trip to the countryside to learn, and you have the 3rd Months passed ..
Back from my Oktoberfest & Cordoba-trip we went to the English course and the lectures ...! Saturday will be the whole year in the province of Entre Rios "broken up into an approximately 100 km distant place called" Victoria ". From this small town that is is one of my local fellow - who has invited all of us over the weekend in the country house of their (grand) parents. arrived by bus in Victoria, we are the remaining approximately 20 km further down in the car, bis wir dann irgendwo in der "Pampa" noch kilometerweit über Feldwege gefahren sind und letztendlich an dem Haus angekommen sind. Ein riesiges Anwesen mit Pool im Garten....und rundum GAR NIX!!! So haben wir dann gleich mal mit Mate trinken und Kuchen essen gestartet, bis wir zu späterer Stunde zum Alkohol und Fleisch essen (asado = Grill natürlich) übergegangen sind. Vorher hatte es aber noch heftig zu regnen begonnen, und wir hatten dann plötzlich für die ganze Nacht keinen Strom mehr...gut dass es Kerzen gibt!!! Der nächste Tag war dann auch eher ruhig....und gegen Abend sind wir per Bus dann wieder zurück nach Rosario gefahren......und seitdem bin ich eigentlich Tag und Nacht nur über dem Schreibtisch beim Lernen gehockt. Of the holiday, was on Monday (Columbus' discovery of America) I have not noticed too much. Today I finally had a test .... and you are my intermediate examinations also completed and the third Month is already over. Incidentally, to the day, it is now a quarter of that I'm in Argentina ... pretty incredible! And the ideas I will not be even further for another 10 days ..... but it still means to me once by biting .... learn exclusively! And then it's going to be really exciting;) But .... I will report in time;) Here come before the photos of the 3rd Month:
position on specific issues and a decision is for me has always been a big problem. Which T-shirt would you like? Which trip? I'm never sure. In the same way I'm not sure it is the moment that counts or is this what lasts forever? But one thing I can say with good conscience: I love you very much and am happy with you. One thing I can
say with good conscience: I love you very much and am happy with you. One thing I can
say with good conscience: I love you very much and am happy with you.
Yikes, is already back almost 2 weeks since I've last posted something! But it was - again - a lot going on! After the photo safari and all the really typical Argentine food did it for me after almost 3 months away from home again "geblangt" to "my typical" kitchen, so I have to bake pretzels SELF started this and made a Obatzden me (from the supermarket next door!) with my Paulaner Weissbier set satisfied at the kitchen table, the next day's soup was then pretzels! Great! Well, and then had anyway I only have until Friday, 2 to wait for October to Tina came to my lectures in Buenos Aires! Since we have again delivered strong arrived at the pretzels and have been looking forward to a night on the bus! Through this generous supper we were already well attuned to the OKTOBERFEST! have settled - Yes, exactly, the Oktoberfest, it should go .... namely an Oktoberfest in Argentina, in a small village south of Cordoba, where German is particularly large - especially after the war is the River Plate from Montevideo fell. This may be Germans, and now the next generations to try as best as possible evidence of their European ancestry here, and therefore hold every year about 10 days, an Oktoberfest! The Oktoberfest there but it looks quite different, as it is created but then international. The daily dress-train music then dance English flamenco group, Irishman, or a costume group from Palestine through the streets. The best part, however, were the Bavarian and Austrian groups who then turned the Germany flag - instead of a decent Bavarian flag! on the festival site is all laid out more as a show, these groups enter in shows on stage and on the people sit in rows in front and just listen! Therefore, one must also around 3-5 € pay depends on the day ADMISSION to get to the fairground's! The beer are brought out even on the sale of cottages on the edge, and you have to do before even his own beer mug BUY! In the case of beer steins you have great selection, for all have imprints - from Munich, Bavaria, Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol on Hesse, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Saxons etc you get everything! I have one .... of course, bought with "Bavaria" print and on closer look I also noticed that the flag is not even correct - well, but almost! has returned in one of the many taverns, of course we ordered the fried white sausages .... we were then and prefixed with sauerkraut! Long live the prejudices! So the butcher Steer's are better! Mustard is so sold on every corner, but that one would even find sweet mustard - what is this? What was really nice, however, was that every few feet to the street lamps were mounted speakers, from which drowned the whole day folk music - thanks to years of training my mom and I was able to Radio Salzburg surprised myself humming along almost all the tunes! my home so I can probably not deny that! When it was evening so slowly, we're back to the hotel (called TIROL!) and we have for the "Oktoberfest" dressed up. Have shot more quickly with my oversized, brought Bayern flag and the hotel sign a photo and we went off in the Saturday night! was So many German it but then there is not .... and yet it happened not infrequently that passersby take photos with me in my Dirndl wanted ..... so I had an eternity to my first beer wait ..! At least we have * spent the German national holiday in Argentina to some extent German * g! The next day we made into a pedestrian village "Cumbrecita" a trip, are moved to a chapel and a waterfall were on the high ropes und haben "tirolesa" gemacht und Sonntag abend gings wieder auf´s Oktoberfest - nachdem Tina und ich als Bayern vor Ort ein Interview für die lokale Zeitung gegeben haben *g*. Den letzten Montag haben wir sehr spannend verbracht - an einem Staudamm - was uns die Tourismusinformation von Villa General Belgrano als Sehenswürdigkeit angepriesen hat. Zumindest konnte ich dort wieder "tirolesa" machen! Dienstag Früh verließen Tina und ich letztendlich diese pseudo-deutsche Insel (obwohl zugegebenermaßen fast jeder dort deutsch sprach) in Richtung Cordoba, wo wir im Hostel dann auch Jule getroffen haben - also die andere deutsche Studentin in Rosario! The day we spent sightseeing around the city and are still a few cocktails and a GERMAN gone Döner! Wednesday we went south in a town called Alta Gracia - who was born in Rosario, where Che Guevara spent his childhood and youth. In addition to his birthplace, now a museum, but we have also visited the UNESCO associated Jesuit Estancia. After these 5 exciting days we have thus again then spent a night in the bus and Jules and I arrived early Thursday in Rosario Tina during a few hours to Buenos Aires had to drive on. A couple of videos and photos are inserted before the rest of the selection .... then follows the next day!