybe.
I think the children found it great and were happy to come out from the city.
I must say that I admire the kids. They come partly from very difficult conditions, but they are still all very warm and open. Some more than others - but they had no fear of us. They chattered fully on Russian-which we could watch them with large eyes and shrug their shoulders had. But somehow you came slowly pure understanding. And you could see the children studied any donation, no matter whether German or Russian.
On this trip I was then aware of what the children's club makes doing.
Repekt and thank you that there are people who accept people who are worse off.
Ah ok, I sound like a moral high ground and I have come now to the end, or gibs trouble.
All in all, Russia is an interesting country with an edge - but a beautiful countryside with plenty of potential.
I would be happy if the country is designed so that you eventually know it well behind the Ural continues.
to Judith - I think it is real zicken We used to be a bit like rum, are silly and feel with us as 10
It was always like that. But I think it is a bit more mature and better organized. Perhaps in some situations even quite grown up!
Good day dear blog readers, because today
the trip to Russia by me (Anne Marie - Judith's sister) and our dad is finished, I was thinking that I would like to describe my impressions of Russia.
anticipation had already said many times that all impressions absolutely subjective and describe only observations. Also include these observations is not that they are not in Germany - if it should sound as though things were as Russia specifically.
departure / Prepare / Arrival St. Petersburg 20.7.10
Actually, you should expect when you 10 months of his beloved sister has not seen one was excited - but for me nothing was stirring. Maybe it was because I had to do a lot previously and fill my excitement not so could, as was appropriate really. .
Unplanned and spontaneous was packed (as opposed to Papa, the all-planned from back to front) Suddenly we were at the airport, on the plane - since a brief moment of realization, but the next air pocket immediately vanished), then landing - Judith! Judith
Ah - the smile greeted us and the first set was. "Whoa, we are here an hour already. A warm, direct - Judith.
It was Julia who FDAlerin from St. Petersburg.
Get out of the airport - sensory overload. All European
somehow, so normal in my eyes, but somehow not. The details make the difference. Whether it is the currency that tapestries on the bus, the many women with high heels and still safe passage (RESPEKT!), the driving style of most Russians, etc. etc.
By bus we went off to the subway. Metro escalators, the next highlight, so about 2 minutes walk down to the underworld, where crowds of people cavort. The time is used to read on the steps of the Russians, who take these "Tobacco" with great composure and not likely to understand that Dad and I our jaw could not collapse.
slept we have (highly recommended) in the seminary.
The next day we made a somewhat typical Touritour with all the bells and whistles.
St. Petersburg to me is a mixture of Paris and Venice - But in Russian. Orthodox churches are worth a look really and cafes here and there with Russian specialties. Moreover, one can feel in many corners as the political past and the "wannabe control" of the state.
was striking to me the way, now that there is little / no lowered curbs and public transport absolutely not designed for people with disabilities.
Judith has indeed been many times of the lives of people with disabilities or reports of the elderly.
off St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk arrival
After the days in St. Petersburg, it was very important to us at Judith's place meet the charity and the various projects - ie after Chelyabinsk.
Judith was at this time Traderjob still not real
After we scared to death in a taxi (120 kmh in a 30 zone) experienced by the airport to the metallurgy district for me, we arrived at Judith.
But we ran with tunnel vision straight to bed.
Next day - a little tired and with daylight saving problems (poor dad)
we went down into the children's club.
"Judith, Judith, and chop the kids all hung with Judith at the hip.
Good - you could tell, the kids like Judith D
The employees repeated very often thanks Dad, for this great Daughter. Laughing and perhaps a little embarrassed, but proud übersezte Judith for us the praise and acceptance speeches.
When Judith looked in that environment, how open, warm and confident they acted, were those "praise" is not a miracle.
And I mean that I have a great sister is not really a secret, but the pride of my hand, was not! ;)
were each project that Judith showed us, the employees agree.
Even the two fathers could not be dissuaded by the praise: D
Well, but we (me and dad) were also praised - after all, we are not entirely immune from Judith's development! So now with the final
The next day we went on trips to the city in the southern Urals and the Togajaksee (or whatever is called).
The city of Chelyabinsk is characterized by Industrieausdünsten and skyscrapers, but struck the pedestrian zone by Repräsenz and cleanliness. The rest
rather impressed in a different way.
I personally have noticed that he dominate the women the city. They are very active in the public and see all the super tidy. However, the few men you see are either quite young or run down or with ner beer bottle in his hand.
part were not the smells in the Tramwai auszuhalten.
Später Abends und sehr früh morgends bekam man dann aber den wirklichen Aklholkonsum zu Gesicht. Frauen und Männer mit Bierflaschen und anderem Kram. Teils waren auch noch die Kinder dabei.
Ich möchte hier nichts pauschalisieren, wie es oben schon angedeutet habe, aber es war wirklich sehr auffällig. Menschen die schon nicht mehr um Geld bettelten, sondern direkt um Essen gab es leider auch zu genüge.
Eines hat mich aber wirklich sehr erschrocken.
Die Tage, die wir hier verbracht haben, waren allesamt sehr heiß. Als wir an der Tramwaihaltestelle warteten, kam eine Straßenbahn an und ein Kind stieg mit seiner Muter aus. Dieses Kind warf einen gezielten Blick in den Mülleimer. In einer eigentlich leeren Colaflasche war noch ein winziger Rest drin. Aufgeheizt, abgestanden und von Fliegen umschworren. Doch das Kind freute sich, kramte diese Flasche aus dem Mülleimer und lachte aus vollem Herzen.
Die Tatsache, dass das wühlen und suchen in einer Mülltonne nach Essen und Trinken eine Notwendigkeit ist um zu überleben, ist einfach erschreckend.
Ich weiß, dass es in Deutschland auch sehr oft vorkommt, doch meist beschränkt sich die Suche in den Mülleimern dort auf Pfandflaschen o.ä.
Pfandflaschen führt mich gleich zum nächsten Thema. Müll.
Überall Müll. Überall wo man hinkommen kann ist Müll. Egal ob es auf dem Berg im Ural ist, oder auf der Glaubensinsel im Togajaksee.
So my conclusion on this issue is: Canvas bags / baskets are great! Deposit system top! (Also another source of income would lead to people)
The kids club was planning a trip or a small camp in Arkaim a dig somewhere in the desert / in the void: D
But very beautiful I have to say yes again. In particular, I found it very
already with the kids club to go there. 's Received a better impression in Judith's work and learned to know the people better.
slept in the tent was on very thin mattresses (OK for us - not good for actually junggebliebenden Dad:)) five to a tent. The first Night was more or less sleepless, the second was ok, but maybe.
I think the children found it great and were happy to come out from the city.
I must say that I admire the kids. They come partly from very difficult conditions, but they are still all very warm and open. Some more than others - but they had no fear of us. They chattered fully on Russian-which we could watch them with large eyes and shrug their shoulders had. But somehow you came slowly pure understanding. And you could see the children studied any donation, no matter whether German or Russian.
On this trip I was then aware of what the children's club makes doing.
Repekt and thank you that there are people who accept people who are worse off.
Ah ok, I sound like a moral high ground and I have come now to the end, or gibs trouble.
All in all, Russia is an interesting country with an edge - but a beautiful countryside with plenty of potential.
I would be happy if the country is designed so that you eventually know it well behind the Ural continues.
to Judith - I think it is real zicken We used to be a bit like rum, are silly and feel with us as 10
It was always like that. But I think it is a bit more mature and better organized. Perhaps in some situations even quite grown up!
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